(Ken's pov)

"Rei and I are twins but we don't exactly look alike and our attitude differs a lot he, he never goes outside, loves watching non-sense always plays games and does nothing at all. Between siblings he's actually a lazy bum but I can't blame him. Around our 5th birthday was the same day our parents disappeared but for some reason no them remembers them like they never existed, our neighbors didn't even care about us and simply treated us like air so we had to live on our own, along with this Rei locked himself in his room. A week after their disappearance a shady woman appeared saying she would take care of us but years have passed she never once  did she return to our house I guess what she meant was taking care of other things like school, money, bills and food. Well, both Rei and I had fun in middle school until we hit high school, everyone says that high school was supposed to be the best years of your student life but I guess that didn't work out for Rei, after a month of school he suddenly  decided dropped out, the only reason I could think of was because he was always lonely in class cause he gave of a gloomy aura that no one dared to even move close to him, well honestly I can't say I was different, but I was eager to learn so friends became unnecessary to me. But whenever I asked why he dropped out he would just put his hand on my shoulder with a smile and say 'don't worry about it'. I guess he's fine now,I shouldn't worry too much about him now time to get out of the bath."

(3rd person pov)

"Rei your turn to take a bath now" Ken said to rei.

Rei nodded not actually understanding what his brother said. Ken went to his room to change in his clothes.

   "We live in a two story house but why am I living in a cramped small room at the ground floor while my idiot of  a brother has a whole floor, Argh!"  

 Ken thought as he once again saw how small his room was compared to what Rei has.

About 4 years ago before the start of their first year in high school.

"Ken Lets play a game!!"

"Huh? what game?"

"Hmm we have many games at our console how about your favorite?"

"You think you can beat in the game I always play are you an idiot or something?"

"Come on Ken one game and lets have a bet so take it seriously hehe"

"Alright What's the bet?"

"Hmm how about the whole top floor?"

"Huh? I don't get it??"

"Well who every wins  gets the whole second floor of the house simple right" 

"Heee!! HAHAHAHA your on were playing my favorite game, the winner gets the whole second floor!" Ken said looking down on his twin.

Unknown to Ken, Rei was actually playing his favorite game every night learning everything from character moves and the environment of the game.

"GAME OVER" the game announced

"Huh? how the hell did you win?"

"Cause I'm a genius he he he"

"Wait one more game!"

"Okay since the bet is pretty big we can do this first person to win 10 games wins okay?"

"Your on!" Ken said with his face full of confidence.

 10 games later.

"YOU LOSE" the game once again announced.

"why the hell do I keep on losing?? Rei tell me! are you cheating?? your cheating right??" Ken was so confused on how his brother kept on winning.

"why would I even bother cheat?" Rei replied with a smug face, devilishly laughing inside to his brothers loss.

"How did this happen!!!!" Ken yelled to the top of his lungs.

"don't worry Ken I'll make use of the second floor he he he" Rei tapped Ken's shoulder before leaving him, "If learning the secrets of the game is cheating well I guess I did" Rei added before winking to his brother and going to his room.

"learning? I only saw him play once did he actually learn the whole game in one sitting?" Ken said before making their dinner.


"That idiot to realize that he was playing that game every night back then just to beat me and take the second floor and the fact that he didn't even use the two other rooms!! That idiot really gets in my nerves." Ken spoke to himself while changing.

Ken then went out to check if Rei took a bath, but was surprised to see his brother still playing games which pissed him off, he went back to his room and took a cardboard stick and hit Rei really hard.

"OI! that hurts  asshole!!" Rei screamed.

"You idiot its already night! the store closes in two hours!!" Ken yelled to his brother.

"OH SHIITTT!!!" Rei screamed once more before rushing to take a bath.

Thirty minutes later they finally got out and went to the store but before they could someone started following Rei the person was small that her head was only at Rei's chest.

"That person can't be the one who scared Rei she's to small to go to the balcony" Ken said to himself while laughing insinde.

"Wait? your a dwarf??" Rei suddenly said.

"Dwarf?" the person said before moving her hand and holding Rei's hand.

"OI! OI! OI! what the hell are you doing???" Rei said as his legs suddenly felt weak which made him sit on the ground.

Rei looked around to look for his brother but didn't see any trace of him.

"Nii-san you said you'd protect me no matter what!! Tasukete Nii-san! Tasukete!!"  Rei thought to himself.

"PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!" The person said with a loud girly voice.

"huh?" Rei was so confused that he wasn't able to answer and just stared at the person as the light slowly hit her face.

"Red eyes? black hair? who is this beautiful girl? why is she asking me out? I don't even know her? huh?? what the hell is happening right now?" Rei thought to himself once more.

"Do you think someone would go out with you? if you scared them like that?" Ken said while pointing a flash light at the girl.

"Uh!! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you! what do I do? what do I do? wahh?!?!?" She then started panicking like a child.

"Hey! Hey calm down now okay?" Rei said, "We're going  to a restaurant would you like to come?" He said as he stood up and looked at her with a smile.

"B--but I scared you" she said while looking at her hand that was holding Rei's hand.

"Ah before that can you please let go of my hand?" Rei calmly said.

"Ah right! sorry!" she apologized and took a step back.

"huh" Rei was once again confused towards the girls action.

She then slowly took off the hood of her hoodie which slowly showed her face " I almost forgot this, My name is Ashley F-"

"Right you can save that later Rei the store is closing in less than a hour were taking too much time here" Ken said with a cold face.

"Nii-san!! I was so scared huhuhu" Rei suddenly clung to his brother like a lost child as was about to cry.

*smack* Ken once again hit Rei in the head because he was clinging too much.

"Ouch!! That hurts Nii-san!" Rei said while holding his head.

"we have to go now!" Ken calmly said before walking to the store they were supposed to go.

At the game center.

"uhm.. why are we at a game store Kenzou?" Ashley asked as Rei started to look for games.

"huh? oh your still here? Rei wants to buy a game, we'll go to the restaurant later once he finished" Ken then went out of the store. 

Ashley followed him, "Why did he drop out?" Ashley asked.

"No Idea that idiot does what pleases him" 

"So did you finally think of an idea on how to make him go back to school?"

"So your a stalker?"

"Hmm not really, he's just very interesting, don't you think so?"

"Interesting how?"

"Well when I held his sleeves earlier his legs started to shake but when he turned around he became calm then when I moved my hand to his hand he once again became scared that his legs became really weak, then eh asked me to join you like we were already close, then all of a sudden he comes clinging to you like a child, don't you think he's pretty interesting?"

"As I said that idiot does what he wants" "quit bothering me already"  it was what Ken thought.

"hmm so your not gonna ask me how I now both of you?"

"*tch* why bother go and tell him I'm not interested"

"Really now? well if you say so  ahahaha"

Ashley walked back inside the store to look for Rei.

"What an annoying person, if I remember correctly she was a classmate on our first year that was always staring at Rei, could she be the reason why Rei dropped?. That's pretty much impossible with that kind of reaction, well I don't care either way I need Rei to go to school, that's what I have to do" Ken said to himself.

A few minutes passed Rei and Ashley finally came out of the Game center with a bag filled with games and a book.

"You done?" Ken asked Rei.

"Yeah! this is all hehe" 

Rei looked nervous as he spoke to his brother that his face was sweating a little. Rei then walked closer to his brother and then spoke with a weak voice.

"She's been staring at me for a while now" "The Restaurant is just around the corner right? lets go I'm hungry hahaha" Rei's voie suddenly shifted into a lively one.

Ken walked behind Rei and Ashley, he was observing ashley's actions until they finally reached the restaurant.

"Good evening! table for three?" the waiter asked.

"Yes!" Ken replied.

The waiter assisted then to their table which had a sofa chair, Rei and Ken sat together while Ashley was parallel to them.

"Here is our menu, please call me when you are ready to order" the waiter said before leaving.

The three was silently looking at the menu the surrounding was also quiet as there were only a few costumers, about 6 minutes later the waiter came back.

"Are you ready to order now?" 

"Ah we'll order this and this and also this" Ken pointed at their orders.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes, can I ask where the washroom?"

"It is over here sir!" Ken stood up and went were the waiter pointed him to, he took a quick glance at their table before leaving only to see Ashley smirking.

Rei and Ashley was left alone in their table at the corner of the restaurant, Rei was about to stand up to follow his brother because he felt uncomfortable being alone with a girl he doesn't know. As he was about to stand up..

"do you plan on leaving a helpless girl alone here? in a restaurant she doesn't know?" She said with a soft voice.

"If I may ask why did you suddenly ask me to go out with you?"

"Well I like you"

"Eh? what do you like about me?"

"All of you" she replied and then licked her lips.

Rei became more uncomfortable that his legs were moving up and down.

"uhm.. How do you know me?" Rei nervously said while his legs moved faster.

"Have you forgotten about me already?" She said before rubbing her feet on Rei's legs.

Rei's legs suddenly stopped moving as her feet move around towards his thighs, Rei was now immoble.

"C-can y-you p-p-please s-s-stop!" Rei uttered.

Ashley's feet stopped in the  middle of Rei's thigh and was on the chair.

"How could you forget what happened to us?" She said as she hugged herself and placed her finger on her lips.

"I d-d-d-don't know w-what y-your t-t-talking about"

"Really now?" 

Ashley then placed her feet down which made Rei loosen a bit and then leaned forward to him showing a bit of her skin. Rei quickly leaned back as Ashley got closer  and closer until she was already on top of the table and was about to whisper something to Rei but was interrupted.

"What on earth are you two doing?" Ken suddenly spoke with a disgusted face.

"Ah Nii-san she was just whispering something to me a ha a ha" Rei said with a nervous voice.

"Kyahh~~ he caught us Omg!!" Ashley teased.

"Wipe your face Rei, your sweating" Ken gave him a handkerchief to use.

After that their order suddenly arrived.

"Please enjoy your meal"

They then began eating,when they finished Ashley suddenly spoke.

"I almost forgot again hehe, My name is Ashley Foster, I actually go to the same school as you two, and was actually your classmate in first year"

"so that's why she knew about Rei dropping"  Ken once again thought to himself.

"Well at first I got curious about you Rei, but after a while I couldn't get you out of my head its as if you hypnotized me or something hahahahaha" she said

"Why did you get curious?"

"Ah I guess you really forgot what you did back then"

"what did I do?"

"well lets just say that you made me happy when I was sad, that's all, here's my number please contact me if you remember what you did alright?, ah here's my pay for the meal, Thank you! I really do like you Rei, don't try to go out with someone else or I'll show them pain" she said all these with a smile on her face.

"I understand a ha ha" 

Ashley then stood up and walked out of the restaurant leaving the two siblings alone.

"So what did she do to you?" Ken asked?.

"Do you know her Nii-san?" 

"Ah, she was our classmate back then before you dropped out I guess you did something that she's this obsessed with you, all I know is that she's planning something I just don't know what"

"Lets just go home for now Nii-san, I wanna play my new games ehehehe" His voice shifted to a happy child.

"Ah lets go"

After paying they finally went back to their house, as they entered Rei realized that he forgot to turn off his game which got Ken pissed and once again for the third time in the same day Rei got hit on the head by Ken.

When Rei got back to his room the door was slid open and a letter was at his bed. Which he then read.

"We Love you?" 

Rei was confused to what was written in the letter but he was suddenly shocked when Ken suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

"Rei your going to school this year" Ken declared.


"eh? wait your agreeing? I don't need to do anything to make you go?" Ken felt a relief towards the response of Rei.

"Ah I'm bored of this place you can move in the other room too, I never used it anyway" Rei's voice suddenly became serious as he  walked out to the balcony.

Ken didn't notice Rei holding a paper because he was too happy that he was jumping back to room.

As the wind blew on Rei's face, he stared into a dark starry sky with no moon.

"I can smell them from a far, their coming here."

[Chapter End]