Chap 17

"So, what makes you agree on my invitation now?" He asked the moment they are on the road now. "I mean, I'm glad you did, but just curious. You seem to not push me away this time."

"Well, I think there's no use of running away from you now. I admit that at first, I just don't know how to face you after what happened to us. You know… I really thought that I won't see you again." She admitted.

"Are you saying that what happened back then was planned? Like, you just went to the island to have sex?"

"No! Of course not." She answered instantly. "I went there with my friends. But they left me alone. Marcel was with someone she just met and Ivana went back to the hotel. Then I saw you. Maybe it was the influence of the place or the drink that's why I didn't hesitate to go after you. I'm not that kind of woman, you know. Plus, I just needed some distraction for my frustration that time. I just got an argument with my family. I don't know. Maybe I just felt too much that I couldn't think straight." She let go of a deep sigh trying to ease her. "Sorry, I know it sounds like I'm just making excuses."

"Hey, relax. No one's judging you here." He said chuckling. "I don't care about the reasons why you give yourself in, you know. It's not like you forced me to do that as well. Just so you know, I enjoyed it too, plus, it's my first time being left after. You left me puzzled, you know."

"Like I said, I don't know how to face you. I have no idea what people do after a night with some stranger, and how they faced them. That was the first time doing it with a stranger, you know."

"For a first timer, Selena, you're a wild one." He just said it as a joke and decided to go into a restaurant. He just sent a message to his grandma that he'll eat with them next time.

They had a casual talk together and Dustin found out that Selena is also that talkative so he ended up just listening on her. People in the company were curious on what's between them because after that lunch date, they became closer with each other.

"Are you serious with Selena, Dustin?" Friday asked one time when they had a chance to chat in her office. "A rumor is circulating around the company on how close the both of you now."

"Is that a bad thing? I mean, are we violating any rule?"

"No, I'm just asking you as a friend."

"Well, Selena is not the type to be played with, is she?"

"Like I said, I'm just curious as a friend. Selena is one of the best employees here in FerCon. And if having a relationship with you, will ruin the good relationship between her and the company, after you broke her heart, might as well stop now."

He just smiled at Friday. "I'm serious about her, Friday. I do. You know I don't do relationship with someone I'm not serious with, right?"


He really is serious now with Selena. Now that he had the chance to know who the woman is, he definitely wanted to take a chance with her. They ate lunch together and even met her friends in Ivana's restaurant. They are fun to be with as well. Now Dustin is sure that it was not just lust that he felt for her.

"Where are we going?" Selena asked when she noticed the road they were entering. "I thought we're going to eat? Why are we here?"

They entered a subdivision that time. "Did I forget to tell you where we'll eat today? I thought I told you that the last time. I mention that we're going to my grandma's house for lunch." He answered sweetly and can't help himself but to touch caress her. "I promised her that I will visit or dine with her whenever I'm in town and when I am free. Plus, they also wanted to meet you. Don't worry they won't bite."
