Chap 10

"SELENA, Miss Frey is asking you in her office." One of her officemate informed her as she got back to her table. She was currently reading the site plans for the next project.

"Did she say why?" Frey won't ask for her in her office for now bigger reason, like there's something wrong with the schedules she made for the construction or there anything problematic on their job. She's one of the Project Superintendents in Ferdinand Constructions and it's her job is seeks perfection.

"I don't know. She seems to be happy though, so maybe it's not a bad news." Her officemate shrugged. "Oh, wait, maybe she'll introduce the handsome guy that who was with big boss a when he came a while ago. I heard he's on her office too."

Right. She heard a commotion about that a while ago because the girls who claimed to saw the 'hot guy' who was with their big boss was talking about him nonstop. They knew it was not Mr. Geraldo's son because they all met the guy recently when he visited the company.

She just fixed her table before going into their executive's office. She just knocked at the door three times and entered, because it was already open. She was looking straight to her executive who was sitting at the single sofa but saw someone sitting on the right long sofa and his back was on her. But she suddenly stopped and felt nostalgic when she smell a familiar scent but just brushed it off immediately.

"Miss Frey, you were asking for me?"

"Yes, have a seat." Miss Frey gestured her to sit down and she did but on the vacant sofa on her other side, still looking at her executive. "Selena, I want you to meet engineer Redwood." She pointed the guy, her visitor, who is staring at her. "He's going to be the Head Engineer on the VRE project that you'll handle next."

Shocked is an understatement on what she felt when she saw who the guy was. Selena knew that it's the same for him too. They were just staring at each other while Miss Frey was explaining about how he ended up being the Engineer on the project. The only thing she that registered into her was when Miss Frey said he's the nephew of their big boss.

"Guys? Are listening to me?" Miss Frey got their attention so they both turned to her.

So it was not a dream that he smell that scent a while ago because it's really familiar and he definitely knew who the owner was. It's none other than the guy he met at Yuwaku Shima Resort and spend the whole night with. And now he's the nephew of her big boss? What unlucky she is.

Even if she wanted to run and get out of there, she knew she can't. Miss Frey might get confused and it's impolite to do that. She still wanted her job.

"Sorry, Friday, I was just mesmerized by her beauty." The guy said smiling and even winked at her.

Miss Frey just laughed and shook her head. So, she just clear the lump on her throat before speaking.

"Miss Frey, about the next project with VRE. Are you sure it's okay for me to handle it? Did they know that you're giving me this project?" She confirmed because it's no secret for her that VRE requested not to put her in any project they asked at FerCon and it's because it's something personal.

Valentine Real Estate was her parents business but instead of helping them with it, she chose to work in FerCon, VRE's subcontractor. Because of that, her parents don't want her in any of their projects. They even said that she's not that competent enough. So, it's kind of surprising now, that they're giving her the housing project.

"Yes, I just talk to them a while ago and they agreed to put you on this project. Maybe they heard how good and competent you are now. You always had a good feedback with your work, so maybe they already saw that. Anyway, Dustin will be the Head Engineer and you will work with him for the time being." Miss Frey explained. "I hope you'll work hard together, right engineer Redwood?"