Chap 11

Redwood. Dustin Redwood. Wait… so he's also the owner of the island and the eldest among the Redwood Brothers? Selena look at the guy who still smiling from ear to ear now. Does that mean, I seduced one of them?

"Oh, believe me Friday, we will." Her thought were interrupted by his voice.

She can't hide but got curious when he heard him call the real name of Miss Frey, which she doesn't want to hear from them. She said only close friends and family can call het that.

"He's one of the friends that I told you before." She turned to face Frey again. "You look confused when you heard him say my full name." She continued laughing. "Anyway, I called you hear because I want you to brief Dustin about the project and give him all the heads-up. I have an important meeting outside. And I have to leave now." She stood up while talking and gets her coat to wear it.

She stood up while sending her with their eyes out of the office.

"Oh, and Dustin, please don't try to go inside her skirt, if you don't want to be a panda when you go back home." Miss Frey joking warned the guy before she totally get out of her own office, leaving her with him.

"But I already did." Dustin said amusedly and turned to her. "So, we met again... baby."

"Don't call me that." She said immediately. All the embarrassment she felt a while ago came back at once and Selena knew her face is getting red now. But she knew that they are still in the office she tried to put all her might to stay professional. "Look, I don't know what's going on, and I honestly didn't expect these to happen but... can we try to forget about what happened in that island. Can we just pretend that it never happened?"

"How can I? When that was the best night of my life - ever." He said seductively and tried to go near her which made her sat back in the sofa. Instead of stopping, he even sat beside her and so close to her. This guy will be the death of her.

"Mr. Redwood, please." She still tried her best to be professional and make her tone in businesses like. Although having him near her gives her warmth and she likes it. It seems like there's something in his persona that seduces her. Or was it his perfume? She had no idea.

"Come on, babe. I know you enjoyed that night too. And I know you also missed it." He said almost whispering in her ear that gives her shiver all over. He could feel his warm breath in her cheek too. "Do you know that I missed your body closed to mine... just like this?" He slowly snaked his hand in her waist for her to be more closed to his body. She can also smell his minty breath in her face. "I miss your lips and how your body dances with mine." He bit her ear that made her bit her lip to stop herself to moan.

He wanted to push him away but her body won't listen. What is wrong with her now? She's known at the office as a female warrior. That's why most men in the office don't want to be near him. But why she can't do that with him now? What is really wrong with her?

"I don't know you have a beautiful name, Selena. I wish I could call you and say your name while we are caressing each other again." He nuzzled her chick with his nose.

"M-Mr. Redwo---."

"Dustin." He corrected.

"Dustin, c-can we g-go back to business f-first?" she wanted to knocked hers self now that she can't even talk straight. She tried to clear the lump in her throat again before she continued. "We are still inside the company and I'm still in my working hours."

He just stayed there for a minute. "Fine." He sign like he's defeated or something, Selena was not sure.

The moment Dustin pulled himself away from her and gave her distance, she was missed his warmth. She suddenly felt cold. But she took that chance to stood up and stay away from him. She's afraid she won't stop herself if his going to continue getting closer to her.

He's surprised how professional and how good Dustin was when they started talking about business. He knows exactly what to do on his job. He's also friendly and yet professional meeting the other employees who are also in the project.
