Chap 12

"O, what's with the long face again, girl? Last time you were okay because your parents already stop bugging you and pairing you're with some guy. What's wrong now?" Ivana gave her the juice that she usually ordered. They were on their usual spot in Ivana's restaurant with Marcel. It was her day off and Marvel was still on her vacation week.

"Let me guess, your parents started to bug you about showing your boyfriend?" Ivana already informed her about her escapade with her parents.

"Nope." She just answered with a deep sigh. "It's not because of my parents, this time. Plus, if I'm frustrated with my parents again, we're not in here now."

"Right. We probably at any bar somewhere. So what's the long face then? You seem so relax when we came back from the island last time. Don't tell me it's about work because we all know that you love your job more than you love anyone else."

"Yeah. Plus, you should be happy because for the first time in 5 years, you were un-virgin-ized again." Marcel commented all of a sudden and laughed.

"Don't teased her, Cel, At least she let go of her frustration that night."

She just smiled at them. They knew that in order for him to feel better, they have to go bar hopping until they drop and had a bad headache in the morning after. The three of them have this unwritten promised, that they must be there if one of them needed a companion. Either to drink or to party nonstop.

Selena won't lie that she felt different when they went out of the island. Maybe what others say was right, that the best way to relieve stress is to have sex. She also admitted that her body missed the touches of the guy. That sometimes she can still imagine him doing that. And she ended up touching herself later using her toys that Marcel gave her. But even those toys seems to be not enough anymore.

Since the last time she had her last relationship, she never didn't look for another. It's not because her past relationship hurt her so much, but because she just chose not to have one for a while. She just keeps herself busy with her work until she didn't realize that the time goes by so fast.

Maybe that was the reason why she got attracted to Dustin that easily because her body is craving for something. She had a thing for bearded guy as well. She thought it's just that. That it was the reasons why he didn't stop herself that night. But who is she kidding now? It seems like she can't control her body and mind whenever she's near him. It's not good news for her. She's the type to always have the control.

"So, are you going to tell us?" Marcel's voice brought her back from her thoughts. "You're the only one who has a problem here, so spill."

"Fine. It's about work." She admitted.

"Really? What happened to your beloved work now?" Ivana asked sarcastically. Sometimes she can't meet them because of her work that they said her work is more important than them.

"I saw him. That guy." She started.

"That guy? Oh, you mean the guy from Yuwaku Shima?"

"The guy you were with?" Marcel asked and she nodded. "What about him?"

She let go of a deep sigh first. "I saw him at work."

"What??" Marcel and Ivana said in chorus that attracted the other customers in the restaurant so they apologized to them immediately.

"So, he's also working in FerCon? That's destiny, Sen." Ivana said dreamily.

"Destiny? You call that destiny? Isn't it just a coincidence? Or maybe the guy was just following her." Marcel disagreed. That's one thing about their friendship; they all have different opinion and character that sometimes it made them question why they became friends as well.

"That will be possible if the guy knew who Selena was. They don't even know each other's name because Sen panicked and run away from him, remember?"

"Right." Marcel just nodded. "She got afraid that she'll get pregnant. Anyway, you met him again and it was at work, what now?"

"Now, after a few days he became your new co-worker, right?" she nodded at Ivana's question. "Maybe that's okay and might do anything to bug you. He's new to the company, so he might as will respect you there. Plus, you might be on higher position that him."

"He's not a newbie or an intern. He's the temporary Head Engineer of our team." She corrected. "Plus, the nephew of our big boss."

"Whoa, hold up one second." Marcel said amazingly. "Really? That's so cool. So what happened when you two met?"

She told them what happened that time on how he tried to seduce him again but she didn't tell them about how she can't refuse him or pushed him away.

"That means. He still remembered you. That's a good thing, you know." Marcel commented.

"I agree. Plus, you finally knew each other now and not a complete stranger. So what's the problem now? Is he threatening you about what happened in the island? That's very unprofessional."

"Neither. In fact he's very professional in front of the others. But still do his advances on me when they're not looking. He also keeps on seducing me when it's just the two of us in the office."

She remembered the time when he gestured him inside the elevator - so the others may thought he was being a gentleman - but his hands was near the side of her breast and making circles in there, giving her shiver.