Chap 21

"WHAT'S wrong bro? Are rusty now?" Javier teased him while they went back to the shore after having a jet-ski race.

They just had a bonding again because Javier just got back from his conference yesterday and he got back from Pampangga a few days ago too. So, they decided to have a boning again.

"Where did the unbeatable Dustin when it comes to jet-ski?" Kevin added.

They are now on the private part of the island, beside a shore as well. It's a little area for them to have a drink or bonding. There is a little cottage there and huge rocks are around them. He just lied down on the swing that was between the two coconut trees, while his brothers sat on the beach chair they setup in there.

They are having a drink in that place. It's what they do when they bond even if it's still early. They're just chilling out having a beer after the water race.

"Im not just in the mood." He just answered.

"because of a woman?" Rafael asked. "Oscar and you are dealing with a girl now."

"At least Oscar got his girl already." Javier added.

When he returned in the island, he found out that Oscar and Ysa are in a relationship now. He should be happy for them but he's busy mending his own heart, so he can't be completely happy now. It was the first time in his life that he was rejected by someone in the face. When he thought things between them are all good.

"Not just them, Raf, even doc deals with his woman now too." Kevin added.

"Me? Why am I added?" Javier asked innocently.

"Don't tell me, you're just friends with that doctor last night?"

"Oh." Javier just said when he finally remembers. "No, we are not friends nor lovers. Anyway, forget about her. This is about Dustin's problem."

"Right. So, bro, you can share us your problem, you know." Oscar asked with her Spanish accent. Actually, Javier, Oscar and Rafael have that accent. "We knew there's something wrong when you came back. Is there something happened in Pampangga that we should know of?"

"Plus, you always went to the bar too, which you don't usually do because you said that you need to live a healthy life and must drink moderately." Kevin added again.

He let go of a sigh and just stare at the blue ocean. "I just don't understand guys. One second, I thought were fine, but in just a split moment, she pushed me away... again."

"Are we talking about the girl that you met in Kevin's bar and now saw her again at your uncle's company?" Javier was just confirming. Dustin guessed that the boys already informed him about Selena.

He nodded.

"Why do you think she did that?" Rafael asked after.

"I don't know."

"Maybe you did things that she didn't like and turned her off?" Oscar asked.

"If he did, then why pushed Dustin away? She should be telling her what she hated or what doesn't like. Not like that. Woman always says things they don't like with their men. Even if they will start arguing because of it."

"And you know that because of Isabelle?" Kevin teased Oscar.

Oscar just shrugged. "This is not about me. Anyway bro, she say things that pushed you away. So what? Are you going to stop there? You were the one who keeps on saying that we have to be determined and fight for what we wanted and wad is right before. What happened to your principles now?"

"I don't know." He just shook his head. "It's not like I wanted to stop. But she's so persistent on saying that we shouldn't be together. That it is the right thing to do. I tried everything I thought that will make her fall for me. Everything was in place, we were happy being and we enjoy each other's company. I even let her meet Mamay." He informed but made the boys look at each other. "What?"

"You already introduced him with lola Dina? Bro, are you kidding? You scared her away."

"Scare her? I have a good intention on why I did that." He defended on Kevin's remark.

"We get that, but bro, are you really sure about your relationship when you did that? Like both of you agreed to be in a relationship? Wait. Did she even agree on meeting your family?" Javier pointed out.

He paused. Right, he didn't tell her that they're meeting her grandma that day. He heard about that from Selena herself. But is that the only reason why she made him stop and put some boundaries between them?

"Is this your first time having a girlfriend, bro? Or have you ever had one?" Rafael just mocked him.

"What do you think of me, NBSB? I just don't know how to do things right. When it comes to her, I feel like I have to do something. Plus, I didn't court my exes before."

"Right, because you put them in bed first." Kevin said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" He threw the sea shell he got from the sand on him.

"But seriously bro, maybe she was just surprised or just pressured. She's working at your uncles company, so she might be scared that what your relationship won't work sooner or later. It might ruin her career." Javier has a point.

"Honestly bro, are you really attracted to her or you were just challenged and mystified because she left you that time?" Kevin asked seriously now.

"At first, yes, maybe I was just curious about her. It was the first time that a girl left the room first without even knowing me or asking my name. Then I met her again and felt the connection between us. Strange, but it was s good feeling. I know she felt that too. I just don't understand on why she won't give us a chance."

"What did she tell you last?"

"She said that the right thing for me to do is to stop bugging her and let her go because we don't have anything between us except being workmates."

"That's it? Then you just leave there and came here? Bro, that's not you." Rafael said like he can't believe he did that.

"I got anxious, maybe. What am I suppose to do? She rejected me right through my face. I don't want to force myself if she really hated me."

"Dustin!" They animatedly turned their head to the girl who call him. She was on the entrance of that area catching her breath like she ran. Then Ysa came along after a minute.

He was about to say something when she just went to him and kissed him that made him baffled and shut up. He heard reactions from his brothers but didn't care.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I don't mean it, I swear. I was just caught up in that moment and didn't know what to do. That's why I said those things. I just felt insecure and low. I'm so sorry." Selena said apologetically while holding his face.

He was still startled on what happened but he looked at her amusingly. Selena was sitting in his lap again, just like the first time. And she also kissed him first, again, just like the first time. He had no idea how they still have their balanced in that swing.

"Ehem!" That was his brothers.
