Chap 12

"BOSS Javier; how come you already have a 'mini you'?" Mang Kanor asked when he came to help them with their luggage's. He's working at the dock, sending visitors and tourist to the island via boat.

"That's essence of being handsome, mang Kanor." Javier just answered and smile.

"Is he really your son, boss or just your look alike?"

"My face is unique, mang Kanor. I don't have a look alike. Unless it came in my genes." He indirectly answered. "Mindy, you can follow mang Kanor and go at the yacht to settle down first, I'll call Demitry."

"Yes, sir." Mindy nodded and followed the old man.

After closing the car, she approached the two who was watching the boats leaving. "It's time to go."

"Come on, baby." Demitry held the kids hand as they followed him but stop when she can't figure out how to carry her son for them to go in yacht.

"Go in first; I'll take care of him." He said and she followed after telling her son to go next.

"Are you ready, buddy?" He asked the kid after Demitry went in. "Come here." He carried him and ah he held the little figure in his hands, he felt something inside. He paused and looked at the kid in his arms and all of the worries and nerves faded as he saw him smile at him again. "You have to hold on to me tight as we go in, buddy." It's not actually necessary but he just wanted to feel his son more.

"Like this?" His son hugged his neck but careful not to struggle him. He nodded and smiles because it gives him the determination to get close to him.

They went in the yacht and saw Eric at the control room of the yacht. He's also the maintenance of all their yacht. They used the biggest yacht they have because Kevin said to give all the best to their nephew. The two girls may be inside the yacht now because they are not in the deck.

"Good to go, doc?" Eric saluted on him as they came in the control room and that's the time Anthony let go of his hands on his neck.

As they started sailing, Anthony was just staring or watching Eric moved the ship wheel.

"So you wanna try?" He asked his son.

"Can I?" His eyes glow that made him and Eric chuckle.

Eric step aside for them as he let the kid move the ship wheel. Eric was also teaching him the controls but Anthony accidentally pressed the buzzer for emergency that he stopped immediately. Eric talk on the radio that it was just a false alarm from the emergency office.

"It's okay, buddy. I got you." He said when he saw his son whom about to cry.

He decided to go out of the control room when the waves are already peaceful and they went into the deck. He sat at the edge putting his son on his lap. "You know buddy, its okay to make mistakes sometimes. Even grown up makes mistakes too. Don't be son, okay? No one's going to scold you. I'm here; I can guide you, okay?"

"You're not mad?"

He shook his head and smile. "I'm not mad? Why would I?"

"Whoa!" The kid's eyes gets big as his gaze went over his shoulder. "Look. A big fish just jump!"

He smiles as his son easily got distracted. He's happy that he's no longer sad or about to cry. "Do you love fish?"

He nodded. "I love animal's, I saw a lot f them at the zoo when mama and I visit there. I saw a baby tiger and..." Then he started to tell everything he saw at the zoo. He was just happily listening to him.
