Chap 06

DUSTIN can't get enough of the lady who just kissed him last night and it looks like it's the same for her. After just resting for a few minutes they do it again. Even in the morning when they woke up, they did it again. She even followed him in the bathroom when he's taking shower.

Right then he thought they were okay and feel the same connection. He wanted to get to know her more so he decided to ask her for breakfast after. But to his surprise, after he finished his shower and went out, she's no longer there. He got confused. He didn't even left any note telling her name or number or something.

"Hey, bro. Wait, why you look so grim? Aren't you supposed to be happy because for a very long time, you had your fill again last night? Don't tell me nothing happened between you and that chick who keeps on checking you out?" Kevin was there having breakfast with Rafael. The two can't cook or don't want to cook, so they were always eating outside.

"Don't remind me how she just left." He let go of a sigh and sat on the vacant chair on their table.

The two glanced at each other then laugh at him after. He just let them do that while he asked for his breakfast too.

"Where's Oscar? Is he not here yet?" Oscar also can't cook but he can prepare fruit snack.

"Don't ask about him, bro. he's already busy decorating his house with someone." Rafael said with sarcasm. They all knew about Ysa, on how he asked for her help instead of professional designers from the company. Oscar might be serious when it comes to work, but he can't hide anything from them. He's so transparent when it comes to woman.

After that day, he just focused on his work at FerArD, but every time he had a break, he can't stop but think of that woman. Just like now, he just closed his eyes to rest for a while from reading the project proposal that their head architect gave him for approval, when she thought of her again.

She can't forget her eyes while she's looking at him lustfully and her lips on him. His thoughts were cut off when his phone suddenly rings.

"Aunt Helen." He said as he answered his phone. He saw his aunt calling before he answers it. It's a wife of his uncle Geraldo, the brother of his mother.

"Dustin, are you busy? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

When his mom died 7 years ago, Aunt Helen became a mother figure to him. Although at his age, he didn't need one anymore, but still. He's thankful for her.

"No, it's fine. What's up?"

"Mama wanted to invite you here. She was always asking when you will visit us again. She's kind of mad because she thought you forget about her already. Can you make time and visit us here?"

It's been a month since he last visited her grandma and it already made her sullen. "Sure, I'll make time tomorrow, though I'm not sure. I have to check my schedule first."

"Really? Okay, just beep me up when you're coming or not. Mama will be so happy to hear from you. Okay, then, hijo. See you tomorrow."

"That's the only reason why called?" he asked before her aunt cut the line.

"Yes," she giggled. "Actually, we just missed you here, especially your grandma. I thought I have to convince you all day again, that's why I called instead of sending a messag . But you said you'll come."

"Oh." He also chuckled and bid his goodbye making sure he'll send her a message if he'll have time tomorrow.

He just got curious because every time his aunt call him, it will take a whole day because they won't drop the phone or stop calling him just to ask about his love life. If they knew that he still doesn't have one, they're going to start telling some girls name, either a daughter of her friends or a just someone they knew. But in the end, he will just politely decline.
