Chap 15

"Welcome to Cinque Fratelli Island!" Kevin met them and went straight to Mindy at Demi to give a bouquet of flowers for Demi and a flower necklace for Mindy. "Especially to you, young man." Then he patted Anthony's cheek. He was still carrying him.

"Thank you." Anthony happily anwered.

"No flowers for you, young man. You father reminded me that it might trigger your asthma because of its pollen and---."

"Kevin." He called to make his brother stop.

"Sorry, I was just fascinated on you two look alike. Anyway, I'll just give our young man a big hug. From your most handsome uncle Kevin." He hugged him but Anthony went into him for him to carry.

"Uncle? Yoy're one of the brothers of papa?"

"Papa?" Kevin look at him confused. "That fast?"

He just shrugged. "Are you going to send us home, or...?"

"Right. That. Sorry again. Anyway, we are going to Dustin's house first. They prepare a welcome party for Doctor Demi and for our young man here."

"Ate Demi, do I have to go too?" Mindy asked while her face was pale.

"Are you still dizzy?" Demitry asked the lady who just nodded. "She had a sea sickness." She informed him when he asked her with his eyes.

"We can drop her off to Javier's house. Tia Marina will be there to attend to her. We'll pass through it going to MiaH, anyway." Kevin aswered.

Kevin drove them to his house, and went out to help Mindy put out the luggages from the trunk. But he also went out with Anthony when he saw Tia Marina went out of the house.

"Es este su hijo? Te pareces a él cuando tenias su edad, hijo." Tia Marina sais when he saw him and his son. Said he look like him when he was his age.

Anthony looked at him with knotted forehead. "Buddy, this is tia Marina, she was my nanny when I was a kid. Tia, esto es mi hijo, Anthony."

"Hello," Anthony greeted her with a smile that made tia Marina caressed his cheek.

"Dónde está su mamá?" She asked and turn her gaze around and landed on Mindy who helped Kevin with their luggage's.

"No es la madre, tia." He instantly corrected.

He also said who she was and that she'll stay at their house first while they go to Dustin's. He gestured Demitry to go out of the car firs and she followed.

"Esta es la mamá de Anthony, Demitry. This is tia Marina the one who took care of me since I was a kid."

"Hola, tia, escuché mucho sobre ti de Javier." Demitry shook the old woman's hand saying she heard so much about her from him. Come to think of it, he told her so much about his life before. That's how she trusted her before. She became his confidant, that's before she just left him.

"Sabes hablar español, hija?" the old woman asked amused on how Demitry knew to speak in Spanish.

"Un poco. Just a little." Demi learned Spanish while studying in Miami. A lot of locals there speaks Spanish as well that is why she learned a bit.

They didn't stay longer and went up to Dustin's house. It was the only house at the top of the only mountain in the island. Indicating he's still the king of the island, as they joke with his brothers.
