
If I were to look back at my life I would say I did great. Everything was perfect. For a woman in her forties, I have everything one could wish for in my age. From my family to my career I am satisfied with everything that I have.


"Miles, wake up". It was already 7:30 in the morning, he's going to be late for school if he doesn't wake up now.

"five more minutes, mom"

"no way young man, you're getting off that bed right now" I said as I pulled the curtains apart letting the morning sunlight brighten up the whole room. I would always do this to make Miles wake up before he gets late for school. He would just whimper a little, roll around on the bed and would get off.

"now come on Miles" I say as I left his room to go downstairs.

"coffee?" he asks as usual.

"yes please" I say as I sit down at the dining table. My husband turns around to make my morning coffee, much formally dressed on than a normal work day.

"Do you have a meeting today?"

"oh, yeah" he says with a glance while making the coffee. "I'm meeting a new composer, he's been famous these days."

"Are you planning to sign up with him?"

"ummm... still don't know, have to see. why?"

"Just, you're wearing a nice suit, that's why"

"I just want to give a good first impression." He says handing over the cup of coffee. He makes the best coffee, it's my favourite way of starting the day.

"Thanks." I say smiling. He comes and sits beside me with his own cup of coffee.

"Is Marta going to be late today?"

"I'm not sure, why?" looking at my watch, I reply.

"I need to tell her to make her special broccoli salad for dinner. I've been craving it since yesterday." That's funny I think, he's normally the person who would prefer meat over vegetables.

"So, you would be there for dinner, to have your much craved broccoli salad?" I ask teasing.

"Of course, ma'am. I would be there to have my most craved broccoli salad." he says with a little chuckle. "Where's our young man, isn't he going to be late?" Dave asks looking up the stairs.

"I woke him up, I hope he's not sleeping again." I say in a loud voice hoping Miles could hear.

"I'm not..." Miles shout from upstairs.

"Then hurry up" Dave shouts back.

These small things, I wonder, in our busy morning are what keeps us close and going. I wouldn't know what to do without my family. I can't even imagine a world without them.

"Can you drop Miles off at school? I should probably be going." looking at my watch I say.

"Sure, he's probably going to be more late, he still hasn't had his breakfast even. You go. I'll drive him off to school."

"Thank you, honey. See you later." I say standing up from the chair. I hear Miles coming down the stairs. Climbing down, he pushes his books back into his backpack in a hurry. "It's gonna crumble"

"I can't put it in. There's too many books."

"Give it to me, I'll put it in" I ask as I reach for his backpack.

"I'll help him with it, you go." Dave says taking Miles's backpack.

"Thanks" I say as Dave kisses me as I'm about to leave.

"See you later, Miles"

"Bye, mom"



As I arrive at the work, I could see that somebody had already used my usual parking spot. No one I knew from work would do that, they always knew it's always been my place. Somebody new is here or there's a special guest in the office.

I park on a different place and head in.

"Good morning, Miss" Everybody passing by greets as I walk on to my office. "Miss Zara!" shouts someone, I turn to look and it's Paul. My assistant.

"The boss wants to see you."

"For what?"

"I'm not sure" he says slowly.

"ok, I will go see. Thanks." I say as I pat his shoulder and move on to go meet the boss.

"Do you want me to get coffee?" Paul asks as I leave.

"Nahh, Just something sweet."

I knock on the door, I hear him call me in. As I enter I see a new face.

"Did you call me sir?" I ask as I look at the both of them sitting at the table.

"Have a seat miss Zara."

As soon as I seated myself, he introduces me to the young person sitting across me, at the table.

"This is Adrian, our new graphic designer." "Adrian, this is miss Zara, one of our best authors"

We both stand up and exchange greetings and sit down.

"Miss Zara has always been complaining me, that she doesn't like the book covers of our last designer which we had hired." "So, Miss Zara, here we have our own new designer. You should see his amazing work, I hope you would like them."

I just smile and nod.

The new designer hands me some papers saying it's his work. At my surprise, it was really better than I had expected.

"What do you think?" My boss asks peeking into my face.

"It's great." I say as I turn over the pages.

"I am actually a big fan of you Miss Zara." the young designer says which makes me look at him.

"Thank you" I say smiling while he smiles back.