A day

As usual, I wake up early and get ready to go to work. As I come out after a wash I see Dave waking up.

"Good morning" I say as I walk pass him in my bathrobe while he slightly opened his eyes to my voice.

"What's the time?" he asks still in a sleepy voice.

"Seven" I say as I go to find an outfit from the closet.

"Are you going to work?" he asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can't you find me the notebook with the song?"

"Later, I'll try to come home early maybe, and look for it."

He said nothing but moved to the other side of the bed. I also stayed silent and didn't say or ask anything. I was still looking for an outfit to wear when I heard him get out of the bed.

"Can you go wake up Miles?" I ask him

"Hmm." he replies and walks off the room.

I found a green color top and skirt to wear. After I was done getting ready for work I was about to walk out the room when Dave came in again.

"I made you coffee, have it before you leave." he says as he walks into go to the shower room.

"Thanks." I walk off to the living room and to my surprise I see Miles already dressed for school.

"Did you wake up early today?"

"Yeah." he answers.

"What's with the sudden change?"

"I just want to go to school with mom today. I'm always late to go to school with you cause you leave early, so I woke up early today."

I just smiled and patted his head.

"And why do you want to go to school with me today?"

"Just" he said.

I sat down to enjoy my coffee when a text beeped on my phone, I opened it up to see who it was from when I saw that it was from work. It was a reminder that we had a meeting in the afternoon. I just sighed looking at it when Miles asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing." I said and wondered what the meeting could be about.

By the time I was done with my coffee, Dave came to the living room dressed to go to work.

"He was already out of bed when I went to wake him up." He said looking at Miles.

"He wants to go to school with me today, he says."

"Why?" Dave asks Miles.

"Just." He replies the same way he replied me with.

Dave said nothing back and just goes off to make his own coffee. "Miles, you want anything?" He asks Miles. "I had toast." Miles replies.

"Miles, should we go then?" I ask him when he immediately nods his head and stood up from the chair to put his books back into his backpack which he kept reading earlier.

"We'll be going then." I tell Dave when just nods and comes to give me a kiss.


While we were in the car, I ask Miles why he wanted to come with me, but he didn't give me any specific reason. As he was getting off at school he stops suddenly,

"I just wanted to see if I could show you the friend I told you about yesterday." He said. "I can't see her, maybe she already went in or will be late. I'll show her another day." He closes the car door as he says and goes off.

I didn't know what to tell him back either. Miles trying to show her to me made me uncomfortable in some way, and more than anything to see him all excited when even actually he can't like her back. It was complicated I thought, but I really hoped that he would get over her soon.

I continued driving to work and came to the parking lot. I unconsciously went to my usual place, and then I realized that it was empty. Maybe I came early and got my spot once again I thought. It brought a chuckle to my face, it was a childish competition, but it felt great to get my spot again I thought.

I was walking in to my office after parking the car, when I heard,

"Miss Zara."

I turned back to see who it was. And there he was, the new intern. I was suddenly reminded of the parking lot place, maybe he's surprised to see that I found my place again. Now I awaited for what he wanted to say to me.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning, guess you're late." I said with a small smirk for I felt pleasure in my childish accomplishment.

"Oh, I actually came early." He said.

"You did?" I ask in surprise.

"Yes. And may I ask why you thought I was late?"

"Didn't you come in your vehicle today?"

"I did." He said.

"Where did you park it?"

He just laughed. What's so funny about it, I thought in my head.

"Did you think I would've taken your spot again?" He asked which made me kind of embarrassed.

"What, no." I said.

"Well, I did come in my car but parked it in a different place today. I'm sorry that I didn't know it was where you normally parked. I wouldn't have done it if I knew."

"Well, it wasn't a problem anyways." I said and quickly walked off to my office. I felt embarrassed. I came into my office and closed the door quickly. I wanted to call over Paul, but I didn't feel like going out to find him around the office either.

I took out my phone and was about to call Paul when there was a knock on the door. It suddenly startled me and I almost dropped my phone.

"Who is it?" I asked mad when someone slowly opened the door and peeked into the office. The intern. Oh, God! What does he want now, I thought.

"Come in." I said.

"I'm sorry I actually wanted to discuss something before." He said.

"Have a seat." I said showing him the chair in front my desk.

"Thank you."

"What do you want to discuss on?"

"Well, the boss told me to ask you about what kind of cover you would like for the short stories."

"Hmm?" I asked unclear of what he was talking on.

"Well, the short story collection that was released in October was sold out and since they were about to print out another set of books they asked me to change the cover before they printed them. So I just want to know what you think of it."

"Oh, well, will you be working on it today? Do you want to discuss it right now?."

"I could start working on it as soon as you tell me what you would like." He said.

"Can we do it later, I just came in, and I would like to think about it a little."

"Yeah, sure. That's totally fine. What time do you want me to come back."

"I'll call you. Can you write down your number and leave it here." I asked him.

"Okay." He said taking a small notepad and jotting down some numbers on it immediately.

He left the note on my desk and was about to stand up to leave.

"Have you read the collection before?" I asked.

"You mean the short stories?" He asked back.

"Yes, because I think it will be good if you knew about it too. The cover can't be just anything, it plays a big part in the sales too." I said.

He sat down again.

"Of course" He said.

"So have you read it?" I asked again.

"Yes, of course. I told you, I'm a big fan of you miss Zara." he said.

I was impressed to hear this as he really did sound honest and interested in my work.

"Well that's good then, I'll call you over later." I said.