30. Clash of Titans

Dagon issued another roar while Sam leaped down in front of the ape. The ape beat its chest as it roared again and bashed the ground with its club.

"I know you understand me Ape, Submit or die those are your options" Sam yelled as the undead beat their weapons against armour and shields. The Apes eyes narrowed as Sam spoke, it looked around at the undead apes and snorted.

"One last time, Submit in life or serve forever in death" Sam said as he walked back to Dagon.

The Ape look back at its followers that were beaten and bloody, it snorted one last time as it dropped its club and kneeled to Sam. Walking back to the Ape Sam put his hand on its head and branded the Ape with his will.

*Oath has leveled up*

"Greets.....Mast...errr" A deep bass voice reverberated in Sam's head. Sam patted the ape as he walked back to Dagon.

"Seems the monkeys know better" Dagon said as he gave out a deep humm that sounded like laughter.

"Keep laughing, they work under you from now on anyway" Sam replied as he chuckled. Sam reorganize the army while the large Ape barked out to the other apes and walked over to Sam.

"Master.... more.. apes...?" It asked like a question confused.

"You know where" Sam inquired back to a nodding ape.

"Take me" Sam commanded as the army headed deeper into the woods. Dagon caused a path of destruction as he lumbered through the woods knocking over trees, clearing a path for the skeletons to walk in formation. The large Ape grew visibly agitated it guided Sam further till it stopped and looked at Sam with hesitation.

"No... further.... not allow" it said shaking. Sam nodded as he pushed forward with Dagon leaving Gore and Bane with the skeletons and apes. Walking forward for ten or so minutes Dagon smashed the ground with his pillar like leg.

"Bonded One be ready" Dagon shouted to Sam is it stomped and roared. Sam leaped off of Dagon as a boulder was tossed out of the trees.

"INTRUDERS...KILL" A voice shook the surroundings as a gigantic 20 foot white ape pushed two trees over and lumbered forward.

"Dagon help me kill this overgrown monkey" Sam said as he charged forward. Gathering black and green energy in his sword Sam sent a sword wave at the skeletons white Ape. The wave sliced into the apes knee causing the ape to flinch as Sam continued to sprint underneath its legs. Dagon rushed forward to slam the great white Ape but was bash to the side causing as storm of dust and debris. The creature let out a another loud roar as it beat its chest and looked to the charging Sam. Sam picked up speed as the Ape tried to smack the incoming ant.

"MOVE AWAY" Dagon yell out in Sam's head as a red and brown light flashed from its location. Sam using the force of the slap hitting the ground propelled himself away while two massive orbs shot out from Dagon. Sensing the incoming danger the ape attempted to jump away from the orbs. Colliding with a tree the orbs merged and exploded in a fiery conflagration further launching Sam into the woods, bouncing off of trees. Not getting far enough away the apes right leg and hand was caught in the explosion.

"That's it for me" Dagon whispered weakly to Sam as it crashed to the ground in exhaustion. Sam pick himself out from the splinter trees as he looked around for the Ape to see it hobbling away with a chard leg and cradling its hand. The other apes in the surroundings faired far worse based on the burnt husks scattered about. Sam ran to the Ape and jumped onto it's back to end its life.A blur of white streaked past Sam knocking him back as a small white monkey blocked Sam from the giant ape.

"No kill we surrender" A women's voice sounded in Sam's head as the small monkey glared wearily.

"And why should I accept" Sam asked while lowering his sword.

"We no want death" the voice said.

"I accept but you must serve" Sam replied as walked back to Dagon. The small monkey sighed and hooted twice as a dozen apes and monkeys converged on the monkey. Sam paid little attention to the group of primates hooting and grunting as he saw the poor condition Dagon was in. His shell had cracks along the left side as blood poured out of its mouths.

"What can I do to help" Sam asked as he worried for his turtle friend.

"Food" Was all Dagon could muster to say to Sam. Turning back to the cluster of primates Sam walk up to the little white monkey that seemed to be in charge.

"My partner need food" Sam said with frustration.

"We give wine" The monkey said hesitantly as it looked back at the giant Ape. Pulling a gourd from nowhere the monkey tossed it at Sam and went back to grunting at the apes. Sam confusingly popped the cork and took a sniff. Almost dropping the gourd Sam shoved the cork back as a red tinge appeared on his face. Shaking his head his walked back to Dagon and poured the wine in its mouth.

"I said food bonded one not wi..... what have you given me" Dagon asked after twenty or so minutes after drinking the wine.

"The little white monkey gave me a gourd of wine. How do you feel" Sam asked with concern.

" My head is clear and my internal injuries are healing quickly" Dagon said surprised after looking over his body. Sam stared back down at the gourd with greedy eyes as he knew just what the tribe of primates will do in the future. The white monkey shuttered oddly as it looked around for the cause.

"We ready to follow human" The monkey told Sam as another monkey pulled a gourd and threw it into the giant apes mouth.

"Is this it" Sam asked as the monkey nodded.

"No more all dead" The monkey replied with hate as it looked at the burnt husks. Sam scratched his neck as he called out for Bane.

"Look for Truth and Chris. Gore make your way here with twenty skeletons" Sam sent orders to Bane and Gore.

"We serve" sounded back as both carried out Sam's orders. Fifteen minutes past as Gore came marching up to Sam and kneeled.

"Protect Dagon and the big ape till they can be escorted to camp" Sam gave Gore his orders which he immediately began to carry out.

"I leave tribe here with Bonemen, I follow you" The little monkey said as it walked up to Sam.

Nodding Sam made his way out of the woods from the direction he came.