Chap 18

"DUSTIN, good thing you're here." A sophisticated woman approached Dustin and kissed him on the cheek. She doesn't seem to be his grandma, because she's too young to be one.

Selena didn't notice where they are going a while ago. They are busy chatting while Dustin is driving. She can't believe that she find herself enjoying his companion when she let herself give him a chance to be close to her, and for her to know him better. He's very manly and gentleman. He never fails to surprise her with his gestures in public.

Selena enjoyed a day with him but when Dustin mentioned about meeting his family; she's hesitant to do that yet. She's not even sure what's their real score, so why meet the family now? She didn't mind it at first but she's surprised again that he's serious about it and now she didn't even ready herself yet but she's in that situation now.

"By the way, this is Selena Valentine. Selena, this is my Aunt Helen, wife of Uncle Geraldo." Dustin said that made her come into her senses.

"Finally." The woman said and came to hug her that made her let go of Dustin's hand to hug her back. Oh yes, he's holding her hand since they got out of the car a while ago.

That's one more thing she didn't know why they're doing. They hold hands naturally now. At least when they're not inside the company. But still they didn't talk about the real score between them. She just can't put a label on it yet, but she can say they are close now.

"We heard so much about you. Thank you for joining us, hija." She just smiled at the woman because her brain didn't absorb where she is, yet. "I'm sure mama will be so happy to meet you as well. Oh, speaking of her, go and join her in the garden first. She might be talking with her flowers again. I'll go and check if the foods are ready." Then the woman left them.

Dustin held her hand again and gestured her to go to the garden. She can't find any words to say so she just remain silent and maybe stiff because she felt Dustin tightened his grip on her hand that made her look at him.

"Relax, they won't bite you. I'm here, right?" He said and smile at him. His brain wanted to shout at him and scold him for surprising her but her mouth won't follow again. She just can't say something right now. She's just too nervous, maybe.

What if her big boss is already there? It's already awkward and scary when she's with their big boss at the company, what more in his own house now? All of them in FerCon knew how strict and serious Mr. Geraldo Ferdinand is. He's also intimidating that's why everyone in FerCon is afraid of him.

Her mind was busy analyzing her situation when she was tripped on the pathway. She was ready to face the floor when a strong hand was on her waist helping her to get her balanced. Dustin's touch still gives her a tingling feeling inside, like there's electricity between them and she's kind of used to it now.

Dustin looked at her amusedly. His face is so close to hers now. She can feel something inside her stomach while looking at his eyes. She just realized that he had a beautiful set of brown eyes. His eyelashes are also long ang thick for a guy.

"Careful, babe." He whispered that made her smell his minty breath. Then her eyes immediately look down to his lips. She can't help but to swallow and that made him smirk. He knew that he had that effect on her.

His face slowly getting more close to her, she closed her eyes knowing he was about to kiss her. Then they heard someone clearing her throat that made them stop. She unintentionally pushed Dustin away that made him stumble but still found his balanced.

"Mamay!" Dustin complaint to the old lady who just laughed. The old lady was wearing a visor and her shirt was full of mud.

"Sorry about that." Her voice was a little shaky, maybe because of her age and her hair hair was all white now. But her posture was like of those middle-age women. "You must be Selena. I heard so much about you."

"Uhm, good afternoon Mr.s Ferdinan." She politely greeted. She doesn't know what to say. She's not that sociable. She's talkative to those whom she was already closed with.

She's a loner since she was a kid. It's her choice to distance herself to everyone. Marcel and Ivana are the friends who keep on bugging her before, until she gave in. That was the reason why they also have a solid friendship. Plus, she can talk to someone when it comes to work. Not with a family of her big boss, though.

"Oh please, call me lola Dina. Helen is Mrs. Ferdinand." The old lady corrected her with a smile. She seems to be friendly, unlike her son. "I'm glad to finally meet you, hija. I can't hug you yet because I'm all dirty. I just do some gardening. Maybe later, after I shower."

"Mamay, where did you heard about her anyway? I didn't mention about her yet." Dustin interrupted.

"It's from your Uncle Geraldo. He heard you're seeing someone in the company. He just informed us in case we want to know about you. Said she's one of the Project supervisors in the company."

She froze. Her big boss was the one informed them? That means… that means he also knew about her and his nephew?

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am; Ma'am Helen said the food is ready. You can go in the dining now." A maid interrupted and Dustin just nodded at her.

"You go; I have to freshen up first." The old lady said again.

Dustin gestured him again in the dining and the woman was already waiting for them. She roamed her eyes around the dining searching for her big boss but didn't saw him. The woman tried to chat with her while they are waiting for the old lady to join them.

"Is your uncle joining us?" she whispered to Dustin when Aunt Helen talked to the main for the beverages.

"Nope, uncle was in Singapore right now. Why?" She just shook her head because Aunt Helen came back. Minute later lola Dina came and joined them.