
Caleb groaned, waking up. He looked at Avery, smiling , sliding his fingers through her hair to move it from her face. God she was so fucking perfect. God how he wished he hadn’t screwed it up all those years ago. He would’ve asked her to marry him then. But fate wasn’t in his hands and Noah had to just go and drop that fucking bomb. After that he knew she hated him with everything she had. Why did he have to fuck up so badly? He’d trusted Matt, that's why he never got to know the full story until Noah had found him and Avery and unleashed the ugly truth.

It sickened him but what could he do the damage had been done and she threw him out of her life along with Noah . Though Noah had kept in contact with her she’d chosen not to rekindle their relationship. Before he knew it it was six years later and she had fallen for his best friend Marcus.

He was a good guy but all came to heads when Noah returned and screwed that up for her, she thought it would be Matt but he had moved on from his obsession towards his sister and found his one and only true love Shawna Winters.

He smiled looking at her god he’d missed her so much over the years though she had been by his side for the last two years and bridges had been built between the pair he still has a pang in his heart something was missing and that something was her love. She was the someone missing in his life; he just hoped Marcus would forgive him for what he was about to do.

‘I love you Avery and I’ll do anything to make you mine once again.’ He leaned forward pressing his lips softly on her forehead, kissing it. No one is going to get in my way. Marcus, Noah you can look up and look out she’s mine she’s stole my heart and she will never return to either of you now I have her I intend to make her happy and neither if you are getting in my way ever! I’ll make sure of it. I’ll be the one walking down that isle with her and she’ll be saying I do to me. Not you, neither of you so get used to it she’s mine and only mine!