After an hour of taxi ride, both me and Harrison reached the place. Both walked into a deep forest. First, I was a bit scared since there's no sign of humans living here. Getting the point, Harrison gestured his hand to join him with his sparkling eyes assuring no need to fear. We walked in the middle of the forest where there is a small wooden house. Both entered the house without even knocking. But I guess, Harrison maybe knows this person very well so that's why he didn't knock. The house was not much arranged or cleaned. There were cupboards filled with huge books and also some glass bottles filled with different colored liquids.

"Nina, you there?" Harrison asked loudly.

"Why did you bring a sorceress? She's so powerful" An old female voice could be heard.

"She's not harming you. She needs your help" Harrison replied a bit loudly.

"No, Go away" again the voice only retorted. Guessing I should talk to her since I'm the one who needs her help I began.

"Nina, I'm Eleanor, actually I need your help. Please help me because, I don't know anyone else here who can help me, please" I begged. But making me sad, there was neither sign, nor sound. Harrison just took my hand and shook his head like it's not working, giving an apologetic face.

"Alright!!!!!" I sadly sighed before both of us turned to the door. I was really upset. I came this far to find out what's happening to me. But I'm leaving with nothing. Why is everything not happening as I wish?

"Wait!!!!!" As both of us heard the same voice, we turned around. She was a white haired, short old lady having wrinkles on her face. "I will help"

With the joyful smile plastered on my face, I went toward her before settling in with her on the couch where she gestured me to. I explained everything I have dreamt. The death and memories of Zane and all. She gently took my hand on hers and closed her eyes before telling me to do the same. As per Nina's instructions I opened my eyes since I felt nothing happened to me. But it wasn't true. Then only everything began. When I opened my eyes, I felt something is showing me like in theatre. There were Zane and me. It was a wedding. Then I saw both of us going to a home and spending time together. But suddenly the gunshot. Then my fear began to run all over my body. I felt I was shivering and sweating not knowing how to get hell out of here. I closed my eyes tightly before opening them again.

The next thing I felt was, I'm already laying where I was sitting with Nina before. I sat up slowly keeping my hand on my head, because of slight pain I felt inside of my head. Harrison's face gave a horrified look. My breathing was faster than normal. What just happened to me?

"Listen, Eleanor you're the reincarnation of Eleazar. It's true even the fact that you don't like to accept. This is the first time I see a reincarnation from my own eyes. This time, you should do whatever you couldn't change in your previous life. You have to destroy the evil you couldn't do. Zane was the love of your life and no doubts." Nina continued "And your dreams are all the memories of your previous life. Some dreams are for the future. But, until now you have seen only your previous life."

Zane was the love of your life. What does that supposed to mean? Isn't he now?

"Is she okay now?" Harrison asked "I mean will the person who killed her be a threat to her life?"

"Probably, you have to find the evil and destroy it. That's your destiny" Nina finished and gave me a small glass bottle filled with green liquid. "If you see the nightmares too much which you cannot handle, have two drops before sleep" I took it bowing her with respect and put it into my bag.

"Thank you very much Nina" I smiled "I will never forget this"

She smiled back giving a kiss on my hand. Both of us thanked her again and went out to reach home.

"What happened to you?" Harrison asked while we were riding home by a taxi. I shrugged my shoulders like I didn't know anything.

"Your eyes were blue and glowing. Then they were closed. Suddenly you fainted giving me blood shock. I was afraid if something happened to you how could I explain Zane and Ethan, they will kill me" Harrison explained continuously not thinking that he should halt a little at least to breathe. I felt how shocked he was from his tone.

"I saw a story.... Story of my life" I stated before looking out from the window and enjoying the outside.

After an hour ride with a complete silence, we went to a cafeteria to have lunch since we couldn't have. It was already 2 in the afternoon. We talked a lot about many things in our life. Then Harrison took me to the palace, he told me Zane will be happy to see me. Once both of us entered Zane's room, his friends were there too and they stopped talking when they saw us. But Zane's expressions were cold, angry and emotionless. I couldn't understand why.

"Where did you go?" Zane demanded from the other side of the room

"To buy a gift for my sister" Harrison replied quickly.

"So, Ellie has told Ethan that both of you went to buy a gift for your mum" Zane snapped. Both me and Harrison looked at each other what to tell. Ned knew the reason and also knows that Zane was angry at the moment.

"Zane, come on, what happened to you?" Ned asked "She's already frightened. Don't act like this"

"I want to know why she's hiding things from me" Zane ranted to Ned and looked at me again

"Okay, so what right do you have to check where am I going and what I am doing?" This time I'm angry. I know I love him, but we aren't officially dating and I have all rights to keep my privacy.

"Ellie, stop... he's angry" Harrison whispered and I looked at him to say 'I don't care'. But no time to reply suddenly a huge wolf came in front of me regretting what I have just said. I was shocked. Harrison pushed me behind him. "Zane, stop... Nothing is going between us as you think" Harrison reported covering me.

Luke stood up "Ellie, Run" I looked at all of them with a question mark. "I said go... run dude"

I quickly opened the door as the werewolf jumped to hunt me. Harrison and Luke stop it. I ran fast out of the palace without knowing where to go. After running for a few minutes, I stopped at the lake. My legs were already beginning to ache. Oh my God!! I have never run this fast. I just stopped as I realized that I missed Zane and tried to catch my breath while making myself calm. But the peace of my mind did not stay for a while. Suddenly I saw three men walking to my side. The man in the middle was familiar to me. When they came nearer and nearer, I saw that it was the one who shot me, knowing that the game of playing which is not accepting I'm Eleazar will not help anymore, since no one can run away from the truth. Their eyes met my figure. I saw the confused look of the murderer as the same as the other two people. I only focused on that man rather than the other two beside him. I went backed away two or three steps until I was hit on someone. No, I don't think I'm trapped. I looked behind and it was Zane. I didn't want to say anything. I went behind and covered myself from him. Three men came to us.

"Prince Zane" I heard one man tell and all bowed their heads. Zane smiled and walked away from them, holding my hand. But for a moment I just turned back to look at those men and the so-called murderer did the same. I held Zane's hand tightly and continued to walk with him. Once both of us came far from them, I stopped. Zane did the same.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. I know I'm the one who made him angry and hid the whole nightmare story.

"Please tell even now Ellie" Zane inquired. "What's happening between you and Harrison? Are you fucking cheating me?"

Why am I cheating him? But I'm scared too much now after seeing that man and also the Zane's werewolf version. This is like a nightmare.

"Zane, I'm scared" It came from my mouth. "I---- I went with Harrison to meet Nina to know about my dreams. They are bothering me too much in my sleep" Tears fell down from my eyes, I don't know why the hell I'm crying now. I kept my eye contact with my shoes because I'm not confident to look at him straightly. I'm scared, confused and fed up with things going on here. Zane said nothing before approaching me. He cupped my face gently with his hands.

"I'm really sorry darling, I didn't want to hurt you. You could tell me." He stated in a sad tone "I was angry and couldn't control it. Please don't cry." He pulled me into his arms and embraced me tightly which made me feel comfortable.

"I need you Eleanor" Zane stated, making me look at him with a surprised face. "I love you"

I never expected him to confess this quickly but, I was happy since, I have the same feeling towards him.

"I love you too," I said smiling.

I do really love him and I know that this is the soon end of my life. Without letting me think more, He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips against mine. It was passionate and both of us didn't want to break it. As our lips parted to catch the air, he just kept his forehead on mine.

"You okay?" He asked reading my fearful eyes.

After sighing deeply, I said what is in my mind.

"Zane, he is the one who killed me"

"Who?" He widened eyes , still wrapping his arms around me.

"The middle of those three, look a little bit older" I reported.

"Why couldn't you just tell---- Damn, okay.... I won't let anything happen to you darling" He assured planted me a kiss on my forehead "Trust me"

I nodded. I know now the killer knows me I'm there and will try to kill me again. Also, Zane was angry too much to kill him.