Me and Arthur entered the house. I was little bit embarrassed to see their faces with the way I acted this morning. But my heart said, just apologize. Should I? I felt bit uncomfortable but I should do it. I did something wrong.

"Thank God, where have you been?" Lucy hugged me tightly. "We were worry about ya"

Now the guilty inside me started to rise. After the things happened in the morning, they still treat me better.

"However I caught her" Arthur replied for me while I was still remaining silent.

"You weren't there in the school?" Declan remarked.

"Yeahh, I just wanted to be alone" I sighed and approached them. They were there on a sofa. Jacob, Jackson and Declan. Lucy sat next to Jacob.

"Tell what you wanted to tell" Arthur whispered to my ear.

I took a deep breath and began.