Chap 09

"Okay. So, you cleared the misunderstanding now." Mrs. Viola butted in after letting them talk or even argued. "So, hijo, Can you tell us what's on your mind now? I'm sure you came here with a plan in your head. Are you going to take him away from us, or...?"

"No ma'am, I won't do that because I know that the kid will suffer if we do something messy. I won't file a suit to get his custody, not because I don't want to but because I know that he won't be able to be happy with me. I am a stranger to him. For now, I just want us to know each other. I want him to know that I am his father and I want to give my name to him too."

Mrs. Viola seems so surprised on what he said but just gave out a smile. "Good, then there will be no problem with that. I can ask our attorney to process the paper for the change of his surname. But, do you have a plan on how to get close to him? Do you have an idea?"

"You said that you're looking for a place for him to stay, like a good environment with fresh air. I've been through that when I was also his age. My mother sent me to my grandparent's ranch for me to be able to stay from the polluted air of the city. You see, my brother Dustin have an island and it was---."

"No!" Demitry stop him in an instant. "Are you nuts, Javier? You're suggesting bringing my son into that island? In that island full of lust? That is more toxic than in here."

"The bar and club that was in the resort were the only place who had that kind of things, Demitry. It was just a part of the resort that has that kind of things. The resort, the part, the lagoon, and the spa were the only place the public can go and thaw was just half part of the island. Plus, lots of families are still visiting the island with their kids. That will never be a problem. Fine. If you don't want him to be in the island then where will you suggest bringing him that has less pollution? Even in the place where we worked still have pollutions."

"I don't care. There's no place in this world that has no pollution anyway."

"True. But at least the island had a small percent of it. It was eco-friendly. You saw it yourself when you went there last time. We don't have any cars that produce carbon dioxide in there because we use Solar Energy Powered Cart for transportation. A lot of trees are in there to help provide fresh air as well. A great place for the kid to play around freely without worrying his health."

"But still... not in that island."

"I think it's a good idea, hijo." Mrs. Viola butted in again.


"Demi, he would not propose it if he knew that it will not be good for your son. He said he'd been though it too. So I assume he knew how Anthony felt too. Plus, Anthony lives in the four walls of this house. He needed a new environment and be exposed. Base on what he said, the island is perfect for him to do that. Why don't you give it a try? At least for now, while he's on his school vacation, and the island is near the place where you work too. You can be with him every day and anytime you want. You don't have to drive for long hours just to be with him. You can bring Mindy with you; it's also her school vacation."

"No." Demitry said firmly.

"If you still disagree, Demitry, I might as well force and pushed the suit for his custody. Just for me to be able to help him recover."

"How dare you?"

"Then, don't dare me. I'm just trying to get close to my son… my son that I never know of because of your insecurities and doubts." Javier doesn't want to blame but Demitry is too hard headed. Maybe he needed to put some senses in her.

Demitry just glare at her and he knew that he's winning the argument. She knew that no matter what she said, she can't win because she also knew that she's at fault why things are happening now.

"Why don't you stay here for tonight, hijo. It might be difficult for you to drive back there now and come again tomorrow, or book a room in the hotel. You can stay here for tonight, I can asked the maid to prepare the guest room for you."

"Wait, mom. Tomorrow?"

"A lot of years were already wasted when you ran away from him. He's trying to get closer to your son now and if you will delay it again, it might be too late. It's better for him to start now because the kids started their school vacation. So he will have a month or so to spend with his son."

"Thank you Mrs. Viola but I have to decline your offer of staying here for tonight. We promised Lola Dina that whenever we came here in Pampanga, we'll stay in her house."

"Who is she?"

"She's Dustin's grandma, Dina Ferdinand."

"O, Really? You were also close with them?" Mrs. Viola amusedly said. "Alright, fine. Don't worry about Anthony. We'll be the one to tell him about your plans and who you are. It's up to you on how to approach him later."

"Thank you, Mrs. Viola. I will."

"For the record, hijo, call me tita Divina."

He smile and nodded then he bid her goodbye. While driving to go to the other subdivision where Lola Dina's house is located, Javier thought of his son again. He knew that staying in the island will somewhat help their son recover from his illness. He also needed to have an exercise to let his heart get used to the adrenaline. That include swimming and walking and the place is also perfect for that kind of activity.
