
"I never wanted to hurt you, as your face resembled someone I cared for so much. He was kind like you, he can easily get along with people like you, but more importantly, he wished that we could live a beautiful life once this war ends. But he was too childish, he didn't realize the consequences of his action, to try and talk back against the Directors he was immediately executed in front of my eyes. The moment I saw your face I swore I won't allow something like that to happen, but why did you do this? Tell me Rei? Why?"

Stella lifted her arm as the cannons stopped firing. Her eyes widened as the smoke disappeared, Rei did not dodge a single strike his body had holes from the cannonballs, yet he still stood firm and unshaken. The scene was so stomach-turning that Stella began to vomit, Mikaela who was in a far distance also so it and vomited as well.

Rei's body immediately regenerated as if nothing had happened.

"Why are you still alive?..." Stella asked.

Rei still gave no response, he gently lifted his swords and pointed them towards the floating ship, the blades were placed on top of each other creating an "X" shape, Rei suddenly slashed the air.


Stella and Mikaela, we're speechless the ship was immediately cut along with the part of the some, the clouds at the sky were also slashed at it resembles an X mark.

"The world shall end..." Rei spoke.

"What are you talking about?"

Rei once again lifted his sword and pointed it above the some, he then sliced the air as the blade went down. It was a few seconds when suddenly on the right side of Stella the ground along with the dome was sliced.

Again Rei lifted his sword and was about to use it, Stella was unable to react and was about to be sliced by Rei.

Mikaela tried to run but knew she wouldn't make it, luckily someone had suddenly pulled her.


"E-Erika?" Stella spoke.

"Commander spacing out in the middle of combat can cause you your death! Weren't you the one who taught me that?" Erika said.

"Ah, I'm sorry"

"No need to apologize commander! Now then shall we defeat this de-"

Erika was speechless upon seeing who they were up against.

"What... Are you... Doing? Rei?" Her voice trembled seeing how lifeless Rei was.

Rei then lifted his sword once again and was about to strike once more, Erika anticipated and dodge the attack saving Stella for the second time.

"Commander this bad! That thing is not Rei" Erika said.

"She's right commander, we need to get out of here or we might die" Mikaela spoke.

"MIKAELA?? You're hereee, but why... Err... are you naked..." Erika's face suddenly looked confused.

"No time to explain, he's about to attack again. Dodge those blades, if you don't you'll die" Mikaela said with a serious tone.

Rei began to release a stream of slices which were easily avoided, as the attack continued debris from the ceiling of the dome began to fall.

"We need to get out of here!!" Erika yelled.

Stella and Mikaela nodded, the three of them rushed outside using an opening in the dome created by Rei's slashes. As they went outside they realized how destructive those slashes were as they severed even the wall, long marks of blade ran across the ground as far as the eye can see. But despite being outside Rei continued to strike slowly demolishing the dome.

"*Cough* *cough* why are you here General?" Hugo was walking towards Stella and the others.

They were shocked to see that Hugo's arm was torn off.

"What happened to you commander?" Mikaela asked.

"I don't know... We were watching you on your journey towards the Rainbow Falls, but the moment you entered the forest all cameras and receivers from inside the dome went down. We tried our best to do what we can to get it back up again, but we were all surprised when a black spiral of clouds appeared in the sky, we were all baffled once it struck the dome then suddenly out of nowhere an extremely strong force killed everyone inside the Laboratory. I was lucky enough to survive."

"Commander we need to get far away from this place as possible!"  Mikaela said with a scared tone.

"Huh? General just what is happening? Where's Rei?" Hugo asked?

"Rei is now the enemy of the world. He is no longer our ally, nor is he allied with the demons. But if we don't do something here and now we might just all die" Stella explained.

"Rei, why are you doing this... What happened? Why are trying to destroy the world? What's the point of all of this?"

As the four discussed their plan, from a distance four people were running towards them.

"That's..." Erika pointed towards the people who were running.

"Rylee's subordinates" Hugo said with a bit of relief.

"Commander Hugo we were ordered to help rescue any survivors here, we were also requested to not get into a fight as much as possible with whatever monster is inside the dome" Kurt explained their reason.

"Huh? Did you not know??"

"Know what?"

"The monster inside is..."

The world had suddenly fallen silent the attack had just faded. Slowly from the slit area of the dome emerged Rei, he walked towards the laboratory of the south. Everyone watched as he touches the walls of the laboratory immediately it turns into smithereens.

"What the hell is Rei doing!!" Claire spoke with a loud voice.

Rei turned his head towards them, he then walked closer to them with his blades ready to strike at any moment.

"Don't let your guard down, that Rei is no longer the same Rei we all knew" Stella spoke.

All of them with their Stars ready to engage in battle, suddenly Rei stops only a few feet away from them. He looked at the wall and in an instant, he disappears everyone was baffle and began looking for him, they finally saw him on the wall staring towards the horizon.

They watched as from the sky descended a black figure with long horns and large black wings. It went straight towards Rei and kneel in front of him, it then stood up and tore its own heart and handed it to Rei. He took it and swallowed it immediately after that the black figure fell further away from the wall as he slowly changed, it grew larger, it had turned into an A-Class Demon.

"Don't tell me..." Kurt's eyes had widened As he stared at Rei.

"What do we do commander?" Erika asked.

"We fight Rei, no matter what memories we have of him. He is no longer our ally which means he's our enemy" Stella answered.

Rei then finally turned his gaze towards them, he jumped off the wall and disappeared. The next thing they saw was Rei pointing his blade at Ashley ready to cut off her head at any moment.

"Humans, fear me, for I am the Entity of destruction. Fear my power as I will eventually destroy this world" Rei said with a straight tone.

"What are you doing Rei?" Ashley asked.

She turned around and suddenly slapped Rei on the cheek. Everyone was surprised as the sound of the slap resounded through their ears.

"Answer the question Rei. What the hell are you doing!" Ashley's voice got a bit louder.

Rei's eyes slowly turned back to normal.

"A-Ashley?" He asked.

Stella and the other felt relieved when Rei suddenly turned back to normal, but suddenly the walls were destroyed when the A-Class demon attacked.

"SHIT!!" Kurt spoke.


Mikaela walked over to Rei and suddenly hugged him, as tears began to fall off her eyes.

"Why? Why did you do that?" She asked as she began to pound his chest.

"Rei are you alright?" Ashley asked.

"Why? did anything happen?"

"Oh, so you don't remember? You demolished the Dome of the South and you are now you're the enemy of the whole world" Ashley explained.

"Ehhh??? I thought I was sleeping?!?! By the way... Why are you naked, Mikaela? Did we do it again?" Rei spoke.

Mikaela smiled at him and kissed his lips. They were suddenly separated when Ashley interfered, she then slapped Rei again.

"How dare you do such an indecent act in front of me! Despite my worries about you getting killed. You were having fun with another woman! Despicable" Ashley glared at Rei with a disgusted look.

"I'm sorry, will you ever forgive me?" Rei said as he suddenly embraced her.

Ashley's face slowly turned beet red, she stared at him in the eyes and spoke.

"I'll forgive you if we did the same things you two did!" She demanded.

"Of course we can" Rei spoke with a bright smile.

"Just what is the relationship between you two?" Mikaela suddenly asked.

[Chapter End]