
As we all gather around we have dinner together.

"Oh, honey." Dave says as he looks up from his dinner and at me.

"Hmm?" says I in reply for him.

"Do you still have that old diary with you?"

"Old diary?, which one?"

"That light pink one that you used to keep with you always long ago. Don't you remember?". I tried hard to recall of what he was asking about, oh you mean the notebook I used to have."

"Wasn't it a diary?. I thought it was a diary. Whatever, do you still have it with you?."

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen it in ages. I might have it. Why?"

"You remember the song we made together?. The one you wrote the lyrics to?."


"I was thinking of recording it."

"For real?"

"Yeah, If it's fine with you?"

"I mean I'm fine but why that song? Don't you have anything with you at the moment?"

"I do, but I kind of feel like recreating that song 'cause I have a feeling that it will be a hit for some reason."

"Well, okay. I'm not sure if it's still there though."

"Can you look for it later?"

"I'll try to look for it around the weekend."

"Can't you look for it may be around tomorrow. I need it quick as possible. The artist who I'm thinking of giving it to is recently gonna comeback with a new album, I want the song to be there."

"Tomorrow? I have work though."

"Can't you take it off. You're not busy anyways these days, right?". His question did kind of annoy me, but I didn't show it.

"I'll try." I said.

"Thank you" He said with a smile and continued with his supper.

"You wrote a song, mom?" Miles asked suddenly.

"Yeah, when we were dating, your father and I just made a song. He even recorded it, but I don't know what even happened to the tapes. Maybe we lost them when we were moving in here. It's funny how you remembered it." I said as I looked at Dave.


After dinner, just as we were about to go to bed, Miles came and told me he wanted my help on something. Which I told Dave to go to sleep without me and I headed over to Miles room to see what he needed help with.

"Miles?" I said as I opened the slightly opened door and went in.

"Is dad sleeping?" He asked.

"I think so, why?"

"I actually want to tell you something, mom."

"Tell me." I said as I sat on a side of his bed.

"I actually have a crush on someone." He said as my eyes became wide and I suddenly felt that he's all growing up. I gently smiled and listened to him.

"And who is this beautiful person, who stole my son's heart?" I asked.

"She's from my class at school."

"Oh, so a high school crush."

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"So, are you going to confess to her?" I asked wondering what's troubling him.

"I can't" He said suddenly.

"And why is that?" I asked back.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Oh. I see." Now this was complicated I thought.

" Yeah, and I don't think she even knows me properly."

"Well, the thing is, Miles. If she does have a boyfriend, I don't think it's right for you to come in between them."

"Yeah, I know. But mom, I really like her." He said.

"Yeah, no one can help it when it comes to feelings. But still as my son I would like you to stop liking her, or you could maybe wait for her."


"You know, it's really not nice to come in between a couple and if you like her for real, you want to see her happy, right?"

He just nodded. I could see that he was upset already. He must've known that I would be going to say this, but maybe he just wanted to talk about it.

"If you want to see her happy, I think you should support her happiness too. That's what true love is. You don't have to always let the other person know that you're in love with them or wait to receive their love back. A one-sided love is also a love, so beautiful and honest."

He just looked at me and smiled. "Thanks mom."

"Miles? Is the boy she is with, a nice guy?" I asked him.

"I think so. He's also from our class."

"Hmm." I said.

"If he's a good guy, she must be happy. And I'm not telling you to watch her be happy and for you to be sad. I'm just telling you to move on since I don't want my son to be sad either. There are so many nice girls out there. You'll meet someone you'd really like one day. You still have time and time always does its magic."


"Why don't you just sleep now. You have school tomorrow. Don't think too much just let's wait and see." I said.

"Yeah, thanks mom. It meant a lot."

I just smiled and hugged him.

"Go to sleep now young man. Tomorrow's a new day again." I said as I was about to leave his room.

"Mom, Don't tell dad." He said.

"I would not, It's our little secret. Show me her later, now I'm curious to see her."

"Okay" he said laughing. "Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight." I said leaving his room.


"What did Miles say?" Dave asked as I came into our bedroom.

"Oh. You're still awake? "

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep without you." He said as he moved the bedsheets for me to come in. I just laughed and got in to the bed with him. He cuddled me into his arms and asked again, "What did Miles say?".

"Nothing much, he just wanted some help with some school work. That's all." I said.

"Hmm." He said with me still in his arms.

"Zara?" He says, making me look into his eyes.

"Is there anything that troubles you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Anything? At work or here? About me or Miles. Is there anything that troubles you?"

"No." I say firmly.

"Well then, that's fine."

"But why suddenly?" I asked him.

"Just, you seem kind of restless to me. If there's anything troubling you, tell me. I'll try to help. You know you have me to rely on, always." He says seriously.

"I know." I say as I hug him. "And thank you."

I gently close my eyes still in his arms. I do have problems that trouble me, but I wouldn't admit them myself. It wasn't my intention to lie to him, but I didn't even want to discuss them. I knew he would want to talk about it, but I also knew that he couldn't help me either, When I myself didn't want to mind my own problems.