Chap 04

He didn't count how many minutes they were just staring at each other and tried to read what on their minds when her phone buzzed off. She was hesitant if she'll answer it at first, and just glance at him. But later she chose to answer it after heaving a sigh.

"I'll be there, mom." She said and tried to open the car door but stop midway and turn to him. "Start the car."


"Just start the car, damn it!" She said and tried to go to her seat. That's when Javier realized she's in panic so before they had an accident when she started the car. He gives her way and went to the seat she vacated.

She drives out of the out of the parking and she almost raced with the other cars on the highway just to pass through them. Then Javier remembers that she's still on duty so he did the honor to call the hospital and inform them that Dr. Viola had an emergency.

The road they were taking is going to Angeles, Pampanga, and base on the hours they were on the road, he's sure they are going there now. And minutes later, they were on the city already. They entered a subdivision there and stop in one of the residence.

"I'm sorry, Demi. I just don't know how to make him stop crying. He's having tantrums again and won't use his inhaler when he was attack a while ago. We all panic that's why I called." A woman came and met them at the door.

She was an older version of Demitry so he can say that she's her mother.

"Is he okay now?" Demitry asked with a concern and they enter a room. A kid's room base on the interior and the toys.

"He's already asleep, I called Doctor Merrill and he gave him something to calm him down. I think he's okay now." The woman said while looking at the kid who was sleeping in his bed.

Javier can't see the kid's face because he was sleeping with his back turned at the door. But base on the color of the room and kid's toy he knew he's a boy. The room is clean and organized though. It's not a typical room of a kid.

"You know he's giving a tantrum when he didn't see you in a week, right? Why didn't you come and visit your son last weekend?"

"Son?" Demitry was shocked to see him there, like she didn't know she was with him and dragged him there. Both then didn't notice his presence following them since a while ago.

The woman was just confused when she saw him. Then she look at her sleeping grandson and back to him again. Demitry turned pale too.

"Hi, I'm Demi's mom, Dominga. I'm sorry that we didn't notice you there. We were just both occupied and worried. And you are...?" The woman got his attention after a while.

"Dr. Javier Redwood." He shook her hand. "I work in the same hospital with Dr. Viola."

"Oh." Mrs. Viola just said and turns to her daughter who seems to be constipated or something. "Why don't we go downstairs first, hijo?"

He followed Mrs. Viola down to the living room. Demitry stayed in her son's room. Mrs. Viola excuse herself first to go to the kitchen so he just sat in the sofa wandering around the living room. A lot of family portraits, graduations pictures and more are in there but the only portrait that Javier was caught into was the portrait of Demitry with a boy and he was sure it was taken recently.

It was a birthday celebration of the boy, because they were in front of a cake with a candle shaped number seven on it. They were both happy looking at the camera.

"Sorry about that again, hijo." Mrs. Viola said tge moment she return in the living room.

"It's okay, Mrs. Viola. The truth is Dr. Demitry accidentally brought me here. It happens that we were both together when you called."

"I see. But, still, sorry for not noticing you a while ago. When we're really worried, we didn't notice anyone around us. As you heard, my grandson had a tantrum while having an asthma attack. He always does that when he misses his mom."

"Her son has asthma?" he felt surreal knowing about it.

Mrs. Viola nodded. "It started when he was 3 and the doctor says it might be hereditary. But on our side, we don't have a case like that. In fact moat of us were into sports. But anyways, the doctor said it wasn't serious and he still has a chance to get well. He just needed to stay in a good environment where he can inhale fresh air, plus the meds that the doctor gave him. I think Demi was still looking for a good place for them to stay."

He nodded but looked at the portrait again.
