7. Group troubles

Sam and Truth walked towards the people sprawled out on the floor panting.

"Are the doing to be okay. What did yall go through" Sam asked Truth as she just stared at him confused.

"What do you mean they followed me as I left the clothing store up the street" Truth replied causing more confusion with Sam. Sam walked over to Chris who was talking to a middle aged black man holding a hammer.

"Sam this is AJ he was the one who led this group to follow her out of the clothing store" Chris said as he saw Sam walking to him. Sam put his hand out for a hand shake as Chris introduced them.

"Glad ya'll could make it this far with what's going on. What can we do to help" Sam asked AJ as he was looking at his group.

"You've done more then I could ask for. We past by two other place's and they just boarded up more" AJ shook his head as he recounted what they went through following Truth away from the clothing store. Sam and Chris looked at each other as they had the same thought, they had it relatively easy. AJ went on to describe more of the situation outside to Sam.

"Theres more then just those crazies and we saw what looked to be a tiger jump through a window right after this whole thing started" AJ grew paler the more he talked about the other things he saw.

"Its Alright AJ with everyone working together we have a higher chance, now what's everyone's job and level" Chris asked as he consoled AJ. AJ only new 3 of the 10 other people's jobs. His was Hammer Warrior and the other three people where Cleric, Swordsmen and Blacksmith. Sam wrote down what AJ told him and then went around and asked everyone's job and level and what he he got was disheartening.

Sam Dread Lord lvl 4

Chris Knight lvl 3

Jenna Ranger lvl 2

Joey Wizard lvl 2

Kelly Druid lvl 1

Spencer Beast Tamer lvl 1

Truth Valkyrie lvl 4

AJ Hammer Warrior lvl 2

George Cleric lvl 1

Heather Swordsman lvl 1

Peter Blacksmith lvl 1

Walker Spearman lvl 1

Randy Swordsman lvl 1

Turner Guardian lvl 1

Allen Archer lvl 1

Erica Archer lvl 1

Catharine Herbalist lvl 1

David lvl 1 Child?

Getting everyone's job Sam was confused by the kid David, He had no job just a level. Sam asked the kid age and he got back 12, did age affect when you get your job Sam thought to himself.

"Chris come here" Sam yelled out for Chris.

"What's up. What's wrong" Chris asked seeing Sam's weird look. Sam just passed the paper of names and jobs to Chris. Reading everything Chris got to the last name and grew confused by it as well.

"Really age affects job or is he not human" Chris lowered his voice when he asked this question.

"Joey how old are you" seeing Joey nearby Sam asked his age.

"15 Why what's up" Joey walked to them and asked.

"Just trying to figure something out that's all, how everyone doing" Sam changed the subject talking to Joey. Joey gave a rundown of what was going on in the store as he said there are two groups forming, Sam's group and a small group of 3 formed around a very large white guy name Turner. Sam thanked Joey as he walked away and Kelly came up to Sam looking hesitant but wanting to talk.

"What's wrong Kelly" Sam asked a nervous Kelly.

"That one man is telling everyone your going to kill us and use us to make skeletons. I know your. not that kind of person but the others are talking" Kelly told Sam what she had been hearing. Sam was appalled at what he heard as he made his was to AJ and Truth who were talking to some people from there group.

"We need to talk now AJ" Sam said angrily to AJ.

"What's wrong Sam if it's about Turner I'm going to talk to him" AJ said. Sam just shook his head as he told AJ and Truth what was being said about him by Turner.

"We had no idea, I'll talk to him" AJ asked as he he when to find Turner.

"Truth gather everyone together please. I'm not going to be made a fool of by a fear monger" Sam declared trying to hold his anger back. Truth nodded as she ran off to get everyone together.

"What's wrong Sam I know that look" Chris walked up to Sam after AJ and Truth ran off in a hurry.

"Are new guests are making up rumors about how we are going to kill everyone and make them into skeletons" Sam spoke angrily to Chris as he tried to hold back his rage. The first 3 skeletons under Sam command gathered around him as there Green bale pyre eye grew more intense and started to turn blue. A ding from the system popped in to Sam's head.

*New skill unlocked -Awaken-*

Sam looked at the message then stared at the skeletons not seeing a difference other then the eyes. Commanding them to come closer 3 voices sounded in his head in a grating whisper.

"We obey master's command"

"Did you hear that Chris" Sam asked Chris little frightened at the voices in his head.

"Hear what. I didn't hear a thing you okay" Chris worried about Sam asked.

"The 3 skeletons they talked to me" Sam was studied the skeletons in front of him.

"What is your name" Sam asked the skeleton in front of him its eyes burned a little brighter.

"Master has not given this one a name" A grating whisper popped in to his head. Sam grew excited at the notion of a sentient skeleton to command his other skeletons with out his constant command.

Sam are you okay your talking to the skeletons now" Chris asked worried about his friend.

"I got a new skill and these 3 skeletons grew sentience. They are talking to me telepathically" Sam laughed out as he said this. Truth came up to Sam with almost everyone behind her.

"This is everyone but Turner and his group and AJ" Truth said to Sam with a look of praise me now. Sam could only laugh at the face she made as he turned to the group of people. Everyone grew nervous at what Sam would say do to the rumors that were being told.

"Look he's called his skeletons here to kill us and these other people are in on it" A lady holding her son said pointing at the skeletons. The crowd grew even more rowdy at her provocation.

"BE QUIET" Chris yelled at the top of his lungs furiously.

"Chris stop let me. It's come to my attention that someone is spreading rumors about me" Sam shook his head. "All I want to know is why what have I done to have such baseless comments said about me" Sam waited for someone to say something when a voice was heard from behind the crowd.

"Don't play the victim with me demon. We all know anyone that can summon the undead is no better then the crazies outside" A short man with slick black hair came walking to in front of the crowd.

"This demon is lying to everyone to take your soul we must kill him if we are to live" The man pulled a staff off his back squaring up with Sam. No one moved to assist as 3 skeletons stepped in front of Sam and a dozen more moved in to protect.

"Stand aside" Sam yelled as his skeletons line up behind him ready to attack at his order.

"See the demon, Look upon it as it hides in the skin of man" The man yelled taking a step back from Sam and his troop.

"I for one stand with George, We need to get rid of this demon" Turner yelled out as he waddled through the group with one other person.

"So the rats crawl from there holes" Chris steps forward drawing his mace. Jenna and Joey walk behind the skeletons as they pulled up there weapons.

"What is everyone doing he helped us from the crazies and you" Truth walked to Turner jabbing her finger in to his fat body.

"What do you think your doing, you couldn't even help when we where chased by crazies but you get all justified when it's against a normal person" Still jabbing her fingers into Turners chest. Turner grew pale as he stumbled backwards from Truth's strength. Truth just scoffed as she stood beside Sam making her stance known.