Chap 24

WHEN Javier insisted that it was okay for them to sleep in one bed, Demi didn't argue with him. She was not sure why she can't resist him now. When she woke up in the morning, she was not surprise on seeing him. She loved the feeling of him hugging her. So she nuzzled her face more into his chest.

She was not sure again where her dignity or shyness now. She loves his scent and it made her feel comfortable.

"Demi, es hora de despertar. It's time to wake up." She didn't know that he's awake. "Tia knocked three times already, she said Anthony and Mindy are waiting in the dining."

"I don't want to wake up yet."

"Then let me go, because I'm already starving."

She shook her head "No."

"Demi." He said with a warn and that made her mad so she just let go of him and rolled to the edge of the bed, away from him and her back was on him. "Demi, come on. Let's eat breakfast. Tia cooked Hot-si-log for you." Hot-si-log is the combination of Hotdog or Sausage, fried rice, and fried egg… she also loves eating that in the morning but she doesn't want to eat that now.

She suddenly felt vomiting after hearing that food and went straight to the toilet. Javier went after her and silently strokes her back to ease her pain. She probably ate a lot of eggplant yesterday or ate a lot last night that her stomach complaint. He just stayed there for minutes before her stomach calmed.

"Maybe I ate a lot last night and I stomach complaint now." She said when she stood up to gurgle in the sink. Javier just nod and washed his face there too and when she saw him took the toothbrush, she remember not getting hers or buying a new one. "Uhm, do you have extra toothbrush? I forgot mine."

He silently went to the cabinet and gave her the toothbrush. He hated him being like that, like he down't have a mouth to talk or to react. But, she decided to let him pass.

"Let's go and eat breakfast." He finally said when they went out of the bathroom.

"Okay," then they both went to the dining and saw their son and Mindy already eating.

"Buenos dias, mama, papa." Anthony brightly greeted them. The island seems to give him energy because she never saw his son that lively in the morning.

"Buenos dias. Did tita Marina teach you that?" Javier kissed the head of Anthony and sat beside him. Anthony just nodded while tia Marina smile at him.

"Good morning, baby." She said as she also sat beside Javier but when she saw the food on the table, hot dogs, tucino, and more meat. Her stomach complaint again and wanted her to vomit. She immediately stood up and went to the nearest toilet and puke.

"I don't think that's a simple symptom for eating a lot of food last night." Javier was there again assisting her. She didn't he'll follow her. "After breakfast, we'll go to the clinic. I think you need to run some tests."

"What tests? I'm fine. I'm not sick." She said and puked again.

"You might not be sick, yes. But still… Demi, you're a doctor too. You know that that is not a simple symptom of stomach ache or constipation. You need to go and run some tests for pregnancy." He said casually while caressing her back to comfort her.

She suddenly froze. Pregnancy? Is she pregnant?

"You still don't get it? You're being peaky on foods now, the usual foods that you love to eat and couldn't resist before, you can ignore and don't want to eat it now. You didn't eat breakfast yesterday, so it's impossible for you not to be that hungry. The usual Mexican food that you don't want to eat, you ate it last night too. Then your mood swings, and now this."

That's when she remembers her monthly period. She never got delayed and she should have been expecting it earlier that week but it didn't come too. She turns to Javier who was just watching her. He was the only guy she slept with after giving birth of Anthony. Did he know about that too? Did he know that he will be the father if in case she's really pregnant?

"Do you want to have the test now? U can call someone from the clinic to bring the kit here... oh, forget it, wait here." He stood up and leaved her stunned in the toilet floor.

She's pregnant again… with his child… again? What will he do if she'll tell him about it? What will they do now? She's getting pregnant without them planning or even talking about themselves first. A lot of questions came into her mind but it just made her head ache so she just blew them away.