Chap 08

"What plan?" they both saw Demitry going down the stairs while confusedly looking at them.

"Mama," Anthony happily said and run after her.

"Hi, baby," Demitry carried the kid and kiss. "Sorry, if I came home sleeping. Go ahead and prepare for bed, I'll be there in a minute for me to read you stories, okay?"

The kid nodded and went down to Demitry. "Good night grandma." He said as kissed Mrs. Viola on the cheek. "Good night mister." He said and gave him a full smile now.

"Mindy," Demitry called someone and a teenager came to get the kid.

"What's this?" Demitry asked when the kid and Mindy left and took the envelope on the table and open it. "You took the DNA test without me knowing?" She looked at her furious.

"I gave him the permission to do that, Demi." Mrs. Viola told her daughter. "I also got curious on how they looked alike. You can't hide Anthony forever."

"I'm not trying to hide him, mom!"

"Hey, you don't have to raise your voice at them. If you want to say something, then tell it to me. And if you're not hiding him, then what do you think you're doing now?" He interrupted that made Demitry more furious.

"You have no right to go near him, Javier. You abandoned him!"

"Whoa! Hold on. Qué dijiste? What did you say? I abandoned him? Who among us who just disappeared, huh? You didn't even leave a single note telling where you are or what happened. When I tried to ask your director on where are you, you said you made a special request not to tell me where you are. Now, who abandoned who?"

"That's because you ignored me when I told you that I'm pregnant!"

"Nunca me lo dijiste, Demitry. You never told me. I never heard anything from you. I thought you were just resting from your day off but you ever came in the next day. When I tried to go see you, thinking maybe you're sick, you were not there anymore. Your phone is off; you were not in your apartment. Then I found that you left the hospital."

"I sent a message that we have to talk. You didn't reply. I tried to call you but it was out of coverage. When I decided to just go and see you at the hospital, I saw you with this... this Korean girl, flirting with each other! I don't want to intrude on your little escapade. I'm just your girlfriend anyway." She said sarcastically. "And I don't want to make a fuss. So I left and just sent you a message, telling you that I'm pregnant! But again you never replied? Again... you ignored it. What do you think I felt that time, huh? Beg you to marry me?"

It was the first time he heard about it. He swore it was the first time. He always has a good memory so he knew that he didn't got any message that time. He tried to remember who the Korean girl was. The one she saw that he allegedly flirting with that time. Then he remembered.

"See? You can't say anything now because you know it's true. So stop pretending that you didn't abandon my son. And you don't have the right to go near him or acknowledge him."

"Did you checked if I've seen all your messages? If I read all of them?" he just calmly asked.

"What? Why do I even care to check on that?"

"Because, I never saw it, Demitry. I never got any message from you that time. Maybe you texted my old phone number. You know that my phone was destroyed when it fell down the street and a car ran into it that makes it fall into pieces. You were with me when that happens. Then you were with me when I bought a new one too. Plus, you know that I never turned off my phone because sometimes the hospital contacted us n our phones. So, why would it be out of coverage when you tried to call me?"

It's time for Demitry to pause and be muted but she still has an issue. "Then who was the girl you were flirting with? You were both smiling and hugging too."

"If you just tried to approach us that time then you'll be able to meet her. Her name is Minji..." he said and gave out a sigh. "Minji Redwood."

"What?" Demitry just spill while still trying to compose herself.

"She's one of my half-sisters that I told you about. It happens that she's with her friend visiting her grandma who was on the hospital. It was my first time meeting her in person. She didn't know that I was working there until he saw my name on the monitor being the operating surgeon in the operating room. She waited for me to finish the operation to be able to meet me. She said she won't miss the opportunity to see me that time. You know that all of us have a communication in social media too. It was unexpected that we met in the hospital. We are not flirting with each other because we are not incest. We are just happy to finally see each other."

Demitry obviously didn't know what to say now.