17. Hunter

Running into the warehouse Sam check on Chris as the loss of a knight seemed to hit him harder then Sam first thought.

"How's the rest of them" Sam asked.

"Just small cuts and bruises Warren was the only one who caught three apes at once" Chris sullenly replied back as he walked back to the knights. Sam sighed as he looked for Truth.

"Are you okay" Sam asked. Truth just nodded as she buried her head in his arms. Sam seperated from Truth and looked over the ape skeletons as the bone structure was solid and dense looking. Chris walked over to Sam who was still looking over the skeletons.

"So what's the plan or what did you learn so I can kill these things quicker" Chris asked with a hint of anger.

"Take a count of what's here and they have the most sturdy bones I've seen anywhere so aim for the throat. Spears won't do much As the ribcage is fused solid" Sam replied. Chris and Truth split up the knights into 2 groups as the inventoried the warehouse. Sam had Jenna keep lookout as he snuck outside and scouted around the large buildings. Hooting and hollering could be heard as Sam made his way around looking for another exit or safe way back to the main road. A loud roar echoed throughout the area as Sam stiffened up and the apes quieted down. No noise no movement as the ground shook from something large move about from somewhere else. The sweat dripped down Sam's back as he stood perfectly still as the tremors grew in intensity. Trees crashed to the ground as a large brown coloured scaly leg stepped on the 12ft security fence near Sam. Following the leg up a giant tortoise with two heads came into view as it gobbled up apes that had fallen with the tree. One head looked up from eating and stared directly at Sam before losing interest as it went back to looking for more apes. Sam released a breath he didn't know was being held as he moved away from the feeding tortoise. Making it back to the warehouse Sam rushed to find Chris and Truths group's.

"We need to leave NOW" Sam yelled out as he found the two groups rushing them to leave.

"Calm down, what happened" Chris asked worried at the freaked out Sam.

"There's a two headed tortoise the size of a house eating the apes outside" Sam tried to explain what he saw as calmly as possible. Packing up their inventory list the group fled out the way they came in at. Chris looked around as they fled, grew pale at the sight of the two headed monstrosity knocking down another tree and eating its inhabitants. Running back up the gravel road the group was not harassed or chased.

"Slow down stop running we aren't being chased" Sam yelled out as the group slowed down. Sam started to speak as notices sounded in his head.

*Awakened Skeleton has evolved into a Wraith*

*Skeleton has awakened*

*Skeleton has awakened*

*Wraith(Bane) has leveled up*

[Please decide evolution path of Wraith]

[Wraith Knight]

[Wraith Mage]

[Wraith Chosen]

Sam excited but confused continued down the road till fighting could be heard.

"Prepare for battle" Chris shouted as the knight formed up and picked up speed. Turning on the main road Sam spotted his skeletons fighting Stigmatic Apes. Bane and his Awaken bodyguards were cutting a path through the apes as the newly evolved Wraith lead the other skeletons into battle. Sam and Chris charged into the melee with the knights scattering the apes. With the addition of Sam and Chris's group the apes started to run from battle leaving the rest to be cut down by Sam's forces.

"Thank the powers that be Bane showed up" Chris said as the knights cheered at the victory over the apes. Bane and the new Wraith made their way over to Sam and kneeled.

"Master we have come" Two grainy voices spoke in sync.

"Thank you for your timely arrival Bane and you" Sam spoke as he pointed at the new Wraith.

"What do you wish to do" Sam asked it a question.

"This one only wishes to serve the Dread Lord for eternity" The wraith replied with little emotion.

"I understand but how. In battle, Strategy, magic or labor. You are my Minions yes but you have intelligence unlike the base skeletons now tell me" Sam gave the new Wraith ideas to think about as his didn't want more mindless drones but capable and thinking commanders. The Wraith stayed kneeled while its blue soul pyres danced in its skull as Sam moved to Bane.

"Bane I need you to pick Knight, Mage or Chosen. I can give you a hint at what knight and mage is but chosen I have no clue" Sam told Bane about his evolution paths.

"I wish to be Masters Chosen" Bane replied with conviction. Sam nodded and pushed Bane along the Chosen path. A black mist surrounded Bane and was absorbed into its body. Bane's bone club grew onto a larger bone axe, his bones turned grey as leather chainmail equipped itself to him.

*Bane has evolved into Chosen Wraith*

The notice sounded as Bane stood up and swung his new axe.

"Rise for master" Bane waved his hand as the fallen apes turned into skeletons and lined up with the others.

"Master I wish to help grow and command your armies" The other Wraith finally chose after watching Bane.

"I name you Sevrus now rise and take your place as my General" Sam commanded as the new Wraith Sevrus walked back to the skeletons and awaited orders. Sam ordered the skeletons to escort them back to the camp as the knights took over carrying the fallen knight.