19. Catalogue

With Sevrus's arrival Sam and Chris move on searching for survivors and marking locations of interest. The small army is only attacked a few times as Sam levels to 9 and Chris makes it to level 8. Sam raises a few more skeletons till the command limit reached notice sounds out.

"The level gain is better here now that it's not cannibals but mutated beasts" Chris said to Sam as they continued on.

"Yeah but theres no survivors like they've been gathered up already" Sam told Chris his thoughts.

"Speak of the devil" Chris said as he pointed to a small grove of trees where a short women was crouched observing the trees. Sam and Chris made there way over to the lady as she was painfully oblivious to them and the army behind.

"Excuse me but aren't you to focused on the trees" Chris said as they stood a few feet away.

"Oooh good heavens where did you come from don't you know it's not nice to scare a working women" the lady chastised Chris for her situational unawareness.

"Lady we walked over here in a large group with weapons and armour" Chris told the lady as he pointed to the knights and skeletons.

"Huh well would you look at that" the women cleaned her glasses and said while putting them back on.

"So what do you want I'm just a researcher for the survivor camp nearby" she told Sam and Chris. Sam grew excited at the news of another survivor camp.

"Where is the survivor camp you came from. We set up one at Harry's grocery store down the road" Sam asked about her camp while telling about his.

"The old antique shop about a mile that way" she pointed down the road in the direction they were moving.

"Thank you I'm Sam this is Chris sorry to bother you" Sam said politely as they got ready to leave.

" No problem I'm Lily now leave me alone" She said as she went back to looking at the trees. Sam and Chris both shook there heads as they walked back to the group.

"She has no sense of the situation she was in" Chris said amazed by how oblivious one person could be. Sam ignored it as he felt something familiar from Lily.

"Let's just keep moving on" Sam urged the group forward. The group moved on looking for the Antique store giving up on looking for survivors.

"The camp is ahead, what do you want to do" Chris asked Sam. Knowing the skeletons would be receive badly Sam only took Chris and his knights. A small wall of timber surrounded the store as archers patrolled on top, 2 men holding spears guarded the front gate.

"Stop were your at and wait for inspection" one of the spearmen yelled as archers drew back their bows and pointed it at Sam and Chris.

"We want to talk to whoever's in charge" Sam yelled back while not minding the bows pointed at him.

"You've already talked to me" Lily walked slowly by writing in a book as the archers lowered their bows.

"Are you coming" She stopped and looked at Sam and Chris as they stared at the book worm in front of them. Sam looked at Chris as they had the same dumbfounded and cramped smile. Following Lily into the antique store turned camp they were lead into a office that had been turned into some kind of library laboratory.

"Find a seat" Lily sat on a swivel chair and spun around.

"I'll stand now can we talk business" Sam replied to Lily as Chris looked around picking through all the books.

"A man of action I see, so what do you need to talk about" Lily asked Sam as she continued to swivel. Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose at the headache he felt coming on dealing with the child like lady in front of him.

"We are looking for more people and supplies to expand our camp and turn it into something like a town" Sam told Lily his plans as Chris continued to fiddle with things.

"What's it got to do with me" Lily asked uninterested in Sam's plans.

"He wants to combine survivor camps" Chris said bluntly from the side.

"What's in it for me" she asked as she put her hand on her chin.

"My protection and we will have a larger base to do more with" Sam stated the facts to Lily.

"Your protection. What make you think I need your protection" Lily replied with hostility that neither Sam or Chris took seriously. Looking around Sam found a window to look out that face the road the came in on.

"Look out at the main road" Sam pointed as Sevrus lined up with over 30 skeletons. Lily got up out of her chair and looked out the window and turned pale.

"What are you trying to do intimidate me" Lily asked as backed away from Sam.

"Nope if we wanted to do that I would of brought all of my army" Sam smirked as he said his bad guy line. Chris broke out in laughter at Sam's corny line.

"Really that's your gotcha line. Brother we need to work on your bad guy lines" Chris was holding his stomach laughing as he made fun of Sam.

" If this is some kind of joke it's not funny" Lily shouted as she look on teary eyed.

"No it's just me showing you the protection I'm offering. My job is unique and allows me to summon undead while not being half bad in melee" Sam told Lily as Chris composed himself.

"Well it just so happens I don't like being a leader it takes up to much of my time. I'm a researcher not a babysitter" Lily said as her face turned red from being toyed with.

"I guess I should Introduce myself fully I'm Lily Roth and my job is Cataloguer nice to meet you both"