"*yawn* hmm.. its morning already? that anime was long as hell, but it was at least good but.. *growl* ow so were hungry are we now, maybe he already prepared breakfast" 

As he was tiptoeing towards the dinning area.

"Food is almost ready so you can take a seat" a voice called him out.

"hehehe, Ohayo~ Nii-san, I really can't surprise you can I?" he said before sitting down. 

"What do you expect were twins aren't we? and Nii-san? I'm only seconds older than you. Anyway were you up all night watching anime, Rei?" he asked.

"I guess so hehe" Rei replied.

"So what was the anime that you were watching this time?" he asked again.

"hmm.. lets see it was a post apocalyptic one I guess" Rei replied while scrolling on his phone.

"Ow really, then?"

 "Hmm.. well at first it was a normal anime about a general who wanted to save the world from demons or that's what they call it, then as the story progressed it just got more difficult to understand like the series of events doesn't really match each other well I got hooked up with the quality so the plot didn't really matter HAHAHA, anyway around the last three episodes it explained that humans used some kind of stone that powered them up and helped them big time in the war, but at the last episode a new character was displayed I guess he's some kind of last boss or something but that character was some kind of God as he had the ability to turn back time and do everything that he pleases, on my honest opinion that show was trash as hell if it wasn't for the high quality I would've dropped that shit HAHAHAHA!!!" Rei explained.

"Seems interesting what was the title? I'd like to watch it" Ken asked.

 "Oh sure it was 'Entity Zero'... I think or was it just 'zero' it was something like that" Rei replied. 

"Rei no such anime exists..." Ken replied after browsing his phone.

"HUH? what are you saying? I watched it with my two eyes!" Rei said in a confused tone.

"Wait someone actually sent me the link to it I'll send it to you" Rei then opened his messages only to find his inbox empty, he also searched it up but he didn't find it. 

"What the hell?" Rei said, "It was just here a few hours ago where could it have gone" Rei continued.

 "Maybe because it was trash, so someone took it down" Ken calmly said before placing their breakfast, "anyway let's just eat" he said before sitting down on his chair.   

"I wish I could cook meals this delicious like you Ken Nii-san" Rei said mocking his brother.

  "Wish my ass, you could cook meals better than me if you start doing it instead of locking yourself up in your room" Ken replied in a pissed tone.

 "I already have you to do it so why bother" Rei said to his brother while smirking.  

 "Whats with the smile asshole? you think I'll be staying with you forever?" Ken asked him.

 "Well you never had another girlfriend ever since Claire dumped you, HAHAHA" Rei replied in a provoking manner.

 "Tch.. you really know how to get on my nerves do you?" Ken said with a annoyed face.

 "Don't worry Nii-san I'll always eat the food you make" Rei then gave a smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Anyway nii-san there's this new game that was released yesterday and a new novel from the author 'A' so-" before Rei could finish his sentence Ken suddenly spoke to cut him off.

 "I won't buy you anything even if you gave me money, go buy it yourself" Ken then stood up and brought his plate to the sink.

 "Come on Nii-san!! you know I can't go out because my heart can't leave this house!!" Rei said trying to persuade his brother but it had no effect.

 "what a dumb reason *sigh* you should go out once and a while summer is about to end and not once did you step out of this house" Ken nagged, but Rei just pouted at him.

 "*sigh* I guess there's no persuading you Ken Nii-san" Rei gave up on his brother.

"Anyway I'll won't be home til late tonight the manager at my part-time job asked me if I could cover for co-worker because he was sick, so if your hungry you could just go to my work or cook for yourself you sloth" explained before going to the shower.

 "I'm not a sloth, i'm just lazy, wait isn't that the same?" Rei asked himself before placing is plate at the sink and going back to his room.

An hour has passed after they finished their breakfast.

Ken suddenly knocked at Rei's room "Rei I'm going to work bye!, and I won't buy you anything remember that" Ken said before going out, "Sheesh... when wilul that idiot start going outside again" Ken said to himself before closing the door of their house. 

"I have to go out? but that's scary Nii-san, someone might try to steal my money what will I do hu hu hu" Rei spoke to himself before booting up his computer to watch anime.

As he was enjoying his time watching something suddenly hit the glass door of his room.

 "W-what was that?!?!" Rei nervously said as his legs began shaking. 

There was a curtain in front of his glass door which prevents light from enter his room and because of that he became more scared "n-no one is there i-if I o-open it r-right?" Rei said as he slowly walked towards the door.

"H-hello?" he asked as he stood in front of the curtains but he did not receive a response, he then slowly slid the curtains finally letting light enter his room but to his surprise no one was there, what he saw was a piece of paper tied to a rock that was at the floor of his balcony.

"huh, what is this?" He said before sliding the glass door to open, as he was about to pick it up he felt a stabbing glare that came from somewhere. 

He then proceeded to opened the paper, his face suddenly turned pale and cold sweat started to release from his body as the words that he read was "I'm watching you." 

Rei never felt such fear in his life that his immediate action was to go back inside, lock the door and sit in the corner of his room as his whole body kept trembling in fear.

After a few minutes of sitting he finally calmed down a  bit and stood up but he felt dizzy which lead to him sleep at his bed. As he slept he started to dream about images of dark beings that he knew nothing about, he then heard a sudden loud noise which awoken him. He opened his eyes and tried to sit down but he was in a state that he could not move a limb.

As he desperately tried to move and speak the door from his balcony slowly slid open revealing a quite tall black figure which had long hair and golden eyes, it slowly walked towards him and grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him he tried to scream for help but no word came out of his mouth, the room suddenly lit up slowly revealing his brother shaking him trying to wake him up.

"Rei! Rei! Rei!" the voice of his brother started to get into his ear and his was able to move again, the first thing he did was sit up and stare at his brothers eyes.

"Rei are you alright?" Ken worriedly asked him.

It took a while before Rei gave his response "I-I'm fine" he said.

"I thought you were coming home late nii-san?" Rei asked his brother who just got home from his part-time job.

"Early? its already 12 midnight Rei, how long were you asleep?" Ken uttered in confusion. 

"Huh? was I a sleep for half a day?" Rei stared at his hands confused on what was happening to him. 

"You were what? I got home late and heard you screaming, I thought that you were just watching a show but when I opened the door you were laying down in bed screaming and shaking yourself I got scared and tried to wake you up and luckily you woke up" Ken explained what has happened.

 "So it was a dream?but it felt so real" Rei uttered to himself.

"Anyway I can see that your fine now I need to get some rest in my room, I brought food and placed it in the refrigerator you can just eat it up if you want to. Goodnight" Ken walked out of the room and slowly closed the door while staring at his brother who was so bewildered to what he experienced.

"That was just a dream? but the doo-" Rei took a glance at his door to see a small portion of the curtain get blown by the wind, he stood up and calmly walked towards the door as he slid the curtain he saw a that the door was opened a bit which made him curious so he stepped out of his room and towards the balcony only to see a night sky where there was no moon but had small lights that lit up the night, as he turned around and was about to enter his room again he saw a message written in a piece of paper attached on his glass door,"See you at school"  the message said, Rei laughed nervously as he entered his room he locked glass door and walked out of the room and went towards their kitchen.

"So what food did nii-san bought me" Rei said to himself before opening the refrigerator door he was surprised as he saw two boxes of pizza and a pasta his eyes sparkle as he took out and heated it before sitting down on their sofa and opening their Television.

"Oishii!! Nii-san really knows the food I love hehe" He then began eating before choosing a show to watch, but before he could choose his eyes suddenly felt weak and started to close on its own, he ended up sleeping before starting anything at all. 

The next morning Rei was awaken by a smell that is very familiar, a rather delicious familiar scent, he stood up and at the corner of his eyes he saw it, he slowly walked towards it without making a sound and was about to grab it when... 

*Slap* "What do you think your doing Rei?" it was Ken who slapped his hand with a rolled newspaper.

"Ohayo Nii-san" he said with a grin on his face.

"Wash your hands before eating idiot" Ken said before sitting down.

"Anone Nii-san can I ask a favor?" Rei asked while washing his hands.

"What is it?, if you want me to buy it I wont do it buy it yourself" Ken declared.

 "Well I am going to buy it, but can you come with me?" Rei hesitantly asked.

"Wait your actually going out for the first time after 3 years? this is such a great achievement Rei after you buy it were gonna eat at a restaurant! this is such a good news!" Ken happily said before filling his mouth with the food he cooked.

"Thanks a lot nii-san" Rei said before sitting down and eating.

 "I really don't need him to come with me but after what happened yesterday I can't stay out alone that person might attack me or do something to me at anytime" Rei thought to himself. 

"So whats with the distressed face Rei?" Ken asked, unknown to Rei his brother was worried on what happened last night.

"Huh? what do you mean?" Rei replied.

"Well since i'm your twin I sense that something is bothering you" Ken made an excuse.

"Nothing really gets past you right? hahaha" Rei gave a nervous laugh.

"So what is it?" Ken asked once more.

It took a while before Rei could respond, he then began explaining to his bother on what he had experience. 

"I see, I see so what's your plan of action?" Ken calmly said but his fist were already clenched under the table.

"I need you to follow me later when I go out I'm sure it'll show up again and when he does I want you to grab him from behind so we could know who it is" Rei said the plan that he just though right at that moment.

"That's the plan then?" Ken said before standing up "We'll go out when the sun sets for now calm yourself down okay?" Ken comforted his brother as he knew that his brother is weak in terms of courage "I'll do anything in my power to protect you alright!" Ken declared before going to the showers.

As he was sitting in their bathtub he was already imaging himself beating the crap out of who ever was scaring his brother like that.

"That person will pay for what he did to my brother" He said before getting out of the tub.

While Ken was taking a bath Rei sat on their sofa and started to play games and was focused to the max that he didn't see his brother get out of the bath or that his brother asked him to take a bath.

The sun has already set but Rei was still focused on playing his game that he didn't notice the time.

*Bang* A hard object suddenly hit Rei in the head.

"OI that hurts asshole!!" Rei started to scratch his head as he turned around he saw his brother with a pissed face holding a stick made out of cardboard.

"You idiot its already night the store closes in two hours!" Ken said before hitting his brother again.

"Is it?" Rei said before looking at the clock when he saw the time his eyes widened "Oh Shit!!!" he screamed before saving his game and taking a bath about thirty minutes later he was all prepared to go out he was wearing a gray hoodie and a black sweatpants while his brother was wearing a white and black double-sleeved t-shirt an some sweatpants.

As they set off to the store they could sense a presence following them from behind it had a stabbing glare that made Rei's legs weak that slowed him down he was alone while his brother was following the person behind Rei as they reached the last lamp post of the street a hand grabbed the sleeve of Rei's hoodie he then shivered in fear as he turned around only too see.

"Wait? your a?..."

[Chapter End]