Chap 10

"I'M not going! If you want to be with him, take him." Demitry was making a fuss when Javier came early in the morning the next day to pick them up.

She's really not into the idea of letting her son be with his father because since the day she conceived her until yesterday, she thought that the guy really abandoned and ignore her. It was her honest mistake that she let her jealousy took over her before and didn't check any small detail.

But last night, when her mom and her tried to explain everything to the child, who is Javier and what is he doing in their house, she saw how her son's face brightens up. She got jealous because she thought that her son accepted that there are only them in the world. But Anthony even said that he kind of figure out who the man was because he knew that he looks like him.

She also felt insecure. When it comes to Javier Redwood, she easily gets furious even in small things. He hates him for trying to take her son away from her. She knew that Anthony won't go with him if she's not with them because he's still a stranger to him after all.

"Demi, you already talk about this last night. You even helped him pack his clothes and toys. And you saw how happy Anthony was when we told him about this." Her mother reminded her. What's with her mom that makes her feel she's on that guy's side while she's the daughter?

"I change my mind, mom. He was the one who wanted to be closer to my son. Then he can take him and be with him as much as he wants."

"Demi..." her mom started to argue again but Javier stopped her. "Talk to her and pt some sence on her head. I'm getting a headache with her." Her mom told Javier. "Just make it fast, the kids are coming down any minute now."

Javier didn't say anything when her mom left but he was watching her like figuring her out. That is one of the reasons why Demi hated herself sometimes, because this guy easily figured her out. He can easily read her too.

"What's the problem now, Demi?" He asked afterwards.


"Then why are you doing this now? You're not coming? You know that I can still persuade him for coming with me even if you won't come. I can show him a lot of things that I know he might love. Plus, Mindy is also coming with us. Or I can also ask your mom to go with us if you really don't want to go."

"Whatever! Do it if you can." She said confidently but deep inside her was scared that her son might choose his father over her. Her child is a boy after all, and she knew that every son wanted to play and be with their daddy.



"Demitry Viola." Javier just said with a warning in his voice. A voice that she knew he's being serious and he might do thing on force.

"Fine!" She stood up stamping and went out of the house. She really can't win over him and she hated it.

She just sat at the garden chair near the parking area while waiting for them to come out. She needed to calm herself from her distress. Her son can easily know if she's in her bad mood or not. He was like his father. That's one of the reasons why she's irate, it's just so unfair that Anthony got, not just his physical appearance to his father, but everything from head to toe and even the character and attitude. If that's even possible to the world, but it really is.

Just a few for minutes her son, Mindy and Javier went out of the house. Her son was happily gone to her and they both went to the car while Mindy and Javier fix the bags at the trunk of the car. She don't need to pack, because she can go and get some clothes to her apartment. She gave up anyway, she needed to go and be with them in the island.