Chap 22

SELENA got her leaved the day after she filed it like her boss knew the reason why she wanted to have a leave. She let the other supervisor took her project while she's on leave too. She really wanted to see him again. She badly wanted to see him because every day was like a torture for her, knowing that she might not have the chance to see him again. She planned on doing it after the project but she just can't take another day without taking ang seeing the guy.

"Miss, are you okay?" A girl she sat with at the boat asked.

"Yeah, why did you asked?"

"You look like you're about to throw yourself in the ocean anytime. Is this your first time going in the island?"

In a normal situation, she will just ignore the girl because she doesn't feel like talking to anyone else right now. She's too nervous and anxious.

"No. I came here a lot of times already." But it was my first time coming to find the man I like the most. "I'm just thinking of something." She added instead.

She chatted with the girl until they reach the island's dock. She seems like an employee there because a lot of employee from the dock greeted her.

"Are you working here?" She finally asked the girl when they started walking, going to the resort.

"Nope, but I worked here before."

"Oh, do you know where I can find the owner of the island? Wait. I know it sounds strange but I am working at Ferdinand Constructions and I know him personally. I really need to talk to him."

She wished this girl could help her. The island may not be that big but she didn't know where to find Dustin around. The girl was hesitant to say something and just look at her.

"Look I really need to talk to Dustin. He just left before we finish out project in VRE but that's not the reason why I wanted to talk to him. It was something personal. If it helps, I know he's the President of Ferdinand Architecture and Designs, and I met lola Dina, and aunt Helen too. Please, tell me where to find him." She's desperate. She wanted to meet him and talk to him.

She started typing on her phone that makes her uneasy. It's not time for her to do that. But she should be patient because she's the only one who could help her.

"What was your name again?" she finally asked her after looking at her phone.

"Selena, Selena Valentine. I'm a project supervisor in FerCon."

She typed in her phone again that made her bit her lip impatiently. What is this girl doing? Is she reporting him to the security? No. She needed to talk to Dustin first before she'll be kicked out on the island.

"Fine. I'm not going to bug you. Thanks anyway."

"Wait, Miss." She stooped her when she tried to walk away. "I know where they are. I'm his assistant in FerArD, actually. I'm Ysa. I'm sorry if I didn't answer at first. It's just an instinct that maybe you are one of those crazy girls who just wanted to meet them."

"Oh, hi." She shook her hand. "So, where can I find him?"

"Follow me, I'm about to meet with them too." She said and she followed. They rode a vacant Cart and she heard Ysa told the driver to send them in the private gate.

The guards on the gate seems to know Ysa so they let them in. she was just silently followed the lady until they reach the open space between big rocks. It was a long walk that made her lose her breath because she's not that athletic. But held her breath when she saw five boys chatting on the shore and her eyes went straight to the guy sitting on the swing.

"Dustin!" She immediately went to him and didn't hesitate to kiss him. She felt him being surprised but didn't pushed her away. It felt like a déjà vu now, less the light because it was so bright now. She didn't even know how they got their balanced in that swing. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I don't mean it, I swear. I was just caught up in that moment and didn't know what to do. That's why I said those things. I just felt insecure and low. I'm so sorry."

She was holding her both cheek now and can see the amusement on his face.

"Ehem!" they heard the boys tried to make their presence known but they didn't budge to look at them.

"Go." Dustin said but she knew it was not for her, although he was still looking at her eyes.

"Come on, mi amor. Give them some space." That was the voice of the girl she followed.

"Let's go brothers."


She didn't know who said what but she knew they were left alone now. All she did was to stare at his own mi amor. Oh how she missed those eyes. Not just those eyes but every corner of his face. It's the first time for her to stare at him that close. She also felt his hands on her butt, holding her there for her balance. Now that she felt it again, her body cells came alive again. Call it 'OA' but it's what she felt.