Chap 16

"WILL they understand each other?" Demitry asked as they leaved the Javier's house, leaving Mindy with tia Marina.

She was now sitting at the back with Anthony and Javier. She's concern about Mindy too. She's not feeling well after they reach the island. They forgot to ask if she's okay riding a boat before letting her go with them that's why they didn't let her drink meds for motion sickness first. The kid is too shy to say about it too.

"Don't worry, tia just speak with me in Spanish. Or with Oscar and Rafael too because she knew they can speak Spanish. She learned the language here since I called her to stay here with me."

"You're still in contact with her? I thought she left when you went to college already?"

"She did, but I still have her number with me. Even their telephone at home. When I heard she got kicked out on her last job, because she was accused of stealing, I called her here. At least I could ask her to cook me Mexican dish whenever I missed it."

Javier told her how he was close to his nanny before. She played and taught him good things while his grandparents are working in the ranch. He said she was his second mother. She always gave him comfort and always attends to his needs, because his mother works in City.

She suddenly felt guilty. Anthony was like that too. She will stay with her son every weekend and the rest of the week, she's away from him. Maybe that is also the reason why she's more open to Mindy than her.

"Mama, look." Anthony was sitting between her and Javier and he pointed out the view on Javier's side.

She was also mesmerized by the view. The water was crystal blue. They can see the whole view of the ocean from there. She knew they were going up a while ago because she can feel from the road they were taking. And she can smell the fresh air with the smell of pine trees too. Then now, the view is just so picturesque.

"It's beautiful!" Anthony can't hide his amazement to the view as well. The he tried to go closer to the window to see it more fully.

"Be careful, buddy. Just hold unto me." Javier assisted him for him to sit beside the window.

"Papa, it's beautiful, it was like a big swimming pool."

"It is, and it's natural too. You can swim in there too, do you want that?"

Her son nodded enthusiastically then stopped and turned to Javier. "But, I don't know how to swim."

Guilty again, she avoided Javier's gaze as he turn to her. She doesn't know how to swim so how can she teach her son how to swim? Plus, they all don't have time to monitor him if they hire someone to teach him.

"Don't worry, young man, your papa is a swimmer he can teach you." Kevin butted in and he just raised his eyebrow on him. "What? I can't also talk? You already made me look like a driver here."

"Did I say something?" Javier just replied. "Eyes on the road, Kevin."

Kevin just shook his head in disbelief. She just laughed at them in her thoughts. Even Kevin seems to be folded by Javier even though they are in the same age.

After how many minutes they reach the, seems to be the top, Kevin parked the car on a parking area of the big or huge glass house with three story. It was like a mansion too.

"Welcome to MiaH, shirt for, Mansion-in-a-hill of Dustin." Kevin informed as they went out of the car.

The place is beautiful. It was well maintained and the view is also nice. In fact, it was majestic.