Chap 07

"DEMITRY," Javier called her when he saw her coming out of the hospital. He knew that she's going home to Pampanga today and visit her family there.

"What?" she just sternly asked.

"You're going home today, right? Do you wanna hop in with me? I'm also going there, anyway."

Demitry stopped in her track and face him with knotted forehead. "And what will you do there?"

"I need to talk to your parents."

"About what?"

"We'll discuss it with your parents." He said dismissing the topic. "Are coming with me, or not?"

"I can take care of myself."

"Of course you do. I'm just trying to help here. You look so tired and probably can't drive three more hours, less the traffic." He shrugged and went to his car.

"Why do you have to talk to my parent's anyway?" Javier smile to himself when Demitry went to the passenger side and asked him before he enter his car. Some things didn't really change about her. Javier knew that the more he forced her to do something, the more she'll refuse it.

"Get in." He just said and went in his car too as she followed in the passenger seat.

"Are you not going to tell me?" Demitry asked again.

"Seat belt." He just answered and she followed again.

"Javier, what are you going to talk with my parents?"

"I'm not going to tell you here and now. So, just have some rest and give some piece, okay?"

Demitry just stare at him for a second before sitting straight. She's all talks sometimes and just needed some patients and scolding for her to follow. That's the Demitry he knew eight ago and it seems like she didn't changed it. Or maybe she's still the girl was with back in Miami. She's just trying to hide it from him, for the reason he doesn't know.

It's been four hours drive for them because of the traffic and Demitry seems to be peacefully sleeping. It's already dark when they got to her parent's house in Marque Place Subdivision in Angeles, Pampanga. He decided not to wake her up first and went inside by himself.

"O, hijo, I thought you're with Demitry? Did she refuse to go with you?" Mrs. Viola asked when he saw him. She was sitting at the sofa while her grandson played puzzled at the center table.

She already talked to Mrs. Viola over the phone and said he'll ask Demitry to go with her. Selena gave their number to him after she handles him the thing he used for the test.

"She's sleeping in the car. I came here to ask where her room is." He answered and looked at the kid who is also looking at him. "Hi there, buddy." He said hoping he'll answer him.

"Hello," the kid answered while giving him a coy smile. Now that Javier found out the truth, he tried to accept everything. He is happy to see his smile.

"I'll go and get her, can you show me where her room is, Mrs. Viola?" He asked the woman again.

"Sure." She nodded.

He went back to get Demitry who is still deeply sleeping and carried her. Javier paused when her faced moved closer to his neck, like nuzzling him. He just took a deep breath and brought her to her room.

"She looks so tired." Mrs. Viola commented as they both get out of Demitry's room.

"She's been very busy these past days because of her scheduled surgeries. Plus, she monitors her patients. Now a days, a lot of motor accidents happened in the province and they brought them in Edgewood Hospital."

"It's a good thing you're also coming here. What if she sleeps while driving and cause her accident? That is definitely not okay. Thank you."

"I think she was trying to commute today, that is if I didn't offer her a ride. By the way, where's Mr. Viola?" he never saw the man before but Selena said he already knew about him.

"He went back to Macau. He has a business there again. Anyway, what do you want to talk about, hijo?"

They were already at the living room and he turn to face the kid who is slineltn playing by himself there. When the kid felt he was looking at him, he gave him another smile, so he also smile back then turn to face Mrs. Viola again.

"Selena mentioned that you gave him the toothbrush yourself when we asked her to get something from his room."

"Ah, that. Yes. Selena was here when Dustin called her that time. She's with me and I accidentally heard about it. Actually, the moment I saw you, I kind of figured out who you are. You were like a split image of my grandson. So, when she told me that you are Dustin's brother, and asking for her help and told her your plan, I didn't hesitate to help her too. Wait; are you here for the result?"

He nodded and gave him the envelop he took from the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Do I have to open it to confirm what I already know, or...?"

He looked at the kid again and smile. "I can see myself in him when I was his age. I was also that thin and asthmatic, with same hair, eyes, nose, lips, eye brows, everything, even his smile." He admitted. "I also hate eating green piece and I also loved playing alone with some puzzled games, just like him now. When I saw him that day, I already know that he's mine." He looked at the woman seriously now. "It was too overwhelming and shocking to just admit it and I got scared of confirming. How can I be a father without me knowing? How can I be a father to him when I never thought that he existed? And I was not even there when he was born."

The woman just nodded like she knew what he's trying to say. "I don't know your story with our daughter. Demitry was always been secretive to us. When her father asked who was the father, she just said he's dead. That was the reason of their arguments before but my husband just gave up because Demitry was so firm on not telling us what happened to her back in Miami. Anyway, you're both grown up now so me and my husband said that we won't interfere with your decisions. But, can you tell me what is it first? What is your plan now?"