20. To easy

Sam stared at Lily for the quickness she agreed to Sam and Chris taking over the camp.

"I don't trust this" Chris whispered to Sam as he thought the same thing.

"I know but let's let this play out" Sam whispered back.

"You know I can hear you and I'm not fooling you" Lily complained as she over heard Sam and Chris's loud whispering.

"I'm a scientist not a leader of men" Lily put her hand on her face as she shook her head. She called out to someone named Grant and a large well built man with a greatsword swaggered in.

"What do you want Lily I'm busy" Grant said with little patience. Sam and Chris glared at Grant as he reminded them of someone they knew.

"This is Sam, we are going to join him and his camp" Lily told Grant all that they had talked about.

"You think you can lead a camp" Grant looked at Sam as he started to talk down to him.

"It takes courage, dedicated and a wealth of knowledge to lead people in times of tragedy and you don't look like you know what your doing" Grant continued to drone on as Sam gave Chris look who nodded in return. Chris grabbed Lily and walked out of the room and closed the door.

"What is your friend doing. See this is what I was talking about can't even handle being chastised" Grant continued on his rant but was interrupted by Sam.

"Will you shut the hell up, I've been keeping people alive since this bullshit Apocalypse started. I've face a horde of cannibals, giant monkeys, a twin headed turtle the size of a house and the wants and needs of almost 50 people. So please don't talk down to me or I will add another skeleton to my army" Sam roared out at the still rambling Grant. Grant stopped talking as he was yelled at his face growing redder and redder. Grant pulled his sword off his back as he pointed it at Sam.

"How dare you talk to me like that, do you know who I..." Grant yelled back but was interrupted by Sam.

"WHO CARES" Sam yelled.

"Your not on my level to fight so dont even try now gather the people here we are moving to my camp" Sam turned around and started to walk away. Grant rushes Sam from behind with his greatsword raised but Sam quickly turns and drops to his knee and punches Grant in the stomach. Grant's sword keeps flying forward and embeds itself in the top of the door frame as Grant falls to the floor vomiting.

"Everything is ready do you need me to kill him" Chris is leaning against a wall a few feet away.

"No he's just an idiot but if he thinks I will let him live the next time... Sevrus needs a few more bodies for his troop" Sam says to Chris who shutters at the cold tone of Sam.

"Did he kill him" Lily walked up to Chris and asked who replied by flicking her in her forehead and walking away.

"I'm 22 why am I getting treated like a kid" Lily whispers to herself as she rubs her forehead tearing up. Sam walks out side as he see a large crowd of people with carts of food and supplies.

"We took everything that was useful" Chris walked beside Sam and told him a rundown of the supplies.

"We were able to gather 118 people over the last 2 days" Lily said still rubbing her forehead walking past Sam and sat on a cart.

"Well let's get a move on we got maybe 3 hours till dusk" Sam said as he walked out of the now abandoned camp. Sevrus walked over to Sam and kneeled told him of an incoming group of drakes.

"Chris we have drakes, Sevrus says theres probably 20 of them. Get the knights ready for battle" Sam tells Chris. Sam continued to get the large group moving as the first drake jumped on top of an half destroyed car. Sevrus was the closest as his bone club crushed its skull after two hits. A notice sounds out that Sevrus leveled to 3 as he kills the first drake. The drakes get agitated after Sevrus kills the first and start to frenzy.

"Chris keep the knights protecting the group I will attack with the skeletons" Sam yells out as he disemboweled a leaping drake. The drakes numbers increase to almost 30 as the battle and smell of fresh blood draws in more monsters.

"We need to increase are spee" A loud roar cuts off Sam yelling to Chris. The roar rings out as Sam recalls where he heard it before.

"That's the giant turtle" Sam yells as he runs to the roar, commanding Sevrus and Chris to protect the group on there way to the camp.

The tortoise is stomping it's way towards the caravan of people as Sam intercepts it.

"I knew this day was to easy" Sam says to himself as he activates Dark Mana. Sprinting to the turtle two drakes charge Sam as if to protect the slowish tortoise snapping up any creature that gets near. Slashing out Sam cuts clear through the necks of the drakes and he jumps and rolls to the side of the turtles heads and climbs on top of its massive shell. Making it on top the turtle stopped and shakes trying to dislodge Sam from it's back. Using his sword Sam tries to maintain his balance as the turtle grows more and more frenzied. Sam stays on top of the turtle as it tries everything it could to dislodge him. 10, 15, 30 minutes pass as Sam holds on and the turtle starts to tire out. Sevrus has cleared out the small horde if creatures with its skeletons and the knights while Sam plays rodeo with the turtle. 20 more minutes pass as the turtle collapses to the ground with ragged breaths and cries out. Sam still standing on the shell holding back his vomit crawls closer to its heads.

"Are you done yet" He yells as he dry heaves mid sentence. The turtle just lays there and a high pitch whine escapes it mouths.

"What you want more" Sam asked as the turtle quivered and shook its heads.

"You can understand me" Sam asks dumbfounded that the turtle can understand him.

The turtle let's out a low growl as if Warning Sam not to look down on it.

"Two heads must of made you smarter huh" Sam patted its shell. The tortoise shook once more as Sam slid down to its heads, surprised Sam pulls his sword up as a notification sounds out. *Contract made was with Twin Head Dragon Tortoise*

*Please give it a name*