Chap 02

"Good morning, boss Kevin." A man in the dock saluted him when he got the rod to park his yacht.

"Good morning, by the way, do you know where I can see the woman who's been here since last night? Dustin said she's here?"

"Oh, that beautiful lady? She's at the ticket booth, boss. She's still waiting for a vacant ticket because they are all reserved for now. Do you know her boss?"

"Yeah, thanks."

He just went to the ticket booth and saw Frey sitting at the waiting area with her luggage's an it seems like she's sleeping on her bag. She looks so tired and all.

"Friday," the girl immediately woke up and turned to look who called her name with her eyes half closed then finally saw him.

"K-Kevin?" She said scratching her eyes.

"Yup, it's me. Come on, let's go. You look so tired." He took his baggages with the help of one more men from the dock. How would a woman get so many things in just a few days vacation? Is she eloping from home or something?

"I'm sorry if I bother you. Dustin said he's send someone to pick me up. I didn't know I have to reserved a ticket just to go in the island. I thought its come and go." He said as they went to the yacht.

"Just in this season because it's summer. We can't just let everyone go there because it might cause the island sink." He joked. "So we told them to have a ticket reservation. Why didn't you tell Dustin you're coming last night? You probably are sleeping in your room until now. You look exhausted." He turned to face Frey when he didn't feel him hopping in the yacht after him. Two men were already loading her luggages at yacht.

He saw him staring at the gap that he has to hop. "What are you still doing there? Come on."

Friday hesitantly move but didn't know where to hold. That when he realized what she's wearing. She seems to be in her office attire with her heels on.

"Here. Hold my hand." He decided to help him and offer his hand but because the yacht moved, she slightly slipped. Good thing he held her waist to help her balance. "Careful there."

"T-thanks." She said and sat at the edge. "I decided to fisnished all my work yesterday for me to have a longer vacation in the island, so after my work, I came here, but I was not informed about the reserved ticket." He just watched her remove her shoes in her feet and its getting red.

Friday is not that small so he didn't know why she still have to wear heels… well, he don't know woman anyway. He just nodded and started the engine.

"Hold on tight." He warned as he started moving.

They were actually using that for, racing so it's fast. But, Frey seems to be fine with the speed because she can still appreciate the sea on their way. She also didn't mind when her pony tail loosed because of the wind that blows in her face. Her makeup was slightly smudged in her face, but she's still beautiful.

She helped him get up and stand in the dock when they get there and helped her with her luggage's at the back of her Solar Energy Powered Cart or SEP Cart - The only transportation that can be seen in the island, except for their 3 cars. His car was not there at the dock, so, maybe his brothers used it again or maybe their fiancée does.

"Are you running from home? Did you bring your whole closet?" He can't help but asked while looking at all the luggages.

"Did Dustin not mention that he will let me stay here and act as the president in FerArD while he's on their honeymoon?"

"Nope. But, really?"

"Yeah. He requested his uncle to pull me out of FerCon first and look after FerArD. He said he can't just let his assistant do all the work alone, so he wanted me to help. I'll actually start tomorrow."

He nodded when they started driving. "Are you gonna stay in the hotel?"

"Dustin told me; the hotel rooms are fully booked and so does the cabins, but he told me that I can stay at the secret cabin. Is there a secret cabin here?"

"What?" Secret cabin was their playground - at least some of them, especially him. They bring their woman in there, for a night, but not all the time, though.

He had a fare share of woman. He's just a guy. Some of them were just flings and some of them were just for one night. Maybe his relationship just ended, a month, at most. Girls are the one who broke up with him because they said, he can't give them time. All of them wanted him to give then his full attention, which he cannot do because he had a business to run.

The secret cabin is not a clean place to stay, logically speaking. But Kevin knew Dustin had no choice. Unless one of them will invite her in their houses, which is not ideal as well.

"You can use the room from the left." She pointed the only untouched room in there.

There are three rooms in that cabin but the two were already tarnished with 'worldly things'. It's a room where they can just press something and everything will move by itself. Easy to access when they are busy filling up their libidos. But she doesn't have to know about that.

He helped her put her baggages into her room and bid his goodbye. He just let someone get the SEP Cart and put it back to the dock. He can just walk back to the Brandon's because they have short way going there. Only five of them knew about that way.

The day after tomorrow was the double wedding of his brothers. And they will marry the first cousins Demitry and Selena. Their sister confirmed of coming and Oscar and Rafael were there to pick them from the airport. Kevin knew them all planned about what hour and flight to take for them to meet at the airport. The Marias was just in the same province so they can just come anytime.

They all have a family dinner at the restaurant in the resort, the same floor where his brother Javier abruptly proposed to Demi. For the first time after 5 years, they were all gathered in one place, the Redwood siblings: from eldest to youngest, namely, Cassandra, Dustin, Javier, Kevin, Minji, Natzy, Oscar, Pierina, Rafael, and the five Marias - Sachiko, Tomiko, Toshiko, Yumiko, and Yuriko.

Of course they are with Demi and Selena as well, plus Ysa too, the girlfriend of Oscar. Everyone was loud and happy. Of course girls can't stop chatting again. They all love talking to Anthony, Javier and Demi's first born. Who wouldn't adore that split image of his father? The girls even ask who's prettier among them. And just like his father, he just answered, they all are. What a charmer young man.
