Chap 25

After how many minutes, without her know, Javier came back and gave her a box of pregnancy test. Wait, where did he get that? Is he stocking that in his house too? For what?

"Some stocks for the clinic are in here because there are no spaces in there. It's in the tock room, in case you wanna check that too." Javier explains as if he read what's on her mind again. "Do it."

She took it and Javier leaved her and closed the door for her privacy. She might as well do it before he'll get impatient and do it himself. After putting her urine on it, she flashed and put the cover of the toilet and sat on it while waiting. She had a lot of doubts again now. What will happened to her if she really is pregnant.

The door opens and Javier came in and immediately squatted in front of her. "Hey, why are you crying?" he wiped the tears in her cheek. She didn't even know she was crying now.

"I don't know." She said and can't take it anymore and cry. Javier wrapped her arms around her and comforted her again. What's with his gestures again? Is he doing it because she look pitiful or what?

"Qué está pasando aquí?" Tia Marina asked worriedly if what's going on.

Javier didn't let go of her but turned to face the old woman. "Demi está feliz porque está embarazada." Javier held her hand with the pregnancy test and showed it to the old woman.

She's not that fluent in Spanish but she knew he said that sh'es happy because she's pregnant. Is she?

Tia Marina just looked at Javier like asking some question in his eyes. She was too busy with her own thought to read what it was.

"Es nuestro, tia." He added that made the old woman gasped.

"Felicitaciones! Estoy tan feliz por los dos. I'm so happy for the both of you." The she left them.

"How did you know it's yours?" she asked after a while when she calm down. He just added it was theirs. The baby is theirs.

"Is it?" he asked back. "I'm not actually sure about it. Is it mine?"

She just stares at him for a while. So he's not sure. Demitry just assume. She thought he knew her very well and he knew that he won't do it with other guys. She pushed him went out of the toilet. She went back to their room and lay at the bed again. She's doesn't have any appetite now.

"Demi, you have to eat." She didn't know that he followed her again so he just put the cover into her head. "You have to eat and we'll go to the clinic to make sure, plus to know how far you've been expecting. Although it might be two weeks now, right?" she felt the bed moved that means he sat on it. "Stop crying, you might stress the baby." Then he felt his hand on her waist and tried to remove the cover in her head.

She just looked at him with grim but he just smiles at him and kissed her cheek and buried his face on her neck.

"Of course I know it's mine. I know you can't do that to any other guy because you're too shy for that kind of matter, except when it's me you're doing it with." She hit his hand in his stomach and he felt him laugh. "Are you going to eat now?" he said when he look at her again so she nodded.

He helped him stood up and gestured her in the room's veranda again, said they're going to eat there because the kids might find them strange. Javier went down and got them some food. So what now? Does Javier have a plan on taking responsibility now? And it's funny how she didn't thought of the date when she became fertile, when she decided to be with him again that night.

She was still in her thoughts when Javier came in with their food. She smiled when she saw vegetable salad on her plate. Recently, she loves eating vegetables and not so fan of meat and seafood.

"You know, you don't have to eat what I eat." She laughed as she watched Javier staring at his food. She knew she's not that fond of greens on his plate.

He shook his head. "No, I can eat this."

"You don't eat green vegetables." She pointed out. Even the broccoli before, he said he's sorry for the small trees so he won't eat it, later did she knew that she's not really that fond of eating greens.

"I can eat lettuce, with egg and cucumber." He pointed at every ingredient in his plate.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup." Then he forcedly ate a piece of cucumber. "See?" he said but he didn't chew that much and swallow it instantly.

She burst out laughing and shook her head in disbelief. "Okay, it's up to you."

"Are you like this when you're pregnant with Anthony?" He asked after a while playing with his food now.

"You mean the nausea and mood swings? Nope. I actually didn't feel any morning sickness before. I ate every food served for me."

"How about your cravings? What did you crave for him?"

"Mmmm, I don't think I have one too. Oh, wait… I did but it's not food."

"And what is it?"

"You." He knotted his forehead looking at her. "I hate looking at your picture. Ah, no, I hated you so much that I printed your picture and throw a dart on it. Or burn all the things that you gave me. By doing that, it made me relax and let go all of my frustrations. But, look at what happened, Anthony got everything from you."

"Is there a connection between the outcome of the baby with your actions or cravings? I don't think there's a scientific explanation for that."

"I know, I am a doctor too, Javier, but there I admit that there are things in life that science couldn't explain but it still happens. Miracles don't have scientific explanations but sometimes we believe in it, right? We all witness that a lot in the hospital. Plus, it won't kill us if we also believe."

"Okay, if you say so. How about your awkward feeling with Minji? Does that anything to do with your pregnancy too? Because I know you're not the type to ignore one just because you felt guilty or whatever on them."

"I think so, is it too much if I say that when I saw her yesterday, in close range, that I felt jealous of her?"

"You're jealous? Why?"

"She looked so pretty, like she doesn't have pores on her face. Her skin was like a baby. So, I kinda don't want to see her."

"That's it?" She nodded and it made him chuckle. "But don't you think that's unfair to her."

"I know but what can I do? It's what I felt right now." She felt irritated somehow.

"Hey relax, I didn't mean anything."

But she just felt more irritated like he's accusing her for being excessive in his actions. She stood up and just leaved him and went to the bathroom and lock.

"Demi, hey, open the door. I didn't mean anything with that."

She sat on the tub and just stared at the door. She's calming herself from her irritation because she might say something that she shouldn't have. She knew she's like that when she's mad or angry or even irritated.

"Demi, I'm sorry, okay? I just don't get it why... just open the door please."

"Give me some space, Javier." She just said in response.
