"Hey, aren't they coming today? " one girl asked.

I was sitting at my usual behind window seat with a book enjoying my own company.

"I think if they are coming, they should be here now" Another one replied.

"I think Zane is dating" One girl reported making me jump. I remained silent hoping that no one knows it's me. If they know, will they hate me or bully me? Because, these girls are crazy about Zane and his friends.

"What?!!!!" two or three girls gasped in unison.

"Yes, I saw him with a girl but I cannot remember her face. I didn't see her so nearly"

"That means we have a new investigation. Who is Zane's girlfriend?" A girl added. Typical girls!!! I don't know what on earth they will get after revealing Zane's girlfriend is me.

I felt someone was staring behind me even though I didn't look. First I thought it was just my mind. But now I feel it's not and it makes me so annoyed. So I turned around. Patrick was there sitting behind holding a book, but I caught him staring at me.

"Heyy" I greeted very happily. He didn't talk with me after that incident. I miss him and I want to know what the hell had happened to him to talk to me like that.

"Hello," He replied, ignoring me and didn't even look at me. Why does he act so rude? I have never seen him like this.

"What has got into you man?? Are you angry with me?" I asked since I have no idea the reason behind him acting like this.

"Nothing, why?"

"Just" I knew he would say nothing and stay big headed. "Rude"

With that I was going to turn front.

"I'm gonna leave here" He stated, stopping me from turning around. I looked at him in utter shock.

"What?? Why?" I asked. "Please, don't do it Pat, I will be alone" I really felt so sad since my only best friend is gonna leave, he is going to leave me. No, cannot be, I cannot let him do that.

"I don't like it here," he said. I looked at him for a moment since I don't know why he said that. He was doing good in the beginning as far as I can remember. Now what? Finally, he broke the silence. "Where is Zane?"

"I don't know, he didn't say that whether he's coming or not" I shrugged my shoulders.

Then the teacher came into the class interrupting the noise of everyone. Since Zane wasn't there, I told Patrick to come and sit with me. I thought he would refuse, but didn't. He settled in next to me silently. He didn't talk much as usual making me feel the distance between us is bigger.

The day went well, but I was a little bit upset not seeing his cute smile throughout the day. Zane!!!!

"Can we go out for a while??" Patrick asked when we were at the gate, after the school.

"Yeah, sure"

He led me to a park where everyone is walking around and kids are playing. We were walking silently along the path there and he stopped when he noticed there were not many people. He turned to me.

"Actually, I wanted to say GoodBye," He stated which made my heart melt. I felt my eyes are filling with tears so I keep looking at the ground. I knew that I cannot survive alone here. I knew how much stupid things I did at my world and how he did save me and take away from all the bad things. I wanted him to be with me always. He took my hand and started to talk.

"Hey here look at me dude" I look at him with tearing eyes. "Don't cry, I will try to visit ya often"

"Why do you want to leave?" I asked. "What will happen to us? Our friendship? Where should I go if I get cheated again or feel bad? With whom I can share happiness and sorrow Patrick?" I couldn't hold my tears more. They started rolling down on my face. Instantly, I hugged him tightly and started to sob. I couldn't control my feelings. I couldn't bear the pain of his departure. He also wrapped his arms around me patting me back consolingly and gave me a kiss on my head.

"Listen Elie, you know, I will never be able to find a person like you and I know you will not give my place to anyone, no-one can replace your place in my life. So now stop crying and say happy goodbye please" He said pulling me away from me and wiping my tears off with his thumbs. I nodded and looked at his eyes one last time. We were friends who fought all the time, mocking each other and making piss each other to have fun. Both of us never had this type of serious conversation as far as I know. I have never thought one day he would leave me like this.

He turned to walk off. But he stopped, turning around and pecking my lips which was so unexpected. I widened my eyes looking at him still. I couldn't process what the hell he did. Does he have feelings for me more than friendship?? Can't be. But....

"Have a nice life with Zane!! You deserve it and you aren't mine anymore" He sighed heavily before walking off making me speechless. I just touched my lips with my fingers, still hard to believe, what just happened. I don't know how to respond to this or what. My head felt like spinning. I gazed at him until he disappeared from the sight and turned back to get home.

But suddenly someone punched my face as I was turning around and I fell to the ground off-guard. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth which was surely a blood. Before I could look up, another shot got onto my head making me spin for a second before falling again to the ground unconsciously.