Chap 07

"SELENA, what are you doing here?" Ivana asked confused when her friend went out of her kitchen just to check on her. "Don't you have work?"

"Just came from site visitation. I'm here to have lunch." Then she pointed her food.

The entire employees of Ivana's restaurant knew her and Marcel that is why if they saw them there, they always informed their boss. Even if they didn't ask for her to come out. Most of the time, Ivana won't let them pay for their food but they always declined her offer. Business is business and friends are friends. Plus, they don't want their friend to blame them if the restaurant will be bankrupt. Although, it won't really happen. The place is well known on that area.

"Is Marcel still in Paris?" Ivana asked and sat on the vacant chair in front of her.

"No, she went home in their province, I think. Her cousin got married and she's one of the bride's maids."

"Oh, is that wedding today? Anyway, how's your day? Ever since we came back from the resort, you seem to be very busy on your work. Although you always are, this time it's extra. Plus, your sister also mentioned that you're not arguing with your mom anymore. You just let them talk on you. Don't tell me you gave up and just let them give you to some guy?"

"Of course not, I'm just tired of arguing with them." She shrugged. "They won't stop no matter how I fight back anyway. Plus, I told them I have a boyfriend and I wanted to marry him because he's the guy I love. So, they stop, just like that."

"What? You have a boyfriend? Who? Why didn't you introduce him to us first?"

"It's because there is none. I just told them that, for them to stop bugging me, and thankfully they did."

"Oh. Wait, your parents didn't even ask you to bring home your boyfriend and introduce him to them?"

"That's my problem now, they wanted to meet him. But, I just told them that he's very busy to come in here, because I told them that I met him in the island."

"Are you talking about the guy who you think I'm thinking right now? The guy you were with at the night you didn't came back in our hotel room. You used him as your invisible boyfriend?" She nodded. "Selena Valentine!"

"I know. I know it's silly because I don't even know his name, but what can I do? It just came out of my mouth and I can't take it back."

"It's your fault not to know his name, because you didn't ask him. Instead you ran away from him. You even pulled me and Marcel to get out of that island immediately. Who's at fault now?"

"Can you blame me if I started to panic?

"You panicked because you stopped having your birth control years ago and realize that he was also out of condom, yeah, you told us that already. But still, you guys continue doing it because you can't get enough of each other, right?"

"Did I say that?"

Selena knew that when it comes to her friends there's no filter in their topic. They can freely say about their sex-life with each other. If Marcel will be the one telling her story, she even dictates it in detail. That's how close they are. That's why she can't help but tell them why she ran from that hot guy last time. Her friends can't do anything but to go with her and leave the resort even if they still have a day to stay for their reservation.

"Hey, I was just thinking, what if you're pregnant? How can you find him? You're not even sure if you'll see him again in the island. Heck, you're not sure if he's also a local in this country too."

"It's been a week now, Ivana, and I know I'm not pregnant because I just got my period yesterday."

"Is that a good thing? Why do I wish that you should be pregnant, for you to have a reason and look for him?" Selena just glared at her. "Alright," she raised her hand for surrender. "So, whom are you going to introduce with your parents now?"

"For now, they are still in piece because I told them that the guy is busy, but I'm sure sooner or later, they will bug me again. By that time, maybe I already get a boyfriend."

"I hope your plan works, Sen. Anyway, I will let you eat in peace now. I have to go back in the kitchen. Bye." Then she left her just like that.

Thinking about what happened in the resort made her lose her appetite, but still tried to finish it because her friend might make a fuss if she won't eat her food.
