Chap 05

THERE'S no need for Javier to ask who the boy's father was. He didn't saw any wedding photos anywhere too, for him to say that she's married. Plus, there are no pictures of the kid with his father. Demitry didn't even have a wedding ring in her fingers as well. Plus the information's she heard from Mrs. Viola, about the kid's illness. Anyone could tell who the father was by just looking at the picture or the kid himself. He was the father.

He's 7 years old and Demi leave him almost 8 years ago, so counting the years and months, they were still together when she conceived the kid. Unless she'd been unfaithful to him which he also doubt. But why does he feel scared all of a sudden? He was scared of to ask and confirm.

"He was a good kid, actually. He always listens to us." Again, Mrs. Viola got his attention. "But he can't tell what he truly felt most of the time. Especially when he misses his mom. That's why he always made us panic for her to come rushing here."

"Demi can just bring him in La Union with her. There's a place on where she's working now which was not that polluted like the air in this city."

"Even if she wanted to, she just can't. No one will take care of him when she's at work. She can trust her son with Mindy, but she's still studying here. She's the only person that Anthony likes to be with. She's the only nanny he wanted. Most of those who applied were disliked by him."

"You don't have to tell him everything, mom." Demi came down carrying her son. "He didn't have to know every detail about my son."

"Good thing he already woke up, go and eat with Dr. Javier. I know both of you didn't have the chance to eat lunch because you rushed on coming here. Even Anthony didn't eat his lunch yet." Mrs. Viola stood up and went to the kitchen to probably check if the dining is ready.

Javier was just looking at the kid who is also looking back at him. Now that he saw him, he felt more surreal. He felt like he was looking at the younger 'him'. From head to toe: his wavy hair, his deep eyes with long eyelashes, his nose and lips. That was him when he was his age. At least that's what he saw in his pictures.

"Mama, who is he?" The kid asked Demi.

"Someone from the hospital I was working, baby." Demi just answered.

"The foods are ready. Come and eat hijo. Join them and continue your chat at the dining." Mrs. Viola sent them at the dining. He didn't hesitate because he is hungry anyway. "Tell the maid if you need anything else, hijo. Demi, Anthony, I'll be just in the library." The two just nodded so she left them there.

They were eating in silent and he can't help but to watch the kid in his every move. He has this feeling of wanting to hug him, but his nervousness is eating him. He knew that the kid is also trying to know who he is. He caught him looking but every time he fully turned at him, he will look elsewhere and avoid his eyes. Does he also feel what he felt?

He noticed him trying to remove the green piece in his plate. They were eating a dish called menudo and it has a green piece on it. Then he glanced at his own plate. He also does the same a while ago. He felt something again but tried to put it aside. Maybe it was just a coincidence. All of it was just a coincidence. But whom is he kidding now?

"Mama, are you going to sleep here?" The kid asked Demitry after a long silence they have.

"Even if I wanted to, baby, I can't. I still have work tomorrow. You know that my day off is on weekends, right?"

"But you didn't come home last weekend."

"I know and I'm sorry." Demi apologized and caressed the kid's cheek while he just pouted. He knew he's sad because he can't be with his mom.

Javier knew that feelings too because he was also like that with his mom before. He wished her mom would just stay with them in the ranch, but her mom had a work in the city and have to let him stay with his abuelos or grandparents.

"You can stay here for a while. I'll be the one to ask your co-doctors to check on your patients while you're here. That is if you don't have any major surgery scheduled." He butted in. "It's better for you to stay with him now, he needed you. Plus, he might do that again soon if you won't stay with him now."

Demitry didn't say anything but just look at her in confusion. After they eat, he excused himself and bid goodbye. Demitry seems to listen to him, so she decided to stay.