
"Well Miss Zara, you can discuss anything you want with Adrian, I hope you two can get along well." Hans, my boss said as I stand up to leave with the small meet ending.

As I head into the hallway, out of the office the young designer also heads out. I slightly smile and turn around to go to my office.

"Are you working on anything new? " He suddenly asks, catching up as I walk past the hallway.

"What do you mean?" I ask back.

"Are there any new stories you are working on?" I just looked at him.

" Oh, I'm so sorry I was just curious. I actually really like your work, that's why."

"Well, not yet. I still haven't got anything I am interested on."


"I see that you're interested in reading. Didn't expect that." I said.

"Well, nobody does. I'm only seen as a logical guy I guess, just a designer guy."

"Well, designer's should also be creative. " He just smiled.

"Thank you. It's a compliment, right?"

"Well, you could say so. I guess.... Well, then see you around. You're starting work from today, right?"

"Yes, Miss." He said quick.

"Okay then, have a great day." I said walking past him.

"You too. Hope you have a great day too."

I finally came to my office. Paul had bought cookies and some other sweets. I gobbled down a few and sat down. As soon as I start my computer to check my emails, Paul comes in after knocking.

"Miss Zara?"


"Did you meet the new graphic designer?"

"Yeah, that was why Hans had called me in."

"Oh. I heard that he graduated from Yale."

"Hmm." I said as I go through my new mails.

"The Boss has personally interviewed him; and they say that he said that we're lucky to have him here."



"Can't you see I'm working?. And where on earth do you find all that gossip from?" I asked with a frustrated sigh.

"Sorry, Miss Zara."

"I'll just call you if I need you." I said making him leave.

If I hadn't made him stop, he would've gone all day long with his tattle. I suddenly felt so tired and upset, I didn't know why. Maybe, because I just couldn't find anything that I was interested in writing. Everyone would just ask me why I wouldn't produce anything new, or what I was planning to prepare next.

At first, it felt so amazing when people would ask about my work and would just anticipate my next creation, but suddenly it began to offend me at times. I felt as if they only cared about my work than me. And now that I have spent some time without announcing my next work or with no work coming up of mine, people start to make their own assumptions. As usual.

When I think of my life, I am happy with everything I have, and of course I am so much thankful and blessed to be myself too, but sometimes I do prefer something different myself. Which I never talk of or do admit to. Still it was me, it was what I craved. A different me.