29. Tasks at hand

Sam and Truth made there way back to their room for the night as the celebrated Sam's recovery. The next morning Sam called a meeting to go over new tasks and the quests that he received. Tom meandered to his seat as Sam cleared his throat.

*Hum humm* "The past few days have been eventful I see" Sam cracked a joke.

"We all can't be sleeping beauty now can we hero" Tom said as he fixed his notebook.

"Now now Tom you were distraught when Sam collapsed" Joey laughed out.

"Okay time for the meeting, now I have one major thing to say and a few minor things to discuss" Sam started to speak.

"We have completed the first quest that was given to me and now need to grow and build a town as you all know. We can't be lazy now and need to expand and fortify ourselves"

Zackary stood up as Sam spoke and interrupted his briefing.

"Master I apologize but one of my scouts have returned" Zackary walked to the door as a rotted dog limped into the building and collapsed. A wisp of smoke escaped the husk as Zachary reached out and plucked from the air.

"Umm you dont say, How dare they, Really that small" Zachary spoke nonsense then turned to Sam.

"My scout say the group at the wallie world has three powerful classes, two are melee and one is a mage. They are starting to expand aswell and in our direction, also one of the leaders has a small.. unit HAHAHA" Zachary lost focus as he laughed wildly. Sam shook his head as he look to Chris and Truth and told them to follow him.

"What do you want to do, I think it's to soon to wage another war" Chris said as they walked outside.

"If they want to take what we made I don't mind killing some more" Truth said as a savage light gleamed in her eyes. Sevrus and Bane walked up to Sam as they kneeled down.

"Master has summoned us" they replied together.

"How are you coming on raising more undead" Sam asked. Sevrus trembled at Sam's question as Bane lowered itself lower.

"We have failed master as we are losing minions as fast as we summon them" Sevrus started to say.

"We tried to take land from the primates and were pushed back furiously by them" Bane spoke.

"Gather the knights and shieldmaidens" Sam spoke to Chris, Connor and Truth. Sam walked out of the HQ after leaving Tom in charge of expansion plans.

"Where's Gore" Sam asked Sevrus.

"Still fighting on the frontlines Master" he replied as Sam was led to the front gate where a group of 27 Wraiths stood at attention. Nodding at the Wraiths in front of him, Sam saw an oddity in one of the Wraiths. Pointing at the Wraith to walk to him, Sam noticed the soul pyre of the wraith was red and it held a halberd as it stood taller then the other wraiths.

"Kneel and recive your name" Sam said as the wraith fell to its knees.

"As Bane is my armour you shall be my sword. I grant you the name Abaddon" Sam commanded as the Wraiths eyes burned brighter and its body trembled. Several minutes past before the Wraith stood and saluted Sam.

"ABADDON...meets...MASTER" It growled out with difficulty. Sam nodded again as Abaddon stood next to Bane and Sevrus.

"Looks like you've had some success in upgrading the skeletons" Sam look at Sevrus who trembled in delight at the praise. Sam started to talk to Bane before being interrupted by the sound of marching. Looking behind him the view of almost 60 armoured knight and 11 lightly armoured women marched to the front gate. Truth skipped over to Sam and held his arm as Connor and Chris stepped forward.

"We will be meeting up with my undead and clearing out the Stigmatic Apes" Sam yelled out as the knights replied with a thunderous crash of weapon striking shield. Leaving the gate two massive heads popped into view as Dagon lumbered to Sam.

"You aren't leaving me here as you go fight the monkeys are you Bonded One" The deep voice of Dagon sounded in Sam's head. Sam jumped onto Dagons shell as he replied never as the gathered army moved to ape territory. Marching for almost an hour the overpass and gravel road came into view along with the sounds of battle.

"Bane with me, Sevrus with Chris and Abaddon with Truth. Chris I want you to capture the construction depot. Truth will focus on assisting my undead" Sam shouted orders as he guided Dagon to the thickest fighting.

"I sense a powerful ape where we are headed" Dagon said as they rushed to the battle ahead. Sam just grinned as he readied his weapon. Running past as curve in the road Sam was greeted to the sight of almost 30 Apes fighting 20 skeletons being lead by Gore.

"Charge" Sam commanded as Bane and his wraiths bounded into the apes. Sam stood atop Dagon as he raised any ape that had fallen. The melee lasted only minutes as the Banes cohort made short work of the Apes, adding 34 more skeletons to Gores force.

"Gore meets Master" The large Ogre Ghoul kneeled awkwardly to Sam.

"Rise, you've done well in battling the Apes Gore" Sam said as Gore stood up.

"We will continue on and clear out more apes" Sam commanded as Dagon move them forward to the location of the Ape elite. As the host of undead moved forward more and more Apes hurtled themselves at the skeletons, only to be struck down and raised into undeath by Sam. Sam grinned at the new horde of skeletons in front of him as they swarmed forward, as Notifications sounded in his head.

*Skeleton has awakened*

*Skeleton has awakened*

*Gore has leveled up*

*Raise skeleton has leveled up*

*Congratulations you have leveled up*

Sam shook away the notices as a roar sounded out from the tree line, Dagon replied with his own bellowing roar. Tree swayed and cracked as a 13 foot Ape holding a small tree made club walked out from the wood line. All the Apes stopped fighting as they walked behind the large ape. Sam pulled back his army as he and Dagon walked forward.