Chap 08

"DUSTIN, are you still not going to let us meet your girlfriend? You should introduce us the girl first. Don't tell you have none, because that's impossible. I heard that a lot of girls are visiting your island."

Dustin was having lunch with his grandmother's house now. His Uncle Geraldo and Aunt Helen are also with them. And as usual, his grandma started her favorite topic again, hi love life. Since he turned thirty, two years ago, her grandma didn't stop mentioning about him getting married. Dustin knew that his grandma just wanted to see him settle down.

"Mamay, do you want me to just introduce someone to you? Isn't it that you're the one who told me to fine the right girl that I could spend my life forever and that I'm serious with?" he just answered with a sigh. He and his cousin Gerald call their grandma Mamay.

"That's the exact word, Ged told mama last time too." Aunt Helen informed with a laugh. Ged is his cousin's and her son.

"Your grandma just wanted to see the girl whom you're both going to marry, hijo. You know that she's not getting any younger." Uncle Geraldo defended his mother.

"I know, uncle, but, Mamay, don't pressure us yet. Maybe sooner or later we'll just knock in your door with them."

"Fine. I won't bother you with that anymore. I just don't understand why you didn't get your father's gene of being a chick magnet. I wish I also have a great grandchildren running round the house now."

He just laughs at his grandma's comment. Even when his parents didn't end up together, his grandma was still in good term with her father when he was alive. And Dustin just found out about it when his mother died two years before his father followed.

"By the way, Dustin, VRE project is on hold because the Head Engineer that was supposed to handle it resigned. He's followed his family abroad, and we forget about it, so now we're trying to look for another Head Engineer. Can you recommend anyone who can handle the project?" Geraldo asked after a while.

"All of the engineers I knew were already abroad."

"Why not helped them, hijo. You're engineer by profession and you also worked at FerCon for a while before." Aunt Helen suggested.

"That's what I'm thinking too. VRE is one of the biggest Contractors in FerCon and we don't want to disappoint them. They are actually requesting for the immediate construction of the subdivision. Why don't you come and help for a while, if you're not that busy at FerArD?"

He helped with the engineering team at FerCon before. That was after he passed his board and got his license. But only for a year or so because when he decided to go and stay at his island. So, his uncle that he should continue the Architectural and Designing Company of her mom in that province, for him to at least used his profession in building houses. He doesn't want to disappoint them, so he accepted it.

Frey Alcaraz was her friend in college and also became a colleague in FerCon when she became one of the Head Engineers of the Company before. Now she's one of the Project Executives in the company. His uncle knew her personally because he knew that she's his friend and also saw a potential in her.

"Sure, my head architect can take over the FerArD for a while and check the ongoing projects. And I can let my brothers handle the island while I'm here."

"Good, so come with me at the office later."

He just nodded.

"That island, Dustin. Are you sure there's no prostitution going on in there? I heard some rumors that a lot of people were meting there and some even gets pregnant." His grandma asked after.

"Mamay, I can assure you that everything is clean there. No prostitution. People were just exaggerating on their stories about the island, because of the club and bar at the resort. If there are people who got pregnant in there, it's already out of our hands. People come and had fun; we're not monitoring their every move that we could stop them if they wanted to have intimate something, you know."

People are the one who made the resort, or even the island, a place to 'meet and make-out', or even more. Not that they care about it, it's good for their business anyway. In a liberated country, fucking or having casual sex is normal. But in a religious country like Philippines, those things are not yet accepted or open, at least not verbally and publicly. Others maybe doing it, but it should be in secrecy.

"I don't know why you chose to stay in that province, hijo. I heard that the name of the other famous island in that place is also something vulgar. And now, your resort is famous for being a lustful resort. What's with that town that makes people so… so naughty?"

The famous island, her aunt was talking, is one of the famous island in the Province of La Union, where his island is also located. That island is called Immuki, it was base on the Ilocano dialect in the Philippines for female genital called 'Uki'. If Dustin is not mistaken, they call it like that because the shape of the lagoon in the island is a shape of a female genital. And because of the naughty minds of the people they call the lagoons 'Bimmuto', which means, male genital, and 'Immubet', means anus. Now, that island is also stunning and it's also one of the tourist attraction and destination in the province.