Chap 14

JAVIER can't help but silently watch his mother and son, while they both amazed on the jumping fish in the ocean. He didn't saw that side of Demitry before. In fact she was a shy and demure type before, when they are in Miami. He was the first to suggest or tto say what they're going to do and she always follow. But she's professional in her job. When he saw him after eight years, she was always this grumpy and serious, and being with her son now is very different.

His son was still on his lap. Demitry seems to be holding tightly on the railing while sitting beside him, letting her hair drifted by the wind, which he knew she also hated because it will become frizzy afterwards.

"Papa, look, what's that?" He looked at his son dumfounded because of what he heard. Demitry was the one who turned on what his son pointed. "Papa?" Anthony's face turned sad when he looked at him.

He said it again. There is something inside Javier that made him tingled inside? She blinked and turn to Demitry when she nudged him. That's when he realized that he didn't answer the kid yet.

"Sorry, buddy, I got distracted." He said and sturned into the direction that he pointed a while ago. "That's the island where we're going, the Cinque Fratelli Island." It was a small image awhile ago but as they go closer, it became bigger and visible.

"I'll tell Mindy to get ready." Demi said as she started to crawl to go inside.

"I'm sorry." He turned to his son confused.

"For what, buddy?"

"Because I call you 'papa'. Lola said last night that you are my father."

"Hey, it's okay. I was just shocked to hear you call me that. I didn't expect you to call me papa that fast. I wasn't there when you're growing up."

"Really? It's not because you don't want me to call you papa?"

He shook his head. "Me allegro que me hayas llamado papá."

"What does that mean? I don't unsderstand."

"I said I'm glad you called me papa."

"Me too, I'm happy to hear you calling me 'buddy'. They always call me baby. I'm not a baby anymore, am I?"

"Nope. You're already a big boy. But, you can't blame your mama and Lola if they call you 'baby' because in their eyes, you're still their forever baby. At least that what I am to my grandparents too."

"Even if I'll have a baby brother or sister?"

That caught him dumbfounded again. Did he wished to have a baby sibling or just asking because of the topic?

"My classmates at school have their brothers and sisters. They are 'kuya' and 'ate' already. How about me? When will I have my baby brother or baby sister?"

He just made her lips on one line as he still seeks on how to answer his son. How can he explain their situation to a seven year old boy? They are just getting started but his thinking about having baby siblings already. Did he ask that to her mother too? What did Demitry possibly answered?

They felt that the yacht was shaky because of the waves near the dock. They yacht was moving slowly too. Then they finally settled at the dock. It was like saved by the waves for him because Anthony seems to be distracted after that.