Ch. 30 "TRAITOR"

"Now human, become my vessel and follow my orders for I am ENTITY ZERO, born from the anger of the GREAT ENTITY. I shall destroy this world for my entertainment!!"

"Don't worry Mikaela! I'll save you no matter what!"

Rei smiled as he dove towards the bottom of the void that he fell in. He closed his eyes believing that the moment he opens his eyes he can save Mikaela, but from what he expected he still woke up inside the dark void.

"Huh? The hell? Where am I? Why am I still here? OI ENTITY ZERO YOU FUCKING LIAR! WHERE AM I!!" Rei screamed but he received no response?

Slowly he began to hear voices from his surrounding.

"I... AM... SO... RY..."

"A... KU... MA..."

Rei began to look around trying to figure out where the voices were coming from.



Rei started to scream, but no one heard him. He was in a place separate from the real world and the void where he would talk with Entity Zero.


Rei continued but no one heard his screams, he tried to calm himself as slowly he began to lose his feelings, his body felt light as if he was a feather floating in space.

"Why am I here? Someone save me..." He said as his consciousness began to fade.

As he began to become one with the nothingness of where he was he heard a familiar voice.

"Rei, do you have a dream?" It asked.

"Ah... I... Had... One..."

"Do you wish to achieve that dream of yours?"

"Y... Yes..."

"Wake up Rei, Kenzō would probably cry and whine like a child if he loses you"

Rei slowly opened his eyes and what appeared before him was a silhouette of a human.

"Rei, until your dreams come true keep moving forward. Now grab my hand and go achieve your dream!"

As he grabbed the hand he felt a stingy sensation on his cheek. Slowly his vision of the silhouette began to blur and began to change as his vision clear he saw multiple people staring straight at him with worried faces.

"A-Ashley?" He spoke, as he stared at her eyes filled with anger.

Suddenly, the walls were immediately destroyed when the A-Class Demon walked past it.

The demon was much stronger than the other A-Class. Its body was thicker and it seemed to have intelligence as it was able to easily dodge the attacks of Commander Hugo.

"Shouldn't you two be helping! Them?" Rei said as he sat on the ground.

"Commander said we should take care of you" Ashley spoke.

"Nah... I'm fine, I'll help out later. But it seems that demon is different from the rest... It's core not there..." Rei spoke before passing out.

"Mikaela... I'll tell you everything about me and him later. Help me pull him over there, then let's help the others" Ashley said as she began to help Rei stand up.

"Ah... Y-yeah..." Mikaela was confused but followed what Ashley said.

The two brought Rei and placed him behind a large rock the flew after the Demon broke the wall. They then rushed to help the others who were having a hard time finding the demons.

"*phew* they're gone, that was extremely awkward. I actually forgot that I promised Ashley that I'll be his boyfriend once we meet again" Rei said before laughing softly.

"Aren't you quite the womanizer, human"

"Where did you put me earlier? I thought I was supposed to save Mikaela?"

"My powers would've probably destroyed your brain if you were conscious when you were resurrected. So I placed you in a separate space, I never thought you'd also die there HAHAHAHA. But someone saved you so your quite lucky"

"Huh? I died there? Weird it felt like I was sleeping"

"That's what the feeling of dying is for a human, first you feel sleepy. Then once you fall asleep you'll never be able to wake up again. But on your luck, a presence was capable of entering that space so it revived you"

"Wait... That's supposedly impossible, right?"

"Obviously, it should be. But then again it was able to enter and revive you immediately so that thing would probably have power's as strong as God, or that's how it should be"

"AGHHH!!! What the hell my brain can't handle this much information" Rei said as he began to scratch his head like a crazy person.

"But human, if you don't act now most of those people might just die..."

"Huh? What do you…"

Rei's eyes widened as he saw his comrades down on their knees only Stella and Kurt were left standing, but it seems Kurt is starting to weaken. The Demon glanced at Rei and showed a smile before slightly bowing its head.

"What the Hell is that thing?"

"It's what you'd probably call a Horsemen"

"Huh? Horseme-"

Rei felt as if his heart as if it suddenly stopped.

"Oh... So you still can't control your powers? You'll probably die if you don't do something. But if you were to sit on top of the head of that Horsemen then you'll eventually feel better"

"I should... T-trust... You... Because??....."

Rei said as he began to grasp for his breath.

"I am in control of your life and existence if J please to I can kill you this instant. So why would I make you do something that would be a waste?"

Rei swallowed hard before he stood up and began to walk towards the Demon, he first passed Commander Hugo who was being treated by Erika, Hugo's arm tried to reach for him but was unable to, he then passed Cecelia who Also tried to grab him but failed, next was Claire she started at Rei with eyes begging him to stop walking but it didn't work, next, he passed Mikaela and Ashley they were both able to grab on the end of his pants, he smiled at then and continued walking. Lastly, he passed Stella and Kurt, Stella grabbed his hand and asked.

"If you go there... We will no longer be allies. You will be branded as a traitor, are you okay with that?"

"Rei... Kenzō is in so much pain right now for unknown reasons. This wild break his heart if you go!" Kurt tried to stop him.

"I'm sorry~" Rei said as he began to breathe harder.

No one was able to stop Rei, they all watched as the demon lowered its head towards Rei.  He glanced back at them and moved his lips apologizing for what he was about to do, he raised his hand, and a black tentacle emerged from the demon's body. It grabbed Rei and pulled him to the top of the Demon where a throne-like chair was waiting for him. Rei sat down on the chair, the moment his body felt the chair he began to violently scream.


Stella watched as tears began to drip from her face, Ashley burrowed her face on her arms and began crying, Mikaela clenched her teeth and looked away as Rei's screams got louder and louder. Slowly his screams began to fade, suddenly the demon began to roar echoing throughout the world. From the horizon millions of different demons ranging from D-class to A-class we're all marching towards the walls.

In front of all the other domes appeared an A-Class demon similar to what Rei was riding.

Rei raised his hand and then pointed towards the Capital's Dome. His eyes had gone back to being pure white and lines began to reappear throughout his body.

The demon Roared again and began to blow a black laser-like power towards the Capital's Dome. The demons from the North, East, and West also did the same thing.

*Inside the Capital's Dome*

"Directors! We are currently being hit by extremely powerful energies, if this continues the some might break and kill of us inside" a worker said towards multiple screens as he tried for his breath.

"Is he ready?" A distorted voice asked.

"We need only a few more minutes for him to finally be awakened"

"Is that so? Then make haste, restore the damage that the some received. Allow a little bit of power to pass through, study that power and think of a way to counter it"

"But Directors!..."

"Do wish to defy the Directors? Humans?"


"Then make haste! No matter who our opponent will be we are now the ones on top, those demons would die at the hands of our strongest star. Nothing in this world can compare to his power, as long as he is alive then we will continue to stand on top!"

"DIRECTOR! HE'S READY!" A man suddenly spoke.

"Oh... Welcome back our dear son, how were the humans?"

"They were much curious than I thought but eventually that curiosity will lead to their deaths"

"Is that so? Then why don't we show this to humans and show them how much power does the capital have"

"As long as you make it work is fine"

"I see, I got the other director's permission. And a minor confession I will allow him to have a few memories"

"Aren't you kind?"

"Now then, why don't we get started. SIRIUS... AWAKEN!..."