Chapter 90

I pace a hole in Freddy's office carpet.

"They said at 5! It's 5:04!" I yell into the eerily quiet room.

Some kid offered himself up to the slaughter at The Pit last night. He came with a message from Roller.

"He says to expect a call to the house at 5 tomorrow."

Were the kid's last words. He couldn't have been older than eighteen but he seemed so prepared to die for the cause and so Knives fulfilled his wish by slicing his throat open.

"He will call, Leo." Lan speaks from behind the desk.

"How are you so sure this isn't a game?" Knives quips, equally as frantic as I am.

I haven't slept or thought about anything else in this last day. We got the footage from my apartment building. Some big fuck banged up security before heading to my floor.

How he knew exactly what floor to go to I don't know. Looks like these assholes have been watching us this whole time.