40: Alternate Dimensions

Five minutes later sees Leilyn banishing the empty tub of ice cream and spoon. It adds to her tiredness, and she internally face palms when she remembers that she’s already exhausted to begin with. She hears the rustling of clothes and turns her head. She meets Samael face to face. She blinks, cocking a questioning brow at him. She blinks again before her head tilts down as she feels a hand settling on her stomach. She blinks again, before getting the gist of what’s happening.

“I apologize for forgetting to aid you and our child with my Essence.” Samael says with a cool voice, his tone flat. Leilyn looks up at him and he has his emotionless mask on. “A Reaper in Universe 9890045 made a grave mistake in one of that Universe’s Alternative Dimension. I had to deal with a desk full of paper work due to its untimely demise.”

“It’s okay.” Leilyn waves him off. “As the Angel of Death, things won’t be easy for you.”