Chap 09

"I don't know what you're mom will say if she found out what you did to that island." His grandpa said slightly shaking her head.

"I think Grace will also love the place, mama." His uncle Geraldo butted in. "She's also a partygoer. She always sneaks out at night to meet with her friends at the club, remember? Plus, she wouldn't meet Dustin's father if she didn't go clubbing while in Singapore that time."

Dustin knew that his parents met in Singapore. His mom visited her cousins there, while his father was on a business trip. At least that's the story he knew of.

"Speaking of your father, where are your brothers?" His grandma met his four brothers and adored them because she said they are all good looking. She felt like she's looking at four different version of 'her Dustin' from other countries.

Dustin knew that his grandma just want to nudge his son's comment as well, because it was true. Her mother was rebellious back then, not until he came into her life. Since then she chose to stay single and be a mother to him, until she was diagnose with lung cancer, caused by her being a chain smoker before she got pregnant with him.

That is also the reason why her mother always told her not to smoke and even made him promise. Dustin even remembered her mom's last comment that if he will try to smoke, she will wake up from grave and hit him. Even thought her mom just said those words to make him laugh, he knew that she's serious.

"They are all busy, Mamay. They wanted to come but they have prior schedule. They wanted to 'hi', by the way."

"Are your siblings wanted to settle down with a Filipina too? Or they already have someone in the country where they from?" Aunt Helen asked curiously.

"I am also curious about that. Plus, I never heard them going home yet. Didn't' they missed their family in the other country?" His grandma added.

"I also asked them about that, because it's been five years now. And they never visited their hometown yet, but Rafael just answered me that his family is here, not in the country where they grew up. They have their own story to tell, but I think it's because their mothers have their own family. Most of them grew up with their grandparents because their mother has her own family."

"Well, if that's what they thought, then it's up to them. But, are you boys have a plan to get married or you're just going to stay in that island like a monk?"

Again he just laughs at his grandma's remarks. "We all wanted to settle down, Mamay. It's just that, we didn't find the right girl yet. But, I think Oscar found her already, although it still in progress."

"Are brothers not like you're father who collected woman and make them pregnant and just leave?" Uncle Geraldo asked. He knew that he's not fond of their father ever since but still act casually with him before.

"We know what our father's style, uncle. We learned a lesson from him because of that, and that's why we are careful."

"Maybe staying in the island helps too, because just you met limited people in there. You just have to be careful because someone might just seduce you and forced you to marry them."

He just nodded at his aunt's remarks. They all knew about it. That is why they were also careful of revealing their identity to the public. People knew that Redwood Brothers rule the Cinque Fratelli Island, but not everyone knew who they are and what they look like.

After the lunch, he went with his uncle back to the FerCon. He feels surreal when they enter the building. He also saw some of the old employees who are still working in there and wave at them. But most of the employees are new and not familiar, but they still greeted them because he's with his uncle, who is the General Manager and Major Share Holder of the Company.

"You can go straight to Frey's office. You still know where the Project Executive's office, right? She's already expecting you there." His uncle informed him as he hold the elevator when it reached the floor where the Head Architect's office is.

He just saluted his uncle goodbye before the elevator closed and turns to go at his long time friend's office. He was not shocked when Frey got promoted as a Project Executive, from an intern engineer, because she knew that she's very dedicated to her work and she's also hard working.

"Friday!" He shouted as long as he enters her office and saw that she was startled but just glare at him in owe. Friday Alcaraz is her friend's whole name. But she wanted to be called Frey for those who are not close to her.

"No, it's still Monday." She joked while raising an eye brow at him. Friday used to got teased and bullied because of her name but now she can joke about it herself.

"Right, tell that to your name."
