6. Truth's

Sam cleaned up the dishes in a sink while chatting with Chris about what to do next.

"So what do we do, I completed my first quest and I gave me a new one of recruiting knights but do we stay here with the food or move on and find our familys" Chris asked Sam while they were chatting.

"I don't know Chris I feel like we are being shoved into leader roles and I don't know what to do or how to make those decisions" Sam replied back. Sam and Chris talked for awhile longer when Jenna walked up to the two.

"Thank you for all you have done for me and my brother and for saving me from" Jenna couldn't finish her sentence as she started to tear up. Chris walked over and comforted her.

"You need to be strong and keep your emotions in check around other people. By all means drop them around us but never show weakness in front of others" Sam said as he walked past his mood heavy from the days events. Making his way to the front windows night was close and tensions were high as the first day of the Apocalypse was coming to a end.

"You didn't have to be that forceful with your words" Chris said walking behind Sam looking at the chaos outside.

"It had to be said like it or not. We need to be strong or life as we new it is gone" Sam gestured to the outside. "This is what's left and apparently I'm supposed to save or make it worse. Dread Lord doesn't sound much like Hero Chris" Sam said as his body shook.

"These job things are what we make it. People are the one who make it good or bad that's it and your not alone Sam. You have me to help out so don't take in everything by yourself. Chris patted Sam's shoulder and walked away. Sam just stared out the window as Chris's word repeated in his head. The night started to overtake the parking lot when lights could be seen moving erratically down the parking lot.

"Chris get back here I think we have company coming" Sam yelled out to get everyone's attention. Chris, Jenna, and Joey ran to Sam to see what he was looking at as silhouettes of people started to be seen.

"It's other people Sam what do you want to do" Jenna nervously asked as Joey looked to Sam as well.

"Open the door but be ready, Chris are skeletons need to be able to move at the drop of a dime" Sam shouted out orders as he ran to the front and move items from the door. Chris helped Sam move part of the barricade as his skeletons were at the ready.

"You sure about this" Chris asked as he opened the door to help the new arrivals.

"Nope but we can't not help" Sam readied himself as he counted skeletons. We have 19 skeletons only 5 have weapons Sam thought to himself forming plans if things go south. The waving of flashlights were closer as the sounds of people panicking could be heard. Sam looked over everyone one last time as he stepped forward.

"OVER HERE QUICK" He yelled to the incoming group as Joey cut on a lantern for them to see

"Quick theres people over there" A ladies voice could be heard from the incoming group. As they past the last row of cars Sam could see the group in full almost 12 people were in this group following a young women holding a spear and shield.

"Quick through the door" She yelled as she took up a defensive position behind the group. Sam rushed forward as he noticed more silhouettes behind the group.

"Cannibals, ready yourselves, Chris with me" Sam yelled as he made it to the lady's side. Pulling his shield up an arrow darted over his head sinking in to the crowd of cannibals. The cannibals surged forward as Chris leading the skeletons marching in reached Sam and the young lady. Icicles and arrows flew over head as the cannibals hit the skeleton line. Sam taking initiative of the skeletons separating the cannibal charge lunged into the cannibals. Chris and the lady were right on his heels as they pierced through the cannibal group.

"We need to make this quick and get back inside" Chris yells out to Sam who grunts in reply as he shield bashed a cannibal to the ground as a spear pierces its head. Quickly Dispatching the cannibals Sam pulls everyone back inside as he raises 2 more skeletons. Having the skeletons barricade the door again Sam is pulled to the side by the young lady.

"Thank you for the help and opening the door I'm Truth level 4 Valkyrie" Truth said the Sam gratefully.

"Dont worry about it I'm Sam level 4 Dread Lord" Sam stuck his hand out as Truth shook his hand.

"That's a weird job and I take it the skeletons was a skill from it" Truth asked as her eye widened and grew excited. Sam nodded as Truth started to rapid fire questions about his job, what happened and even his favorite color.

"I need you to calm down let's get everybody settled first then you can ask a few more questions" Sam trying to calm Truth down told her. Truths mood changed as her shoulders dropped and she started to look at her feet.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you I get excited over little things" she said as her eyes reddened.

"Why are you sorry I dont mind we just need to get your group settled" Sam said raising his eyebrow. Truth perked up at this and just nodded and followed Sam as he met with her group.