Content may be graphic and not suitable for others.

"Welcome to the Rainbow Falls or as we call it the Falls of The Dead!! Where every human is sacrificed for the entertainment of the Gods"

Slowly from the darkness of the forest human-like creatures revealed themselves. Each one of them wearing a mask made with human skin, they did not wear a single piece of clothing, their bodies were enchanting while their hands had nails sharp enough to severe an armor.

"We are the Canib Tribe of the south, a race that was created by the Directors. Our purpose is to maintain the number of people inside the domes" the woman spoke.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about!" Rei spoke.

Suddenly his vision started to spin as his body began to feel heavy. He turned around and saw Mikaela unconscious and was being tied up by women.

"No! I won't let you..." Rei tried to fight back but he was already too weak his vision suddenly turned black and the next thing he knew was that he was in the place where Entity Zero was.

"Did I die?" Rei asked.

"As long as I inhabit your human body you are immortal, but your current situation is quite difficult but is a very fun sight" Entity Zero spoke with a demonic voice.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Ah I guess since your unconscious you can't see it"

Entity Zero then stood behind Rei and place his black hands on Rei's face covering his eyes.

"Can you see it?"


"I never thought you would vomit by that sight HAHAHAHA"

Rei continued to vomit a few more times before he finally went to normal.

"Are you done? You've done quite a mess here"

"What the hell are they doing? Are those even something a human would do? What the hell is that??"

"The Canib are people created to become monsters, they may look like humans but inside them lives part of the heart of a demon. And thus they will do what their desire tells them" Entity Zero explained.

"How do you know that?"

"They touched you, and with their touch, I was able to trace their whole background"

"But still are they enjoying that sight? Why are they enjoying it?"

Rei placed his hand on his head and began scratching it.

"HAHAHA You will never understand the reason for you are only a human"

Entity Zero smirks before suddenly appearing behind Rei, with no time to defend himself Entity Zero suddenly placed both his hand's again on Rei's eyes showing him once more the sight that he earlier saw.


It was a horrifying sight that Rei was forced to watch. He was surrounded by women, and all of them took turns pounding their genital on his rod. Their faces were filled with lust and extreme pleasure, some women used both their hands and feet and turned it into their sex toy. And from a distance, he saw the others using the dead bodies as sex toys, they were all filled with joy as they indulged themselves in such a disturbing action.

"Huh? Mikaela? Where's Mikaela? Where is she?? What happened to her?"

Rei looked around but there was no sight of Mikaela, suddenly one woman grabbed his face and placed her genital on top of it which led to Rei finally remove the Entity's hand.

"WHAT THE HELLL??? *blegghhhh*"

Once again Rei began to vomit.

"Oi, human you're looking for that woman who was with you earlier right?"

"*cough* *cough* Y-yeah, did you see her?"

"Ah, she's over there, about to get pounded by large and muscular men. Seems she's all tied up and can't get out, wow this is quite interesting..."

"Entity Zero..."

Entity Zero looked at Rei in the eyes and saw the anger Rei had.

"Ohoh, human do you wish to have a bargain?"

"Ah... You can use my body for a whole minute, don't let any of those filthy creatures lay a finger on Mikaela"

"Ohh, what if I take advantage of this and not let you have your body again?"

"That's yours to decide, you can use my body for good if you don't want to see how my grand plan will end" Rei smirked.

"I can do whatever I want in a minute, right? As long as no one touches that woman of yours?"

"Ah that's my bargain"


Entity Zero lifted his hand and placed it in front of Rei, Rei was a little hesitant but to save Mikaela from being defiled by hideous creatures Rei shook hands with Entity Zero.


Rei let out a roar which caught the attention of everyone near him. The women who were using him were instantaneously shredded to pieces. Rei's face was slowly being devoured by a black color his eyes had turned fully white.


Every creature near him was crushed, their bodies were destroyed and their intestines scattered all around because of the extreme force that Entity Zero released, a black aura of power surged to the top of the dome almost destroying it. The whole dome suddenly placed in blackout for a few minutes.


Rei was now back in his body.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??" Rei screamed.


"This... This... Is only two percent?"

Rei fell on the ground as he saw what had happened, the falls were dried up, the trees were leafless, and hundreds of bodies were laying on the ground lifeless. Each of them having a severed part, most of their faces were burnt that it can no longer be distinguished.

But as his eyes wandered around he finally saw Mikaela, she was unharmed despite their whole place destroyed in an instant, everything around her was filled with blood while she did not have a single stain.


Rei screamed as he ran towards her, immediately untying the ropes that held her.

"Mikaela Wake up!! Mikaela!"

Rei shouted and shouted yet she was still unconscious. He tried to slap her face but it was not able to wake her up.

Suddenly the ground began to shake, he could feel it a monster is currently walking towards the two of them.

"Entity Zero can you hear me?"

"What do you need human?"

"I need help!!"

"Human I am not your disposable weapon, fight that creature yourself. Show me something entertaining, and if you're looking for your sword you can summon it now"

"Oi!! Help me out with this one! What are talking about!! Hey! Hey!" He screamed.

The trees from the distance began to break as a large black creature got closer and closer to them and eventually, it had arrived.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAMILY!!!" It screamed with its distorted voice.

[Chapter End]