Ch. 27 "DEATH"


Content may be graphic and suitable for others.

"Oi!! Help me out with this one! What are talking about!! Hey! Hey!"

Rei kept screaming trying to get help from Entity Zero but it was pointless, Entity Zero wanted to be entertained so Rei had no other choice.

The ground began to shake as from the distance Rei saw a large figure walking towards him, it was breaking all the trees on its path. Rei watched as the figure got closer and grew larger, and when it finally arrived, in front of Rei now stood a massive creature its skin was made up of different human faces, his face was made up of human hands, it was a hideous sight to see. Rei began to feel his legs tremble, he initially ignored it and summoned his sword the way the star user did but it didn't work.

"COME MY SWORD!" Rei screamed with his hand raised in the air.

"Huh? Why is it not working??"

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAMILY!!!" the creature screamed.

Rei was now trembling his fear, his whole body suddenly froze as the creature glared at him with murderous eyes.


The creature suddenly charged Rei lifting him by the leg, he was thrown across the forest.

"What the hell... ARGGHH!!!!"

Rei screamed when he realized what had happened his leg was torn off, blood was gushing out of his leg, he then saw the creature bite of the leg that was torn.

"LET ME FEAST ON YOU MORE!! THIS IS FOR MY FAMILY!!" The creature screamed.

Rei saw a stick beside him and grabbed it, he immediately waved it left and right using it as a weapon to defend himself as he began to crawl backward.

The creature followed him with a huge grin on its face knowing that Rei has no chance of defeating him. It then began to hum as it got closer and closer to Rei.


Rei began to scream as his arm began to weaken he was now unable to crawl due to the loss of blood. The creature then grabbed his other leg and lifted Rei, slowly the creature began to twist Rei's other leg.


After a few more twists the leg immediately broke and dispatched its self from Rei's body, blood began to rush out from his leg, the creature then plugged it with a nearby branch so that the bleeding would stop. The creature then placed Rei under the only tree that still had left, and began to walk towards Mikaela. As Rei realized where the creature was headed he immediately tried to crawl, he felt an adrenaline rush and was able to catch up with the creature but he was not strong enough to stop it.

The creature grabbed Rei by the head as it walked towards Mikaela, Rei was then tied to the same pole the Mikaela was tied up. The creature smiled as it lifted Mikaela, slowly it began to strip her in front of Rei.

"No... Stop... Please... Don't... No... Sto-"

Rei had fainted due to immense blood loss, the creature was about to revive his tribe using Mikaela as a sex slave. But he was immediately halted when the townsfolks began to burn the outside part of the forest. It then dropped Mikaela and jumped towards where the humans were.

"M-Mikaela... I'm... Sorry..." Rei whispered with the last of his breath.

Rei suddenly woke up in the void where he was earlier with Entity Zero, the entity was dissatisfied.

"A horrible performance, that is what you did"

"Horrible? I asked for your help! But you didn't do anything I had no weapon or strength to fight a monster!"

"Is that so? Then you must be really weak to be defeated by such a weak creature"

"I died right? Then you'll now go and find another vessel?"

"Well, your screams of anguish had entertained me a bit, the way you struggle to fight was a little good. I will give you one more chance to fight that creature but you will wait here a little before I resurrect you"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Quite worrying you'll defeat that weak creature later, first let's see what that thing js up to"

Entity Zero covered his eyes and changed the view too we're the creature was, it was currently fighting against a horde of people from the town. Most of the people are dead while others continued to fight, they were all no match for the creature despite it being outnumbered. As the fight had been decided the creature began eating the people that have been killed during all of them quickly as its size grew larger. As it was don eating it slowly walked back towards Mikaela and Rei.

"How am I supposed to beat a creature like that?"

"With your sword of course. Don't worry I'll give you a very, very strong reason to defeat it" Entity Zero spoke with a smile on its face.

"And the reason will be?"


Entity Zero snapped his finger forcing Rei to watch what will happen after a few hours once the creature returns to their location.

"As you can see, I control your existence right now. So this is what happens after the creature returns, your woman will become a tool onto reviving his tribe, after being raped by the creature she will give birth to 5 males of the same kind and will also be rapped by them, the next time she gets pregnant she'll give birth to 5 females. The males will continue to use her until there are more than a hundred of them, she will give birth again and again until her body collapse and she dies. If you think that with the weapon she has she'll be able to fight them, well your wrong. All of this will happen with her body unable to respond, she will be conscious but has no control over her body, she will simply become the mother of a hundred children, getting pregnant and giving birth without stopping"

Rei was forced to watch a horrible future, he clenched his fist every moment the can't males raped Mikaela. Rei was unable to sustain his anger, he began to grit his teeth, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Now human, allow me to give you this sword"

Entity Zero handed Rei's black and white sword back to him. rei immediately grabs them and begins to practice swinging both of them at once and simultaneously.

"That's right human, prepare yourself to demolish this creature. But I will revive you a little bit later so make use of your time in here"

The creature had now returned, it sat down at the bark of a tree starting at Mikaela's subjective body. It sat there waiting for the humans it had eaten to be digested. It then stood up and walked towards the falls, its hands began to feel the wall until it stopped at a certain area. Suddenly it punched the wall and loads of acidic water began to come out of it, its mouth became wider as it began drinking the acid rushing its digestion.

Once it felt that the humans have been digested it grabbed a tree and plug it into the hole. It walked back and grabbed Mikaela by her arms, it raised her in the sky as it revealed its elephant-sized monstrosity of a genital. A few tentacles began to come out of its body and began fondling Mikaela's body.

Rei watched as the creature toyed with Mikaela's body. It fondles her whole body while the creature began to drool over Mikaela's alluring figure.

"Now then human, this is your chance. You and I will make a deal"

"Huh? A deal?"

"Yes, a deal. You will destroy this world in exchange for being reincarnated to save your woman"


"Well if you want your woman to become a toy to these creatures then I don't mind"

Rei was given a hard decision to make, he started at Entity Zero who had a very creepy and wide smile.

"Will I be able to defeat that creature?" Rei asked.

"Of course, that sword will be able to Peirce that creature with ease"

"If it means I can save Mikaela from her horrible fate then, I accept"

Suddenly above the dome, a spiral of dark clouds began to form, it was so huge that it was seen by the whole world. Suddenly a black laser struck down the dome towards where Rei was, the black power demolished the top of the dome and went straight to Rei. The power was so immense that everything inside the dome was blown away leaving nothing but the corpse of people.

The creature and Mikaela we're the only survivors lift inside the dome along with Rei. The creature dropped Mikaela and suddenly charged Rei with its tentacles.


[Chapter End]