Chap 13

"WHAT's that?" Mindy asked when a buzzer starts. She didn't know that the kid have a motion sickness and when the yacht started to move, she was dizzy.

"Relax, it might be a false alarm. Just sit here and you'll be fine. I'll go and check them upstairs." She said and went up in the deck, only to see her son and Javier sitting there talking.

She figured that the buzz was Anthony's fault, but Javier is not scolding him, instead he's trying to make him feel better, as he was about to cry. She just stood there watching the two, while Javier was listening to Anthony's stories. She knew that Anthony is talkative only to those he was close with. Or to those he wanted to be close with.

"Mama!" She waved back when her son saw her. She went near them and sat beside Javier. "Mama, look, there are lots of jumping fish here."

"Really?" She said tried to sound jolly. She turn to see the wide ocean as she just let her hair getting drifted by the wind. "I don't know that you like fish, baby. You hated eating fish, right?"

"I don't want to eat them, but I wanted to pet them. Manang Mona killed the fish just for you to eat."

She just laughs at his comment. His son won't eat anything that has shape. Those that he can see it was from an animal. He won't eat chicken if he saw it whole, but if it's just legs, like fried chicken, its fine.

When they saw a big fish jump, they were both amazed. It was also her first time watching them jump into the water, alive. She saw a lot of them before but she just didn't appreciate it, only now.
