16. Hunted

Sam took Tom's map as he looked for Chris trying to get a group to scout the warehouse. Sam searched the headquarters as a lot of construction was happening. Sam found Chris and AJ in a corner of the store with his knights that have now expanded to 10 building a chapel looking barracks.

"Chris what are you building" Sam ask Chris with a confused look.

"Jenna and AJ said we need to look official with our own area since we have grown to 11 knights plus me" Chris told Sam with a less then enthusiastic attitude. Sam laughed at Chris's plight as he pulled him to the side

"Tom gave me a directions to a construction warehouse to find supplies for building, You interested" Sam gave Chris a grin.

"If it means getting out of this place count me in" Chris said in a hurry giggling. Sam told Chris the plan and asked about group size and who to take. After planning for almost 2 hours Sam carried himself to his room for the night.

Morning came quick as Sam had a restless night of wierd dreams. Freshing up Sam made his way to Chris Kinght barracks to meet up with the group that will set out with him and Chris.

"Sam hurry up before we leave with out you" Chris yelled out as Truth and Jenna laughed. The group consisted of Chris, Truth, Jenna and several knights waiting for Sam to set off. Sam shook his head as he grabbed the backpack Chris held out and the group made their way out the headquarters.

"So what's this warehouse called" Jenna asked Sam as they passed other survivors waving to them as they left the half completed compound.

"S&J Building supplies, it's about 2 miles maybe 3 if we walk down main street and take a left at the over pass" Sam told the group where they were headed. Making their way down main street Jenna noticed shadows darting in and out of her peripheral on top of some of the random building.

"Sam I don't know if I'm just worrying but something is jumping from the roof tops" Jenna whispered to Sam as the shadows seem to follow the group

"Try to keep a eye out. I've seen a shadow once but your vision is better" Sam told Jenna to focus on the shadows following them.

"Where is everything. No cannibals No mutated animals No people" Chris said as a eerie silence descended upon the group.

"Eye and ears open we crossed into something's territory" Sam made a guess as he told the group. Moving forward the overpass was in sight as the buildings gave way to trees.

"The overpass is ahead, if we turn left we'll be half way to the warehouse" Sam encouraged the group who were nervous from the following shadows. As the group moved under the overpass a body was thrown from above as it splattered onto the pavement in front of Truth.

Jenna screamed as Truth turned pale from fright as Chris ran to Jenna, Sam did the same to Truth.

"Keep your guard up and dont touch that corpse" Sam barked out enraged. Chris pulled his mace and shield in a defensive position as the knights formed up into a formation.

"We need to keep moving forward in formation" Chris yelled as the group moved forward in formation.

"Jenna stay in the middle Truth with me we're going to be strikers" Sam told Truth and Jenna where to place themselves. Sam and Truth both used their battle skills running down the gravel road leading to the warehouse. Small rocks started to pelt the group from the trees as the warehouse came into view.

"Don't break formation as we speed up" Chris yelled blocking rocks and sticks. Sam ran ahead to open a fence that lead into the warehouse. Pulling open the fence a shadow flung itself from the tree tops as it descended upon Sam. Pulling up his shield and side stepping Sam was able to narrowly avoid a monkey like monster with long knife like claws. Another monkey jumped towards Sam as an arrow flew out and pierced the monster causing it to collapse nearby. Sam could hear the primates engaging Chris and his knights but couldn't see were Truth had gone to. Focusing on the large primate in front of him Sam finally got a good look at the monster. More gorilla like then anything else it stood on 2 legs with matted black and white hair with long knife like claws and piercing red eyes. Sam readied his sword as he charged the creature. As if caught off guard the primate roared as it charge Sam hurling itself forward with reckless abandon. Sam activated Dark Mana and slashed out at the oncoming monster, slicing into its arm taking a large chunk off its forearm. The monster flinched as the corroding mana attached itself to the monster slowing it down. The monster enraged by the damage done blurred as it charged Sam but as the Dark Mana did its work the monster lost much of its speed. Chopping down on the slowed monster Sam chopped through one of the creatures arms as a blue ichor sprayed out. Not letting the monster rest Sam charged in to dispatch the wounded monster. Stabbing at its throat the sword pierced through as Sam recalled his Dark Mana as notices popped up.

*Lvl 6 Stigmatic Ape has been killed*

*Strength increased by .3*

*Vitality increased by .3*

Turning to the group Sam's heart dropped as a knight was on the ground unmoving. Charging into the melee Sam fought off 2 more Stigmatic Apes before the apes ran back to the trees.

"Chris check the knight Truth are you and Jenna okay" Sam barked orders out.

"We're fine hows the knight" Truth replied.

"Dead" Chris said as his eye grew red. Sam casted Summon Skeleton on a Ape. Seeing a ape like skeleton take its place Sam sighed in relief as he raised 2 more before a notice of command limit reached sounded in his ears. Commanding the skeletons to carry the fallen knight Sam made the group fun for the warehouse.