"I hope the meals are good" Arthur stated while I was having the breakfast before leaving to school. He had taken a seat opposite to me.

"Yeah, good. Who made this?" I asked since it was delicious. Who ever cooked this should get an award yeah?

"Jackson, he's very good in cooking" I choked unintentionally when I heard that, since I never expected him to cook. I started to cough continuously while it was hard to catch my breath.

"Holy shit!!!" But before Arthur approaching someone started to patted my back to make it easier. The coughing did fade away little and Arthur handed me the glass of water.

"Are you okay?" The one who patted me sat next me. It was Jacob. Shit!!!! I hate this person.

"Thank you" I muttered.

"Hey here, can't we be friends, you always reflect your anger to me for no reason you know" He raised his brow.

No reason!!! You say no reason?

Before she dies can't I do anything to her!!!